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Bibliographia Aethiopica [Ethiopia Bibliography]. Hans Wilhelm Lockot. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 25 cm. (Aethiopistische Forschungen, ...). Vol. 1 published by the Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden. [00-1/4-376]
Vol. 2. The Horn of Africa in English Literature. Ed. Siegbert Uhlig and Verena Böll. 1998. lvii, 827 p. (Aethiopistische Forschungen, 41). ISBN 3-447-03611-7: DM 350.00
Next to South Africa, Ethiopia is the most bibliographically accessible country of Africa. It has been addressed by numerous general and specialized retrospective bibliographies, of which this publication is the newest and most extensive, particularly if one considers it together with its first volume (1982) that included no fewer than 7,779 German-language titles. The author, Hans-Wilhelm Lockot (1910-1995) was responsible for building a collection covering all aspects of Ethiopia at the national library in Addis Ababa from 1951-1972. This second volume of the bibliography is based on title cards found in his papers after his death, and was compiled at the Institute for the Study of Africa and Ethiopia in Hamburg, producing an impressive bibliography of 23,903 monographs and articles, covering all epochs (up to 1989) and subjects. The work is organized into 96 topical areas, none of which is so extensive that one cannot find what one is looking for by studying the alphabetical sequence within it. This is helpful, as there is an author index, but none for subjects.
For titles in languages other than German or English, one will have to consult the similarly extensive (with 19,386 entries) work by Paulos Milkias, Ethiopia: A Comprehensive Bibliography (Boston, 1989). Fortunately, at the Hamburg institute two databases are being maintained containing additions to the Lockot volumes, so that one can hope further volumes will appear to cover later publications. [sh/nb]
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