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Die archivalischen Quellen: eine Einführung in ihre Benutzung [Archival Sources: An Introduction to Their Use]. Ed. Friedrich Beck and Eckart Henning. 2d ed. Weimar: Böhlau, 1994. 298 p. ill. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs, 29). DM 38.00
This book is intended for users of archives, but may also be useful to archivists and historians, and certainly to librarians. The first section has to do with sources--textual, cartographic, audiovisual, electronic, and microfilm. The second section deals with ancillary fields such as paleography, seals, heraldy, numismatics, etc. sciences. There are 78 black-and-white and 26 color illustrations, and a 28-page bibliography, not entirely current. The usefulness of this work is demonstrated by the fact that a second printing is already in preparation. [sh/mrh]
Handbuch der Bibliotheken Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz [Library Directory for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland]. München [et.al.]: Saur. 24 cm. Title of earlier editions: Handbuch der Bibliotheken Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz. ISSN 1430-354X
4th ed. (1996). x, 670 p. ISBN 3-598-11288-2: DM 178.00
There are ninety more libraries listed in this edition than in the last one of three years ago: 7795 altogether (Germany 6113, Austria 844, and Switzerland 838). This is essentially an address book, though in some cases these addresses are out of date. The volume is of limited use. Libraries that have the World Guide to Libraries do not need it. [sh/mrh]
Annuario delle biblioteche ecclesiastiche italiane [Italian Church Libraries Annual]. Associazione Bibliotecari Ecclesiastici Italiani. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 22 cm 1995. vii, 486 p. ISBN 88-7075-365-4: Lit. 45,000
The first edition of this annual, published in 1990, listed only 405 ecclesiastical libraries. This one has 1469. But many libraries still did not answer the questionnaire on which this work is based; in theory, there would be a total of 5850 institutions to be represented. (One notable omission: the Vatican Library.) Moreover, not all the libraries that are included answered all of the dozen or so questions they were asked, so the information given is uneven. The statistical overview, which gives the total number of manuscripts, published works, incunabula, etc., will be more useful when more libraries are represented. [sh/mrh]
I fondi speciali delle biblioteche lombarde: censimento descrittivo [Special Collections in the Libraries of Lombardy: A Descriptive Survey]. Ed. Istituto Lombardo per la Storia della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea. Introduction by Franco Della Peruta. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 24 cm. (Fonti e strumenti/Regione Lombardia, Settore Cultura e Informazione, Servizio Biblioteche e Beni Librari e Documentari, . . .)
Vol. 1. Milano e provincia (Milan and Province). 1995. xxvi, 464 p. (. . . , 27). ISBN 88-7075-424-3: Lit. 50,000
This work describes special collections in 107 libraries in Milan and fourteen other cities in Lombardy. These collections are of all kinds--visual material as well as books, formerly private collections, rare collections, etc. The descriptions for the most part tell the history, contents, and extent of the collections and list collection guides, whether published or made for in-house use. The indexes (arranged by name of collection and persons mentioned in the text) fail to reflect the subject areas covered by the collections--a keyword index would have been needed for that. [sh/mrh]
Chronik und Bibliographie [Chronology and Bibliography]. Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin: The Institute. 21 cm. (Institut . . . , Dorotheenstr. 26, 10099 Berlin)
1990-95. Ed. Gertrud Pannier and Iris Schwarz. 1995. 319 p. DM 15.00
This work, covering the years 1991-1995, continues the previous cumulations which were called Chronik und bibliographisches Verzeichnis. It includes a list of publications from and about the Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft (Library Science Institute) and the two library schools in Berlin that merged in 1994 to form it, namely those of the Free University in the west and Humboldt University in the east. Dissertations and theses written at the institute have been incorporated, as well as staff publications, including lectures, edited works, and translations. Unlike previous editions, this one includes publications by students. CD-ROM and Internet versions of a 1955-95 cumulation are planned. This bibliography from Berlin, taken together with comparable bibliographies from the library school in Cologne, will represent an important and substantial portion of library science literature in Germany. [sah/mrh]
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