CL -- Geography

Atlas der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Atlas of the Federal Republic of Germany]. Ed. Institut für Länderkunde Leipzig. Pilot project volume. 2d, rev. ed. Leipzig: Institut für Länderkunde, 1998. 96 p. ill., 36 cm. ISBN 3-86082-027-3: DM 48.00 (with CD-ROM) (Institut ..., Schongauerstr. 9, D-04329 Leipzig, fax [49 341] 255 65-98. E-Mail: cl@ifl.uni-leipzig.de) [99-1/4-393]

Atlas der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Atlas of the Federal Republic of Germany]. Ed. Institut für Länderkunde Leipzig. Demo version. Leipzig: Institut für Länderkunde, 1997. 1 CD-ROM. DM 48.00 (with book) (Institut ..., Schongauerstr. 9, D-04329 Leipzig, fax [49 341] 255 65-98. E-Mail: cl@ifl.uni-leipzig.de) [99-1/4-394]

Even as the reunification process was in progress, the idea for a national atlas was discussed at the first joint meeting of the Association of Professors of Geography held in Heidelberg in 1990. The targeted user population includes students, planners and researchers. An English language version is planned. The print edition will consist of twelve thematic volumes, including State and Society, Population, Enterprises and Markets, Labor and Standard of Living, Towns and Cities, etc. Due to design constraints the texts remain superficial and analyses impossible. Statistics are based on information gathered at the local level, which results in uneven coverage. The possibilities offered by the current electronic version remain limited to changing colors and the ability to get data into tables. Launching such a project as a pilot (including the demo CD) seems a good way to test its usefulness and take suggestions into consideration. E-mail comments to cl@ifl.uni-leipzig.de [wc/hsb]  

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