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Given the demand for multilingual technical dictionaries in the rapidly evolving areas of library and information science, these two works will surely find a market, notwithstanding the slipshod manner in which they have been prepared. Criticisms of the first edition of the Engl.- Germ./Germ.-Engl. volume levied by E. Lapp in a comprehensive 1990 review for the Mitteilungsblatt of the Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen have not only not been heeded, they apply a fortiori to this new "revised" edition, as well as to the French/German volume just released. These criticisms include the haphazard inclusion/omission of entries (in the English/German volume "AACR," "ASCII," and "RAK" are left out, but there are rubrics for other far less frequent acronyms, as well as for "Barfussbibliothekar" and even "Chiropraktikerschulbibliothek"), incorrect translations (e.g., "proof copy" is equated falsely with "Entwurf" instead of "Korrekturexemplar"), and a lack of grammatical support for problematic phrases. As for rubrification, it is, of course, thoroughly absurd that a phrase such as "as a loan" is found under "as," not loan.
Users will be better served by being directed to other existing reference works in this area, including Sauppe's excellent Dictionary of Librarianship (1988--a revised edition is in preparation), the New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields by Sawoniak/Witt (2d rev. ed. 1994), or, for computer terms, H. H. Schulze's Computer-Englisch (1991). [rni/jg]
This new handbook has been carefully conceived to dovetail with existing reference works which already cover music libraries and archives in Germany. One of these is the Musik-Almanach, updated every three years and co-published by Bärenreiter in Kassel and Bosse in Regensburg, which restricts its coverage to collections with more than "regional significance," giving even these minimal descriptions. (This is not intended as a criticism, since the almanac is intended as a survey of all music life in Germany.) The other relevant standard work is the comprehensive Directory of Music Research Libraries, Part 2, published in 1970 but now undergoing comprehensive revision. Since both the Handbuch and the revised Directory are projects of the International Association of Music Libraries-- the acronym in German is "IVMB"--redundancies of coverage are being avoided: Unlike the Directory, for example, the Handbuch "includes only music libraries with more recent holdings (especially from the 19th and 20th centuries)." Institutions within this scope have been exhaustively cataloged, regardless of size, with copious information on all aspects of the collections and services offered as well as numerous indexes. [rn/jg]
This work, unlike Lansky's more technical Bibliotheksrechtliche Vorschriften (3d ed. 1980), is intended for the vast majority of practicing librarians who lack legal training but are nonetheless confronted on a daily basis with issues of civil law, copyright law, fiscal accountability, etc. It is a combination short course into these often arcane issues as well as a select and carefully annotated collection of the relevant passages of the law itself. As such, and like the first edition of this work (1992), it meets an enormous need and will prove virtually indispensable for most libraries. Biannual updates are planned. [kkf/jg]
Since the system of legal deposit is fundamental for the efficient and comprehensive compilation of national bibliographies in the EC as elsewhere, these two works will be of great interest to everyone who must regularly rely on these basic reference works. The Synthesis not only summarizes what the law stipulates in the 13 EC, but also ranks these countries in the effectiveness of their respective systems on a number of different scales. (Germany gets generally good ratings, whereas Great Britain, the second-largest book producer in the EC, is given an "unsatisfactory"--and the status of legal deposit in Italy is regarded as almost disastrous.)
The author of the Italian work was one of the creators of the EC publication and has incorporated much of the material published there into his own work, but his survey also provides additional valuable material and analysis. Only Greece is omitted from coverage. [sh/jg]
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