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[Revolution in the Southwest: Historical Sites of the Democracy Movement of 1848/49 in Baden-Württemberg]. Publ. on behalf of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hauptamtlicher Archivare im Städtetag Baden-Württemberg. Karlsruhe: Info-Verlag, 1997. 782 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-88190-219-8: DM 39.80Revolution im Südwesten: Stätten der Demokratiebewegung 1848/49 in Baden-Württemberg
Published one year before the 150th anniversary of the 1848 Revolution, the object of this handbook was not to list the events and festivities of this jubilee, but rather to commemorate the revolutionary events in the German southwest themselves, whence the Revolution of March 1848 spread to all the German states. This task was appropriately taken up by the Working Group of Professional Archivists in the City Association of Baden-Württemberg.
Following an introduction (with the obligatory words of greeting) and a chronology, the main section contains articles by these archivists about their respective towns. Arranged alphabetically by place, each article includes: (1) a description of revolutionary events; (2) remnants, that is a list of structures connected to the Revolution, arranged in the order of a recommended tour. (In many towns, e.g. Heilbronn, scarcely a building bearing witness to the revolutionary period has survived the destruction of World War II and the steady decay of the postwar period.); (3) brief biographies of persons from the revolutionary movement. Virtually no references to sources or to biographical dictionaries are given. Thus, one can assume that many of the lesser-known revolutionaries are not found in the standard reference works, making this handbook a unique source of biographical information; (4) directions (by automobile or public transport) to the sites--this category is not particularly meaningful since even a town like Aalen is not so obscure as to warrant special directions; (5) a who-what-where directory, with addresses of museums and municipal archives and notes on city tours and planned events commemorating the 1848 revolution; finally (6) a literature index. The richly illustrated work concludes with a place and name index. The respective localities are noted on a map of Baden-Württemberg on the front and back end-papers.
The Badisches Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe has published a list of the commemorative events in Baden-Württemberg (planned as of July 10, 1997) under the title Revolutions-Almanach: Baden-Württemberg feiert die Revolution 1848/49: Veranstaltungen in den Jahren 1997-1999 (Lahr: Schauenburg, 1997). [sh/ga]
[Historical Places Lexicon for Brandenburg. Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs, 3)Historisches Ortslexikon für Brandenburg
Part 1. Prignitz. Ed. Lieselott Enders. [2d, rev. and substantially expanded ed.] 1997. xvii, 1123 p. ISBN 3-7400-1016-9: DM 128.00
The second edition of the "HOLB" was begun shortly before the ten-volume first edition, published between 1962 and 1992, was completed. Compared to the Deutsches Städtebuch (2nd ed.; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, begun in 1995--cf. RREO 96-1-115 and RREA 2:271), the HOLB indexes not just the present and historical cities of the region but "all the uniquely named villages and residences" ever to have existed in Brandenburg since the beginning of written records. Localities are arranged according to the district subdivision of the Province of Brandenburg in 1900; using the districts of 1952 or 1992/93 would have hampered the comparison of historical statistics. Part 1 (Prignitz) of HOLB contains articles arranged alphabetically by place, personal and place-name indexes, a special index of medieval ruins, and a general source and literature index. As in other volumes, the brief introduction describes the ten-point outline used for each entry: form (e.g. village, estate, forest-station) and structure of the settlement, size of the bounded area and type of settlement (Angerdorf, Straßendorf, et al.), first written mention, and legal and governmental jurisdiction. Data on the economic and social structure, church composition, monuments, and population development conclude each article. For specific bibliographic references the reader is merely referred to the Brandenburgische Bibliographie (cf. RREO 95-1-138) or the Mecklenburg-Vorpommersche Bibliographie (cf. RREO 94-3/4-566).
The compiler's intensive research makes this volume of HOLB a thoroughly solid reference work, rich in detail. This new volume for Prignitz will be an indispensable research guide to this sparsely forested, primarily agricultural region of northwest Brandenburg. In addition to the index of medieval ruins, further special indexes (e.g. for manors and estates) would be helpful for the study of certain subjects (e.g., history of manorial families, history of land reform, the agricultural production cooperatives). The personal-name index, with its plethora of names echoing of nobility, could have been better separated from the place-names index. The introduction should have included more than just formal references. The non-specialist looking for a general overview of Prignitz's historical landscape should first look at other geographical works, for example, Lieselott Enders's Geschichte der Prignitz im Mittelalter und frühen Neuzeit. [ab/ga]
[Handbook of Historical Sites]. Stuttgart: Kröner. 18 cm. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, . . . )Handbuch der historischen Stätten
. Ed. Volker Reinhardt. 1996. cxi, 798 p. ( . . ., 280). ISBN 3-520-28001-9: DM 58.00Schweiz und Liechtenstein
This series follows the same organizational scheme as the Handbuch der historischen Stätten Deutschlands that concluded in 1996 with volume 12 for Mecklenburg and Pomerania (see RREO 97-1/2-223; RREA 3:236). It covers Germany's neighbors and so far includes Denmark (1982), Austria (Volume 1: Danube States and Burgenland, 1985), and the present volume on Switzerland and Liechtenstein. A volume on Bohemia and Moravia is forthcoming.
The long introduction features signed articles on the history of each Swiss canton and the Principality of Liechtenstein, each with an historical outline from prehistory to the present and important bibliographic references. The main section features signed articles (some with maps) on cities, towns, historically significant "villages and hamlets . . ., important passes, and historical province, region, and district designations," concluding with bibliographic references. Those localities with articles are listed by canton in the index. Many place names on the maps printed on the inside covers and the end-papers are printed in such small type that they must be read with a magnifying-glass. It is therefore not surprising that they are neither indexed nor described. One would wish that a future revision would include a general map with visibly marked canton boundaries and their major towns, as well as more detailed maps showing all places, with their coordinates given in the articles about them. The glossary contains terms common to all volumes in the series as well as Swiss/Liechtenstein-specific terms, down to individual cantons. There is a time-line beginning in 350,000 BC and continuing to 1993. A personal name index concludes the volume. [sh/ga]
[Bibliographies on the History of East-Central Europe]. Ed. Norbert Kersken and Ralf Köhler. Marburg: Herder-Institut, 1997. vi, 115 p. 24 cm. (Tagungen zur Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 5) ISBN 3-87969-262-9: DM 24.00. (Herder-Institut e.V., Gisonenweg 5-7, D-35037 Marburg, fax [49 6421] 184-139.
These papers from a 1996 conference held in Marburg, Germany, deal with various bibliographic projects (printed and electronic) published by the Herder-Institute that concern East-Central Europe (e.g., Bibliographie der Geschichte von Ost- und Westpreußen). Even taken as a whole, they do not cover the entire field of East-Central European bibliography, though one gets pieces of an overview from the concluding paper. Major points: responsibility for the gathering of bibliographic data will be shared by the Herder Institute and the pertinent institutions in the countries concerned (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic); the database will be compiled in Marburg, using ALLEGRO-C; in future coverage of the Marburg databases will be restricted to historical topics; the bibliographies will be selective and academic in focus; format will be standardized; the language of the introductions, indexes, etc., will be that of the country of publication, but abstracts will be translated into German; there will be multiple indexes, including a subject index built from a multi-lingual thesaurus (German, Polish, Czech, Slovakian, and English); the printed bibliographies will be published annually in the Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, as well as in the series published by the cooperating institutions, if appropriate; cumulations shall be published, as well as a database that will be updated on an ongoing basis. Overall, the hope is to improve and rationalize bibliographic coverage of East-Central Europe. (See the review of Baltische Bibliographie, below). [sh/sl]
[Baltic Bibliography: The Literature on Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania]. Ed. Paul Kaegbein. Marburg: Herder-Institut. 24 cm. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropa, . . .) (Herder-Institut e.V., Gisonenweg 5-7, D-35037 Marburg)Baltische Bibliographie: Schrifttum über Estland, Lettland, Litauen
(1995). xv, 219 p. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 16) ISBN 3-87969-238-6: DM 32.00.1994
(1996). xvi, 296 p. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 19) ISBN 3-87969-247-5: DM 48.001995
(1997). xvii, 354 p. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, 21) ISBN 3-87969-258-0: DM 57.001996
As was true for the 1994 volume (see RREO 1996; RREA 2:255), the layout of these selective bibliography of primary and secondary sources in Baltic studies is still in need of improvement. (The total number of listings is much higher because of the unnecessary practice of numbering cross-references.) The 1996 volume has 2,449 listings for 2,150 citations. [sh/sl]
[Historical Bibliography of the Bohemian Lands and Slovakia]. Ed. Marlis Sewering-Wollanek. Publ. in collaboration with the Historische Kommission der Sudetenländer. Marburg: Herder-Institut. 24 cm. (Bibliographien zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, . . .). (Herder-Institut e.V., Gisonenweg 5-7, 35037 Marburg)Bibliographie zur Geschichte der böhmischen Länder und der Slowakei
1994 (1997). xxix, 136 p. (. . ., 20). ISBN 3-87969-250-5: DM 29.00
This new annual bibliography picks up where the bibliographic section in Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung left off in 1993, although a gap remains for the years 1992-93. (See also the review of the Sudeten-German compendium Heimat im Buch in RREO 97-3/4-413/RREA 3:238 and the additional literature mentioned there.) Reflecting a strange variety of Central European political correctness, the entries of this work are divided into two separately numbered parts, one for "Bohemian Lands, Czechoslovakia, and the Czech Republic" (1126 entries), and the other for "Slovakia, Slovak Republic" (298 entries), with "publications concerning the phase of common statehood" as well as "titles that explicitly relate to both the Bohemian lands and Slovakia" covered in the first section--leaving the reader to wonder what exactly is to be found in the second.
Entries are both detailed and in bibliographically proper form, with German translations provided for Czech and Slovak titles. Indexes are provided for authors, subject persons, places, subjects, and keywords. It can be hoped that future issues of the bibliography--whose appearance should be accelerated to close the currently large gap between reporting year and publication year--will rectify a number of shortcomings. Also, it would be desirable and appropriate for the Herder Institute to publish a bibliography of bibliographies on all topics concerning eastern Central Europe, not just their own postwar publications, as is contained in this volume as an appendix, as useful as this listing is. [sh/jg]
[Czechoslovakia, Czechia, Slovakia: Literature in Western Languages, 1975-1995]. Heinz Peter Brogiato. Frankfurt am Main; Bern [et al.]: Lang, 1997. 511 p. 21 cm. (Wiener Osteuropa-Studien, 6). ISBN 3-631-32654-8: DM 128.00Tschechoslowakei, Tschechien, Slowakei: Literatur in westlichen Sprachen 1975-1995
This select bibliography provides references to 7103 monographs and articles on topics relating to the Czech and Slovak regions of Europe. Entries are arranged by subject, with German-language material predominating. The choice of 1975 for the beginning of the reporting period is explained with a reference to H. Jilek's Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Landeskunde der böhmischen Länder von den Anfängen bis 1948: Publikationen der Jahre 1850 bis 1975 (Cologne: Böhlau, 1986)--which is not entirely convincing, since Jilek, though including publications through 1975, consciously limited the scope of works covered in his bibliography to those dealing with pre-1948 history.
Works covered range widely across all disciplines subsumed by the German notion of Landeskunde, which we might translate adequately these days as "area studies." Citations have been derived mainly from other bibliographic works with the exception of the collections enumerated in an appendix as numbers 7104 through 7300, which were physically inspected and from which many of the titles in the main body of the work have been taken. The subject-based division of entries is finely granulated, but does not replace a subject index, which is lacking and whose absences represents the greatest shortcoming of the work. Author and geographical indexes are, on the other hand, provided. The entries are not annotated. [sh/jg]
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