BB -- Religion; Religion and Society


Zeitschriften-Inhaltsdienst Theologie: indices theologici; ZID [Theology Periodicals Abstracting Service]. Tübingen: Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Theologische Abteilung. (UB Tübingen, Theologische Abt., Postfach 2620, D-72016 Tübingen)

1997, no. 2. 1 CD-ROM + user's guide (4th ed.). DM 350.00 (2 issues per year)

At long last, an electronic resource for the indexing of theological articles of journals received by the library of the University of Tübingen has been produced on a CD-ROM. It continues the service of the paper Zeitschriften-Inhaltsdienst Theologie (ZID) published by the library for the past 20 years and represents a great improvement over the original ZID database on diskettes (reviewed in IFB 95-4-569; see also RREA 1:233/234). This first 1997 edition cites 55,000 articles from periodicals and 156 festschriften. In each subsequent year about 10,000 new articles will be indexed. A user guide in English and German accompanies the CD-ROM. The indexing terms include a subject listing based on Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog (RSWK), the German equivalent of LC Subject Headings. In addition to the useful subject searching features, a "current contents" function is also included. A web-based document delivery service at the University of Tübingen (accessible in English or in German) now supplies articles cited in the database by fax or digital image scan to requestors. The CD-ROM's value as a research tool is enhanced considerably by this document delivery feature. This CD-ROM product is strongly recommended as an unusually useful, very practical research tool. [ar/tk]


Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Literatur über das Christentum in Rußland (und Nachfolgestaaten der UdSSR) 1986-1993 [Bibliography of the German-Language Literature on Christianity in Russia (and the Newly Independent States) 1986-1993]. Alja Payer and Gottfried Glaßner. Melk: Verlag des Stiftes Melk, 1996. 255 p. 24 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, N. S., 65) ISBN 3-9500485-1-0: ÖS 395.00, DM 57.00 (plus postage and handling). (Internationales Forschungszentrum . . . , Institut für Religionswissenschaft und Theologie, Abt. für den Christlichen Osten, Mönchsberg 2A, A-5020 Salzburg)

Considering the flood of publications on Christianity in Russia in the wake of the 1988 celebrations commemorating the Christianization of Russia in 988, this bibliography is especially welcome. Its coverage (1986-1993) is more up-to-date than the earlier American publication Religion in the Soviet Union: A Bibliography, 1980-1989 by Boris Korsch (1992), though it is limited to works published in German (5,081 citations). It does not include book reviews. Through an effective use of cross- references and abbreviations, and by avoiding multiple listings of the same work, it is only 255 pages long, in comparison with the Korsch bibliography at 639 pages--with only 804 fewer citations. The evaluation of 201 periodicals and monographic series is especially helpful. The organization of the bibliography into major topics and subtopics is very logical and useful. In some cases the number of citations for representative books or articles for a given topic or subtopic is far too low in relation to the actual number that must have been written. For example, only one German university department is credited with producing a book to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of baptism in Russia. Its shortcomings notwithstanding, it is hoped that future editions will be published. [hro/tk]

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