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Subjects, vols. 1 - 8. -
ISBN 3-7618-1101-2 (Bärenreiter) - ISBN 3-476-41000-5
(Metzler) : DM 298.00 per vol. (subscription price until
Dec. 31, 1995)
1. A - Bog. - 1994. - XLIX p., 1644 columns - ISBN
3-7618-1102-0 (B¨arenreiter) - ISBN 3-476-4100-3
This new edition is a significant revision of the 1st edition, begun in 1949, in terms of content, presentation, and organization (the new, strict division into "subjects" and "persons"). It is less dictionary-like than the "New Grove," but strives in its articles to offer a more comprehensive perspective. Nevertheless, given a tendency of the new edition to favor theory at the expense of concreteness, the old edition remains useful. The 8 volume "subject" section will be complete by 1989, the 12 volume "persons" section by 2004. [rn/tk]
This edition of the German/English dictionary contains 9,000 entries more than the preceding 3rd edition, and now totals 20,000 entries. It is the best available German-English music dictionary, and has many more English-language entries than the polyglot Fremdwörterlexikon Musik and far better than the Music Translation Dictionary.
The Dictionnaire, with 16,000 entries, is rather differently structured, since the listings include definitions/translations not only for the word under which the translation is listed, but also for other terms that containing that word. [rn/tk]
Bd. 1. Theoretische Drucke
bis 1800. - Reprint of the 1928 ed., Verlag Breslauer,
Berlin. - 1993. - 299 p. - ISBN 3-89120-009-0 : DM 240.00
Bd. 2. Opern-Partituren. - Reprint of the 1930 ed.,
Verlag Breslauer, Berlin. - 1993. - 335 p. - ISBN
3-89120-010-2 : DM 240.00
Bd. 3. Instrumental- und Vokalmusik bis etwa 1830. -
Reprint of the Frankfurt ed., 1936. - 1993. - 362 p. ISBN
3-89120-011-0 : DM 240.00
In the 1930s and 40s the 15,000 volume Hirsch Library was the largest private music library in Europe. Today it is a part of the Dept. of Printed Books of the British Library. Not only is this catalog (a reprint of Hirsch's 1936 catalog) beautifully presented with respect to typography and layout, but it contains many illustrations of title pages, copper-plate engravings, and representative scores. Unfortunately no subject index exists for volume 3, and there is no cumulative name index. Hirsch's own classification and catalog numbers are included. This republication serves mainly as a memento of a great private library rather than as a useful working tool for musicologists. The entire Hirsch collection, including the supplementary listings published by the British Museum in 1951 and 1959, is now available in the Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Libraries to 1980 (1987). [rn/tk]
When one compares this work with others, such as Meyers Taschenlexikon Musik (1984) or the Sachwörterbuch der Musik (4th ed., 1984), the question arises as to why this it was published. The terms included are nothing more than a very subjective selection of terms from these two works. Concepts are not as thoroughly clarified. There is a tendency of the author to be superficial and subjective instead of factual. If this work offers anything unique in its field, it is not discernable. [rn/tk]
This is the sixth of the separately published composer studies from the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians to be translated into German and published by Metzler. The bibliography is updated and given more of a German focus. The printing of the illustrations is superior to that of the English edition. The strength of this work is in the biography. The compositions are treated superficially. The Richard-Wagner-Handbook (1986) is a more scholarly, although still readable work. As reference tools Gregor-Dellins Richard Wagner (1983) and the Richard- Wagner-Lexikon are also recommended. [rn/tk]
This book is intended as a tool in piano pedagogy, in contrast to the standard guide that is aimed at concert-goers. Wolters pronounces his own judgements about various compositions of great and lesser-known composers. Each composition is ranked according to its level of difficulty, and Wolters also ranks the various editions of pieces. Given the emphasis on German imprints, Wolters can be usefully supplemented by Maurice Hinson's Guide to the Pianist's Repertoire (2nd ed., 1987). [rn/tk]
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