BD-94-3/4 - Literature and Literary Studies


Lexikon der Weltliteratur [Dictionary of World Literature] / ed. by Gero von Wilpert (incl. contributions by many other scholars) . - 3rd, new ed. - Stuttgart : Kroener.
Vol. 2. Hauptwerke der Weltliteratur in Charakteristiken und Kurzinterpretationen. - 1993. - XVIII, 1569 p. - ISBN 3-520-80803-X : DM 150.00

The third edition of Volume 1 of the Lexikon was published back in 1988 under the title Biographisch-Bibliographisches Handwörterbuch nach Autoren und anonymen Werken. This second volume lists about 4,800 works of world literature by some 1700 authors in brief interpretations and descriptions. Some 600 new articles have been added, while lesser titles have been deleted. Problematic is the listing by translated (German) title, without an index of original titles. A comparison with selected entries in Kindlers neues Literaturlexikon shows that the latter gives more relevant information. While vol. 1 of Wilpert's Lexikon is a valuable reference work, no such importance can be attributed to vol. 2. [sh/hsb]


Deutsches Literaturlexikon : biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch [Dictionary of German Literature: Biographical- bibliographical Handbook] / founded by Wilhelm Kosch; ed. by Heinz Rupp (Middle Ages) and Carl Ludwig Lang (Renaissance to the present). - 3rd, revised ed. - Bern : Saur. - ISBN 3-907820-00-2
Ergänzungsband [Supplementary volume] 1. A - Bernfeld. - ISBN 3-907820-16-9 : DM 348

The fully revised third edition of "Kosch" started publication in 1966 is, with S-Z still to be done, not yet complete. The letters A-F are to be complemented with three volumes (of which this is the first) listing additional authors and anonymous works. The strength of the supplementary volumes is in anonymous works of the Middle Ages and articles about early authors. For the 19th and 20th centuries the selection criteria are somewhat random. Trivial authors are listed as prominently (if not more so) as important ones. Political figures and scientists are also included. While Kosch remains the most detailed German literary encyclopedia, indispensable because of the number of entries, the care taken in providing information falls way short of Walther Killy's Literaturlexikon (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, 1988-1992). [hak/hsb]


Metzler-Autoren-Lexikon [Metzler Dictionary of Authors]: deutschsprachige Dichter und Schriftsteller vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart / ed. by Bernd Lutz. - 2nd revised ed. - Stuttgart : Metzler, 1994. - 905 p. - ISBN 3-476-00912-2 : DM 78

The first edition (1986) listed signed articles for some 339 German authors from all periods. The new edition has been augmented to 440 authors, mostly contemporary and living. None of the earlier authors were cut. Biographical emphasis varies among articles. Generally, the new edition has lengthier bibliographies and improved illustrations. This is a useful reference tool for a broad audience, including students. [sh/hsb]


Lexikon nationalsozialistischer Dichter [Dictionary of National Socialist Writers] : Biographien, Analysen, Bibliographien / Jurgen Hillesheim, Elisabeth Michael. - Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 1993. - 490 p. - ISBN 3-88479-511-2 : DM 78

Each of the approximately 50 entries consists of a biography of 2-3 pages, usually including a photo, an analysis of the most representative works and a bibliography. Included are antisemitic agitators of the turn of the century and the Weimar Republic, as well as actual "Party" authors, whose careers were almost fully dependent on National Socialism. Somewhat problematic are abbreviations in titles and bibliographic citations, i.e., publishers and page numbers are often lacking. However, the excellence of the biographical and analytical articles make this title useful as an introduction to the field. [hak/hsb]


Deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen in der Schweiz 1700-1945 [German Swiss Women Writers] : eine Bibliographie / Doris Stump ; Maya Widmer ; Regula Wyss. Unter Mitarb. von Sabine Kubli. - Zürich : Limmat-Verlag, 1994. - 268 p. ; 25 cm. - ISBN 3-85791-214-6 : SFr. 48.00

This bibliographical directory, covering 923 authors and 4500 publications of all kinds, is the first of its kind, concentrating solely on women authors of German-speaking Switzerland. An attempt (only partially successful) has been made to identify emigrees in Switzerland, e.g. Ricarda Huch, as well as those writing under pseudonyms and other adopted names. Within its narrow scope, the work is superior to Elke Frederiksen's Women Writers of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Greenwood, 1989), but most users would have welcomed more biographical information, such as can be found in the Lexikon deutschsprachiger Schriftstellerinnen: 1800-1945 (dtv, 1986). [jb/jg]


Quellenlexikon zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte : Personal- und Einzelwerkbibliographien der internationalen Sekundärliteratur 1945 - 1990 zur deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart = Bibliography of studies on German literary history / Heiner Schmidt. Bibliographic collab. by Gunter Albrecht . - 3rd revised, significantly expanded and updated ed. - Duisburg : Verlag für Pädagogische Dokumentation. - 25 cm. - Formerly titled: Quellenlexikon der Interpretationen und Textanalysen.
Vol. 1. A - Bau. - 1994. - 512 pp. - ISBN 3-930551-01-2 : DM 198.00

When completed, this work will record scholarship on all writers in German from the origins to the present published between 1945 and 1990: bibliographies, encyclopedia articles, chapters in literary histories, journal articles, etc. Despite some justified criticism of the importance (= space) given to certain writers (30 pages for theologian Karl Barth?), this first volume and indeed the entire project is a remarkable accomplishment, especially when one considers the complete lack of institutional support it receives. It is emphatically recommended as a "first stop" resource for students writing papers or instructors preparing classes. [hak/jg]


Bibliographie zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte des Barockzeitalters [Bibliography of German Literary History of the Baroque Period] / Ed. by I. Pyritz. - München : Saur. - 24 cm. - Originally published in installments by Francke-Verlag, Bern.
Gesamtregister [Comprehensive Index]. Ed. by Reiner Bolhoff. - 1994. - 220 p. - ISBN 3-907820-63-0 : DM 248.00.

The publication in 1994 of the comprehensive index to Pyritz's bibliography of the literature of the Baroque period completes this fourteen year project. Like the bibliography as a whole, the index suffers from the lengthy time period separating its beginning and completion. The three indexes that comprise the comprehensive index use boldface type and reference numbers to pinpoint the relevant articles in the appropriate volumes of the bibliography. The subject index is simply a keyword index, made somewhat confusing by the fact that adjective-noun collocations, following Prussian convention, are listed under the noun; the author, publisher, translator, and illustrator index includes mythical, biblical, literary, and fictional characters; finally, the place names index, or more accurately geographical index, contains actual as well as fictional locations and adjectival and linguistic forms derived therefrom. [sh/jb]


Literaturlenkung im "Dritten Reich" [Control of Literature in the Third Reich] : Eine Bibliographie / Norbert Hopster; Petra Josting; Joachim Neuhaus. -- Hildesheim : Olms. - 24 cm.
Vol. 1 (1993). - XVIII, 500 p. - ISBN 3-487-09686-2 : DM 138.00

Vol 2. Eine annotierte Bibliographie von Bibliographien - 1994. - 316 p. - ISBN 3-487-09878-4 : DM 138.00

The first volume of this two-volume work on National Socialist efforts to steer the production and reception of literature is divided into two parts. The first deals with source materials, the second is devoted to periodical literature on this topic. The special section on literary history, consisting of articles devoted to individual authors, fails, however, to deliver a critical analysis of the methods used by the Nazis to achieve their goals. Moreover, the lack of attention to detail and the omission of important references mar this volume, and its organizational and structural faults lead to confusion and redundancy. Despite these shortcomings, the archive and library research behind this volume has uncovered an abundance of official proclamations, party- sanctioned agencies, organizations, and cadres involved in the effort to influence literary production and consumption during the Nazi period.

Structured as an annotated bibliography of bibliographies, volume 2 avoids many of the pitfalls that plague its companion volume. Each of the 11 sections (A - H with three additional subsections AA, DD, GG) is devoted to a specific topic or type of bibliographic material, i.e., section A covers general bibliographies, C presents bibliographies on individuals and agencies of the book trade, while G includes pre-1945 exhibit lists and catalogs. Although there are omissions and oversights in these sections, parts B through H, excluding DD and GG, promise to provide extensive important materials for future research on National Socialist efforts to direct the production and consumption of literature. Access to the materials contained in this work is facilitated by a number of indexes (subject, title, series, etc.); only a place names index is missing. [hak/jb]


Deutschsprachige Exilliteratur seit 1933 [German-language Exile Literature since 1933]. - München : Saur. - 24 cm. - Vol. 1 under the title: Deutsche Exilliteratur seit 1933. -ISBN 3-907820-43-6 ;
Vol. 4. Bibliographien : Schriftsteller, Publizisten und Literaturwissenschaftler in den USA [Bibliographies: Writers, Journalists, and Literary Critics in the USA] / ed. by John M. Spalek. - 1994. - Parts 1-3. - ISBN 3-907820-47-9 : DM 620.00

Begun in 1976, this series on German exile literature since 1933 suffers from a number of problems: the change in title beginning with volume 2; the misleading title ("German language" less accurate than simply "German"); inconsistent organization from one volume to next; and the lack of an explanation in the preface of why J. P. Strelka's departure from the editorial board "led to a change in the original conception of the series."

Containing 225 personal bibliographies of German writers of fiction and non-fiction, literary scholars, and persons in the world of publishing in exile in the eastern United States, the 3-part volume 4 is a companion to volume 1, part 2 dealing with the same groups in exile in California. Except for the Guenther Anders and E. M. Remarque bibliographies, little systematic or extensive updating of entries in the previous volume has been undertaken, although the preface suggests that 150 are new, and no explanation of the selection criteria for inclusion is given. In general the personal bibliographies, divided into primary and secondary literature, are based on the evaluation of existing catalogs and bibliographies. No details about the sources are provided, and the information about the titles included is not always complete, i.e., the series title or the number of pages in the cited work is often missing. Still, the section on reviews and critiques that were published in American newspapers and magazines is especially helpful.

Despite its faults, this series brings together bibliographic information on a broad range of exile writers, translators, literary historians, philosophers, as well as persons in the book trade. Because of the diversity of its coverage, this work represents a valuable resource to researchers not only in German studies, but to those in other fields as well. Access to the valuable information in this collection of bibliographies would be improved by an up-to-date index to the bio- and bibliographic material it surveys. [sh/jb]


Bibliographie : der deutsche Roman 1815-1830 [Bibliography: The German Novel 1815-1830] : Standortnachweise, Rezensionen, Forschungsüberblick / Norbert Otto Eke; Dagmar Olasz-Eke. - München : Fink, 1994. - 454 p. ; 24 cm. - (Corvey-Studien zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts ; 3) - ISBN 3-7705-2877-8 : DM 148.00

This publication is a convenient source for bibliographic data on 1,582 German novels published between 1815 and 1830. Location, i.e., holding library, and critical reviews are provided for the majority of the titles. An introductory survey of research, an appendix dealing with genre designations, and an index round out the information contained in this third volume of the Corvey series, of which volumes 1, 2, and 4 have already been published. Only titles meeting the following criteria were included in this bibliography: 1) first publication in German (no reprints or translations); 2) self-contained, i.e., published in book form, not serialized in a magazine, almanac, etc.; 3) at least 160 pages in length. This programmatic definition results in the exclusion of the short novels typical of this period and fails to acknowledge the frequency with which novels were published first or only in periodical format. Aside from the restrictive definition of novel, the present bibliography fails to list location or number of pages for many of the included titles, even though this information could often have been ferreted out had the available resources been more meticulously used. [gb/jb]


Der Kolportageroman [Dime-Novels] : Bibliographie 1850 bis 1960 / Gunter Kosch ; Manfred Nagl. With insert: Der Kolportagehandel : praktische Winke / by Friedrich Streissler, 1887. - Stuttgart : Metzler, 1993. - X, 333, (54 p.), 71 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (Repertorien zur Deutschen Literaturgeschichte ; 17). - ISBN 3-476-00940-8 : DM 298.00

This bibliography of 1,550 dime-novels is based largely on first- hand examination of the titles listed in the work. In addition, a detailed introduction positions this genre of novel within the context of entertainment literature for the masses sold door-to- door during the second half of the 18th and first half of the 19th century. Richly illustrated and with many sample passages, this work looks at virtually every facet of the topic (publishers, distribution systems, laws regulating this type of literature, etc.) and includes additional selected bibliographies of journals dealing with the penny-dreadful trade and with mass entertainment magazines. Access to the information is somewhat hampered by the fact that the entries are arranged by title, and the principles governing the arrangement are never explained. However, an author index and a subject index to the content of the novels provide additional access points. This bibliography is destined to become the standard work on this topic if its high price does not deter libraries from purchasing it. [gb/jb]


Literaturlexikon : Autoren und Werke deutscher Sprache [Dictionary of Literature: Authors and Works in German] / Ed. by Walther Killy. - Gutersloh : Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag. - 25 cm. - - DM 2200.00
Begriffe, Realien, Methoden [Concepts, Objects, Methods] / ed. by Volker Meid

Vol. 13. - 1992. - 511 p. - ISBN 3-570-04713-X : DM 168.00

Vol. 14. - 1993. - 507 p. - ISBN 3-570-04714-8 : DM 168.00

Vol. 15. (Index) - 1993. - 511 p. - ISBN 3-570-04715-6 : DM 168.00

The publication of volumes 13 and 14, together with the index (volume 15) completes the encyclopedia of literature in German and by German authors edited by Walther Killy. Volumes 13 and 14 contain some 300 excellent and thorough articles that easily serve as introductory essays or surveys of the various topics addressed in the encyclopedia. These topics range the full gamut of literary history and beyond, thus making these volumes of use not only to scholars of German studies, but to those in other disciplines as well.

Volume 15 provides author and subject indexes, in which overarching concepts are further divided into keywords. The search terms permitted by the indexes reveal a methodological approach to the study of literature focusing on recurring themes and motives and emphasizing local and regional literary history. With its origins in the 1950s, and now going into its third edition, this encyclopedia represents a summary portrait of German studies at the close of the twentieth century. [hak/jb]


Einführung in die Bücherkunde zur deutschen Literaturwissenschaft [Introduction to the Bibliography of German Literature] / Paul Raabe. - 11th, completely rev. ed. - Stuttgart [etc.] : Metzler, 1994. - VIII, 148 p. ; 19 cm. - (Sammlung Metzler ; 1). - ISBN 3-476-11001-X : DM 19.80

This successful little book is a selective bibliography of reference works (462 entries) for students and beginners in the study of Gerrman literary history. Its basic structure remains the same as in the previous edition (pt. 1: commentaries of titles that are listed in the bibliographic part (pt. 3); pt. 2: commentaries on titles listed in tables of the appendix that indicate which works are appropriate to particular questions or time periods). [sh/mjc]


Bibliographie Ferdinand Freiligrath : 1829-1990 / Ernst Fleischhack.- Bielefeld : Aisthesis-Verlag, 1993. - 557 p. ; 21 cm. - (Bibliographien zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte ; 2). - ISBN 3-925670-54-8 : DM 198.00


Freiligraths Gedichte in Lied und Ton [Freiligrath's Poems in Song and Sound] : Überblick und bibliographische Sammlung / Ernst Fleischhack. - Bielefeld : Aisthesis-Verlag, 1990. - 163 p. ; 21 cm. - Simultaneously published as: Lippische Landesbibliothek , Nachrichten ; 18. - ISBN 3-925670-33-5 : DM 58.00

Both of these works set a standard in the area of personal bibliography. Citations are complete but free of redundance. In view of the considerable appeal of Freilgrath's poetry to composers, Freilgraths Gedichte in Lied und Ton, the bibliography of poetry set to music, is especially useful. It includes both his own and translated poetry. [h-ak/mjc]


Internationale Hölderlin-Bibliographie : (IHB) ; auf der Grundlage der Neuerwerbungen des Hölderlin-Archivs der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek ; Quellen und Sekundärliteratur, Rezeption und Rezensionen / published by the Hölderlin-Archiv. Prepared by Werner Paul Sohnle und Marianne Schutz. - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog. - 25 cm. - Appears each time in 2 vols.: 1. Erschliessungsband and 2. Materialband. - ISSN 0178-2142
1989/90 (1992), v. 1 - 2. - ISBN 3-7728-1454-9 (v. 1) - 3-7728-1455-7 (v. 2) : DM 614.00

1991/92 (1994), v. 1 -2. - ISBN 3-7728-1594-4 (v. 1) - 3-7728-1595-2 (v. 2) : DM 644.00

These volumes are a continuation of the Internationale Hölderlin-Bibliographie a model of contemporary German personal bibliography. They follow the established pattern of separating bibliographical references and indexes into two volumes. The indexes are extensive. This bibliography consists of the catalog of the Stuttgart Holderlin-Archiv, which means that in comparison to the broader Weimarer Internationalen Bibliographie zur deutschen Klassik it contains only about 75% of the actual literature. There is extensive documentation of material concerning Hölderlin's contemporaries, his broader influence, and the areas of theater productions, films, art and illustration, settings to music, etc. Descriptions are thorough and reliable. A considerable source of information on Hölderlin's life, work, and influence. [ss/mjc]


Ricarda Huch : 1864-1947 ; eine Ausstellung des Deutschen Literaturarchivs im Schiller-Nationalmuseum Marbach am Neckar ; 7. Mai-31. Oktober 1994, Schiller-Nationalmujseum Marbach / [Ricarda Huch Exhibition and Catalog: Jutta Bendt und Karin Schmidgall. With the assistance of. Ursula Weigl]. - Marbach am Neckar : Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1994. - 463 p. : numerous ill. ; 21 cm. - (Marbacher Kataloge ; 47). - ISBN 3-929146-13-4 : DM 30.00

This catalog accompanying the exhibition of the Deutsche Literaturarchiv in Marbach is valuable for its biographical content, as no modern biography of Huch has yet been published. It provides a comprehensive picture of Huch in the context of her literary life and times. [hak/mjc]


Thomas-Mann-Bibliographien zur Primärliteraur / Georg Potempa. - Morsum/Sylt : Cicero-Presse, 1992. - XVII, 907 p. ; 30 cm. - ISBN 3-89120-007-2 : DM 440.00


Thomas Mann : Konkordanzen der Bibliographien zur Primärliteratur [Concordances to the Bibliographies of the Primary Literature of Thomas Mann]/ Georg Potempa. - Morsum/Sylt : Cicero-Presse, 1993. - 46 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 3-89120-008-0 : DM 18.00

The Thomas-Mann-Bibliographie is an indispensable basic work for researchers, antiquarians, collectors, and admirers of Mann's work. It contains considerably more entries than Hans Burgin's Das Werk Thomas Manns. Citations are exact but free of redundance, indexes are plentiful, and excellent typography makes it easily readable. The product of exacting bibliographic research, the annotations provide information on manuscript and early stages of many of Mann's writings, as well as printing history, forming the basis for textual criticism of his work. Only the largest collections of correspondence are included; excluded are publications of individual letters and irrelevant reprints.

Thomas Mann: Konkordanzen, separately issued, refers to Burgin's primary bibliography and Erich Neumann's addition to it, Potempa's bibliography of Thomas Mann's political publications, and indexes to Mann's letters. Translations into other languages are not included. The author is working on a separate bibliography of translations, which, when completed, will represent with Potempa's other volumes a bibliography of unmatched thoroughness and quality for any German author of the twentieth century. [hak/mjc]


Katalog der Thomas-Mann_Sammlung [Catalogue of the Thomas Mann Collection] / Universitätsbibliothek Dusseldorf. Ed. Gunter Gattermann with Elisabeth Niggemann. - Bern : Francke, 1991. - 9 vols. - 31 cm. - (Schriften der Universitatsbibliothek Dusseldorf; 10). - ISBN 3-317-01770-8 (Francke) - ISBN 3-598-22270-X (Saur) : DM 1,800.00
Vols. 1 - 6: Alphabetical Catalog. - 2650 p.

Vols. 7 - 8: Subject Catalog by Topic. - 851 p.

Vol. 9: Subject Catalog by Individual Work. - 476 p.

In 1969, Hans-Otto Mayer gave his extraordinary Thomas Mann collection to the University of Dusseldorf. Between 1981 and 1984, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft funded a cataloging project which recorded 7,259 items. Yet from a bibliographical perspective, this resulting 9-volume catalog is an absolute monstrosity and of very dubious value. Not only is it a simple reproduction of often redundant and hard-to-read catalog cards, ten to a page, it also omits all references to existing bibliographies (Burgin, Jonas). Most critically, the very reason why this collection is on a par with, say, the Mann archive of the Technical University in Zurich, namely its collection of 20,000 clippings and other documents, has been arbitrarily excluded--a veritable scandal. And a final question: Why wasn't this catalog produced in a less voluminous and anachronistic format, e.g. microfiche or CD-ROM? [hak/jg]


Bibliographie Heiner Müller : 1948-1992 / Ingo Schmidt, Florian Vassen, with Uwe Sanger ... - Bielefeld : Aisthesis-Verlag, 1993. - 409 p. ; 21 cm. - (Bibliographien zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte; 3). - ISBN 3-925670-48-3 : DM 58.00

This mixtum compositum combines a primary and secondary Müller- bibliography (including unpublished interviews and radio and TV appearances) with "comments"--actually complete reviews--on books about Müller, also a critical essay ("H. M.: a classic writer against forgetfulness"). Despite serious formal shortcomings--names of publishers of works are consistently left out, for example, and an index has not been included--there is currently no acceptable alternative to this new bibliographic work. [hak/jg]


Bibliographie Arno Schmidt / Karl-Heinz Muther. - Bielefeld : Aisthesis-Verlag, 1992. - 26 cm. - (Bibliographien zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte; 1) - 1004 p. - ISBN 3-925670-49-1 : DM 98.00
1st Supplement - 1992. - 169 p. - ISBN 3-925670-87-4 : DM 36.00

This bibliographic compendium, clearly intended for Arno Schmidt aficionados and probably difficult to use for others, brings together an imposing mass of material by and about this esoteric author: access to collected works editions (Bargfeld, Zurich, others), individual editions, translations, audio/video works, plays, readings, Schmidt's own translations, secondary literature, biographical material, etc., plus an index. Once one has become accustomed to the unaesthetic computer typeface and computer-generated structuring of the work, it is possible to gain much benefit from it. [hak/jg]


Heute muß es Kaviar sein : Johannes Mario Simmel zum 70. Geburtstag [Simmel bibliography] / Antiquariat Knut Ahnert Berlin. - Berlin : Ahnert, [1994]. - 32 p. ; 23 cm. - DM 16.80. - (Antiquariat Knut Ahnert, Sybelstr. 58, 10629 Berlin)

Simmel, regularly dismissed by critics with a mixture of disgust and amazement as a "bestseller machine" despite his decidedly enlighted social agenda, has finally received some serious bibliographic attention in this diminutive but very useful catalog of works published between 1947 and 1994. Only German-language works of book format are included, but the entire publishing history of each has been reconstructed. Also included: the text of Simmel's speech upon receiving the "Award of Excellence" of the UN writers organization's in 1991. [hak/jg]


Theodor-Storm-Bibliographie 1967-1991: mit beigefügtem Verzeichnis von Lehrerhandreichungen und Unterrichtshilfen zu T. Storm für den Deutschunterricht / Alfred Sobel, Bernadette Benedikt, eds. - 1st ed. - Wiesbaden ; Berlin : Sobel, 1993. - 135 p.; 21 cm. - (Berliner bibliographische Bücher; 2) - ISBN 3-9802928-1-9 : DM 58.00. - (A. Sobel, Postfach 450415, 12174 Berlin)

Sobel continues the primary/secondary bibliographic treatment of Storm's life and work begun by Hans-Erich Teitge (Theodor-Storm-Bibliographie; Berlin, 1967). Dissertations even of foreign provenance are included, but foreign translations of Storm's works have been omitted, limiting somewhat the volume's scholarly usefulness of the volume. Inclusion of published interpretation aids for German schools is very welcome and reflects the compiler's intention to provide support for literature instruction. Despite minor objections, this work represents an important step forward for Storm scholars. [hak/jg]


Hauptwerke der deutschen Literatur : Einzeldarstellungen und Interpretationen [Major Works of German Literature] / selected and compiled by Rudolf Radler. - München : Kindler. - 2 vols. - Excerpted from: Kindlers neues Literaturlexikon
Vol. 1: Von den Anfängen bis zur Romantik. - 1994. - 563 p. - ISBN 3-463-40261-0 : DM 39.80

Vol. 2: Vom Vormärz bis zur Gegenwartsliteratur. - 772 p. - ISBN 3-463-4062-9 : DM 39.80

These volumes on German literature are the first of a series on national literatures planned as excerpts from the complete Kindlers neues Literaturlexikon which was published only two years ago. The only new thing about it is the organization of authors into chapters covering the traditional periods of German literature, but within the chapters the organization is again alphabetical. There is an index of authors with their works, but no title index like the one included in the KNLL. This selection will suffice for only the smallest libraries, which can't afford to purchase the whole KNLL and can't wait for a cheaper paperback edition to appear. [sh/vh]


Nordisk litteraturvidenskab [Nordic Literary Scholarship] : handbog til informationssongning / Erland Munch-Petersen. - Esbo : NORDINFO, 1993. - 212 p. ; 25 cm. - (Nordinfo-publikation ; 25). - ISBN 951-47-7830-8 : FMk. 169 (Nordinfo, c/o Tekniska Hogskolans Bibliotek, Otnasvagen 9, 02150 Esbo, Finland)

This handbook is not limited to literature in a narrow sense; it also covers general reference works and works on related disciplines essential for students of literature. The chapters are divided into sections for Scandinavia as a whole and each of the five Scandinavian countries. Their titles give some idea of the breadth of coverage: "Cultural periodicals...literary history... literary criticism, history of the language, biographical sources...national bibliographies...guides to reference works and bibliographic theory." All 291 titles are annotated. There are three essays on research methods, and indexes of authors, publishers and titles are included. An excellent guide, both for students of Scandinavian studies and for libraries which need to complete their holdings in this area. [sh/vh]


Russische Autoren in Einzelporträts [Russian Authors in Individual Portraits] / Wolfgang Kasack. - Stuttgart : Reclam, 1994. - 438 p. ; 16 cm. : ill. - (Universal-Bibliothek ; 9322). - ISBN 3-15-009322-8 (paper) : DM 18

Kasack, well known for his Lexikon der russischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, (München: Sagner, 1992), which is one of the most important reference works on Russian literature, has now produced a very selective biographical dictionary of Russian authors from the 18th century to the present. This work is based on his 1986 publication, Die Klassiker der russischen Literatur. The number of authors included has been increased from 54 to 67; the text seems to be little changed, but the bibliographies have been updated. Each article contains a chronology of life and works, a photograph, an essay on the author, and a basic bibliography of works, translations and secondary literature. A useful biographical dictionary for a broad public. [sh/vh]


Scripta latina usque ad aetatem Karoli Magni imp. [Latin Writings to the Age of Charlemagne] / edited by Hadrianus La Regina. - Rome : Edizioni Quasar. - 25 cm. - (Bibliotheca ad Apollinis)
Index editionum quae ad usum historicorum maxime adsunt / collegerunt et recensuerunt Maria Paula Guidobaldi ; Fabricius Pesando. - 1993. - XV, 662 p. - ISBN 88-7097-023-X : Lit. 190,000


Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters : aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete [Repertorium of Texts of the Middle Ages in Modern Critical Editions: From the Fields of Philosophy and Related Areas] / ed. by Rolf Schonberger and Brigitte Kilbe. - Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1994. - XII, 888 p. ; 25 cm. - ISBN 3-002258-2 : DM 198

These two bibliographies complement each other in an ideal manner. The first bibliography is part of a two-volume work; the second part, which is announced in the Latin preface, will catalog editions of Greek texts. This volume covers Latin texts from the beginning to Charlemagne. The subtitle points to the selective character of the work, but the preface does not indicate the criteria on which the selection was based; it does promise that the printed bibliography is a preliminary step to a more complete one in electronic form. There has apparently been little effort to identify editions which are hidden--in journals, for example. But despite this concentration on more easily accessible sources like series of editions and Corpus sets, this bibliography does offer citations to the sources of the more important editions of Latin texts before 800.

The preface to the Reportorium is unusually precise about the subject matter and selection criteria. The bibliography includes 8,998 editions of medieval philosophy texts in the broader sense of the term; only clearly literary or scientific texts as well as already accessible patristic texts have been excluded. The bibliography also intends to include "all edited texts of an author, if one of his texts is covered by the ...cited criteria." The bibliography is structured alphabetically by the authors of the edited texts. Each entry includes author, title, name of the editor and source. There is an author index which includes deviant name forms, an index of editors and a title index with references to appropriate commentaries. [sh/vh]


Neuindische Literatur [Modern Indian Literature] : Katalog einer Sammlung aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts / Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen. Edited by Kabita Rump and George Baumann. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1993. - 416 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 3-447-03371-1 : DM 184

This catalogue describes a collection of books which the University of Hawaii originally acquired, but could not maintain. Dr. Baumann, the head of the Asian Department at the University Library in Tübingen, was able to acquire the collection as a gift in 1985. The catalogue includes 7,087 titles of monographs from India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangla Desh. Urdu is most strongly represented with 1,998 titles; others are Hindi (1,227), Gujarati (872), Panjabi (755) and Oriya (720). A total of 32 languages or dialects are included. The contents are primarily belles lettres; there are some secondary works. Publication dates extend from 1962 to 1980. This is an attractive and useful catalogue documenting a collection that has enhanced Germany's Indian holdings. [gg/vh]

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