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2000 |
Neue juristische Bibliographien und andere Informationsmittel: erläuternde Auswahlbibliographie [New Legal Bibliographies and Other Information Sources: Annotated Selective Bibliography]. Ed. Ralph Lansky and Raimund-Ekkehard Walter. Continuation 1 was entitled Neue juristische Bibliographien (in Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation: Mittelungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen, 29). [00-1/4-341]
Continuation 2. In: Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation , 30. 2000. 1, p. 19-69
Based on the Bibliographisches Handbuch der Rechts- und Verwaltungswissenschaften (see
RREA 5:205), the first continuation, citing 39 titles, included not only bibliographies
but other types of reference books as well. This second continuation is even more
inclusive, and has 109 titles, with brief annotations. It cites publications from all
regions of the world and all legal systems, as well as electronic and Internet
publications. This is an indispensable resource for all experts in the subject. [sh/mrh]
Bibliographica iuridica [Bibliography of Jurisprudence]. Comp. Douglas J. Osler. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann. 25 cm. (Ius commune: Sonderhefte, ). [00-1/4-342]
Catalogue of Books Printed on the Continent of Europe from the Beginning of Printing to 1600 in the Library of the Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main. 2000. xxix, 652 p. (Ius commune: Sonderhefte, 130). ISBN 3-465-02746-9: DM 198.00, DM 178.20 (subscription)
Catalogue of Printed Books in Spain, Portugal and the Southern and Northern Netherlands from the Beginning of Printing to 1800 in the Library of the Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main. 2000. xli, 597 p. (Ius commune: Sonderhefte, 131). ISBN 3-465-02747-7: DM 198.00, DM 178.20 (subscription)
The first two volumes of this new subseries of supplements to the journal Ius commune make a somewhat disjointed impression, as the title implies a bibliographic function that just isn't there. They are actually catalogs, and the announced--but not yet published--third volume will apparently be a union catalog of several libraries (including the National Library of Naples). The present volumes document the extensive print holdings of Frankfurt's Max Planck Institute for the History of European Law for the periods indicated, each volume containing somewhat over 2,000 titles. (Reproductions are excluded, as are most dissertations, which are being covered in another project.) The titles are accorded detailed descriptions of the sort useful to book collectors.
Each volume contains a long introduction devoted in large part to an attempt to refute
the compiler's opponents in the areas of both method and theory. In any case, Osler's
alternative view of European legal history (that of the independent development of
national legal systems from the 16th century onward) demands the kind of knowledge of
older sources which these volumes offer for the first time. [sh/gw]
Rechtswörterbuch [Dictionary of the Law]. Founded by Carl Creifelds. Ed. Klaus Weber. 15th rev. ed. München: Beck, 1999. xvi, 1,632 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-406-44300-1: DM 79.80 [00-1/4-343]
Among the many legal dictionaries available, the work known familiarly as Creifelds
stands out as an essential source. First published in 1968, and now in its 15th edition,
it serves as a standard reference tool for lawyers, and offers those outside the
profession a quick and dependable overview of all legal topics. It also provides
explications of Latin phrases used in the law, and of the legal aspects of general terms
such as "theater" or "mosque," as well as information about government
institutions and famous jurists. In the current edition, the presence of such terms as Cybergeld
(cyber money) shows a welcome commitment to being up-to-date. Its more than 10,000 entries
balance very successfully the needs of succinctness and fullness of explanation, with most
terms receiving a sentence or two, but major topics such as "divorce" and
"rent" covering several columns. Other features include: numerous
cross-references; introductions to the development of the German legal, legislative, and
judicial systems; and references to important laws. [krb/gw]
Rechtswörterbuch [Dictionary of the Law]. Carl Creifelds. Ed. Klaus Weber. 15th ed. München: Beck, 2000. 1 CD-ROM. (Beck-Lexika). ISBN 3-406-44854-2: DM 98.00 [00-1/4-344]
The complete text of Creifelds is also available on CD-ROM, with access through
either a table of contents (a list of the entries in the sequence in which they appear in
the book) or an index mode with two options: an overview of keywords and a list of
internal references (from one article to another). Use of the latter is hampered by
sorting that places terms beginning with brackets or quotation marks at the head of the
list. Moreover, switching back and forth between the two index modes is unnecessarily
complicated, and the computing power necessary to support it may not be available on many
machines. The "reference" index does provide access to citations of laws, and
direct links to these laws in other Beck CD-ROM products are supported, assuming they are
mounted on the same machine. Full-text searching is available, but is somewhat complicated
within a single article. The table of contents works well, although its advantage over
using the print product is unclear. The price differential vis-à-vis the book is
refreshingly small, but a high networking surcharge (up to 100 percent) negates this
inducement for libraries. [krb/gw]
Juristisches Wörterbuch: das deutsche Recht in einem Band, aus einer Hand, auf neuem Stand [Legal Dictionary: German Law in One Volume, by One Author, Up-to-Date]. Gerhard Köbler. 9th rev. ed. München: Vahlen, 1999. xvi, 503 p. 23 cm. (Vahlen-Studienreihe Jura). ISBN 3-8006-2426-5: DM 39.00 [00-1/4-345]
Köbler's dictionary, aimed at students, is in its way as much a standard work as Creifelds.
Its roughly 5,000 entries (including relevant terms that are not legal or judicial in the
strict sense) are written concisely and at an introductory level. Entries for the more
important concepts also offer numerous citations to further reading (in contrast to Creifelds),
more than making up for the relative lack of detail in definition. [krb/gw]
Staatsbürgerlexikon: Staat, Politik, Recht und Verwaltung in Deutschland und der Europäischen Union [Citizens' Encyclopedia: State, Politics, Law, and Public Administration in Germany and the European Union]. Ed. Gerlinde Sommer and Raban Graf von Westphalen. München; Wien: Oldenbourg, 1999. xiv, 25, 1,049 p. 22 cm. ISBN 3-486-23712-8: DM 98.00 [00-1/4-346]
This newly minted reference work emphasizes political theory and institutions, as well
as constitutional law. Topics in civil law are not included. Government agencies are
covered, although here the selection is (perhaps unavoidably) somewhat random. Even with a
professionally diverse group of 157 coauthors, the editors have maintained a remarkable
unity of scope. Articles are concise and emphasize basic information; most also provide
plentiful citations to the literature. The citations, along with a key to journal
abbreviations, enable the user to find helpful further reading and largely make up for the
lack of a bibliography. All in all it should prove a useful tool for political scientists
and others interested in political institutions or current affairs. [krb/gw]
Italienische Rechtsliteratur: Einführung und Auswahlbibliographie [Italian Legal Literature: Introduction and Selective Bibliography]. Ed. Isabella Massari and Barbara Pozzo. Berlin; München: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen, 1999. xiii, 117 p. 21 cm. (Arbeitshefte der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen, 18). ISBN 3-926911-07-7: DM 24.00. (Gerda Graf, Universität Potsdam, Universitätsbibliothek, Bereichsbibliothek für Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Postfach 900327, D-14439 Potsdam) [00-1/4-347]
Following a volume on Austria, Grundliteratur zum österreichischen Recht
(1988), this is another bibliography on the legal literature of a neighboring country. The
compilers, who work in Milan, have brought together 800 titles without annotations,
organized by areas of law and then by types of literature: legislation, general works,
commentaries, bibliographies, systematic presentations, textbooks, journals, decisions.
The entries are brief but adequate, and always include the price, so one can assume that
the volumes were in print in 1996, when the list was compiled. No reason is given for the
three-year delay in publication. This and the lack of annotations limit the usefulness of
the volume. (To update its information, a more recent work is available: Italian Law
Publications: A Selection 1997-1998, published under the auspices of the International
Association of Law Libraries.) An asterisk by an entry number indicates a recommended
title. The introduction (it is much too short and contains linguistic and orthographic
errors) mentions at the end two introductory works in German which should be kept at hand:
Peter Kindler's Einführung in das italienische Recht: Verfassungsrecht, Privatrecht
und internationales Privatrecht (München, 1993) and Gerhard Luther's Einführung
in das italienische Recht (Darmstadt, 1968). [sh/gh]
Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Auswärtigen Dienstes 1871-1945 [Biographical Handbook of the German Foreign Service 1871-1945]. Comp. Johannes Hürter for the Auswärtiges Amt, Historischer Dienst. Paderborn [et al.]: Schöningh. 25 cm. [00-1/4-348]
Vol. 1. A-F. 2000. xlvii, 633 p. ill. ISBN 3-506-71840-1: DM 248.00
As a supplement to its two collections of documents, Die große Politik der europäischen Kabinette 1871-1914: Sammlung der diplomatischen Akten des Auswärtigen Amtes (Berlin, 1922-1927) and Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik 1918-1945: aus dem Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (Göttingen, 1950-1995), the Historical Service of the Foreign Office published the first of five volumes of this collective biography of career diplomats in August, 2000. The other volumes are scheduled to appear at two-year intervals. The selection criteria, sources, and structure are clearly and conclusively laid out: (1) in addition to the foreign ministers, all officials of the higher diplomatic service and comparable employees are included; (2) primary sources are the personnel files of the Foreign Office; (3) the structure of the biographies is limited to factual data and is standardized (name, dates, citizenship, religion, family, education and activities before entry into the Foreign Service, party membership, political offices, career in the Foreign Service, activities after leaving the Foreign Service, bibliography and papers, and photo if available). Indispensable for the understanding of careers are the section on the organization and personnel structure of the Foreign Service and the list of abbreviations.
A comparison of the article on Otto Abetz (the ambassador in Paris during the German occupation) in this book with the one in Dictionnaire historique de la France sous l'occupation (see RREA 6:306 below) shows the advantages of a biography drawn from the archives (it allows some corrections to the French article), but also leads to a certain frustration at reading a life reduced to factual data. However, it is an adequate approach for most of the persons listed here. [sh/gh]
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