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2000 |
Bibliographia Kepleriana: Verzeichnis der gedruckten Schriften von und über Johannes Kepler [Bibliographia Kepleriana: Index to Printed Works by and about Johannes Kepler]. Max Caspar. Commissioned by the Kepler Commision of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. München: Beck. 31 cm. [00-1/4-435]
Supplement to the 2d Edition. Comp. Jürgen Hamel. 1998. xliii, 192 p. ISBN 3-406-01687-1 (hardbound): DM 138.00, ISBN 3-406-01689-8 (pbk.): DM 118.00
The present volume is a supplement to the standard bibliography of Kepler, referred to
by scholars as "Caspar" after its original compiler, Max Caspar (1880-1956).
Caspar's work first appeared in 1936; a second edition prepared by Martha List was
published in 1968. This supplement attempts to record the additions to Kepler scholarship
since 1968. It is in three parts: (1) printed editions of Kepler up to his
"Somnium" of 1634; (2) later publications of Kepler's works from 1635 on,
including his archive, letters, and translations of his works; and (3) literature about
Kepler, primarily from the years 1968 to 1996, but including as addenda earlier works not
mentioned in the 1968 edition. In addition to the usual author index, further indexes
provide information about provenance and place of publication of the early editions. Part
one is substantially richer in information than the 1968 edition, giving far more
information on library holdings of the early editions, not just in European libraries but
worldwide. It documents as well the losses caused by World War II. Part three is organized
chronologically, with authors in alphabetical order under each year. Unfortunately, this
part is the weakest in the book; coverage appears to be incomplete (compared, for example,
with Heiner Schmidt's Quellenlexikon zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte = Bibliography
of Studies on German Literary History, 1945-1990), and there is no subject access to
the listed works. This book is recommended for the substantial added information in Part
one, although faulted for the weakness of Part three. [sh/crc]
Meteorologen und Meteorologinnen aus dem deutschen Sprachraum: ein biographisches Findbuch; Auszug aus der Wolfgang-von-Bezold-Sammlung der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft e.V. [Meteorologists of German-Speaking Europe: A Biographical Sourcebook; Excerpted from the Wolfgang-von-Bezold Collection of the German Meteorological Society]. Ed. Rudolf F. Paulus and Rudolf Ziemann. Ending date: October 23, 1997. Offenbach am Main: Deutscher Wetterdienst, 1998. xiii, 130 p. 21 x 30 cm. ISBN 3-88148-335-7: DM 40.00 (plus shipping and handling) (Deutscher Wetterdiendst, Postfach 100465, D-63004 Offenbach, fax [49 69] 9062 2486) [00-1/4-436]
The book is based on a collection of biographical data amassed by Wolfgang von Bezold in 1975. The materials are housed in the archives of the German Meteorological Society and have been added to by the two compilers of the present publication. The book contains ca. 2,900 entries for university-trained meteorologists born prior to January 1, 1929, or who died prior to March 31, 1996. Each entry gives, as applicable: name; date and place of birth and/or death; major professional interests; academic degree; institutional rank; location(s) of information within the archives; bibliography; and, in some cases, last known place of residence. Unfortunately, the overuse of abbreviations and the lack of flexibility of the database program used to generate the entries make them difficult to read. [sh/crc]
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