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Dresdner Ärzte: historisch-biographisches Lexikon [Dresden Physicians: Historical-Biographical Dictionary]. Volker Klimpel. Dresden: Hellerau-Verlag, 1998. 191 p. ill. 19 cm. (Dresdner Miniaturen, 5). ISBN 3-910184-57-X (paperback): DM 16.80; ISBN 3-910184-60-X (hardback): DM 26.80 [00-1/4-441]
This work offers a collection of short biographies, some with portraits, of 270
physicians who practiced in Dresden between the 16th and 20th centuries, up to 1965. A
survey history of medicine in Dresden occupies the first 26 pages of the book. Access to
entries is provided by a guide to secondary literature, a timeline of important events in
the medical history of Dresden, an index of the biographies by period, and a listing of
other individuals mentioned. [sh/jb]
Historisches Ärztelexikon für Schlesien: biographisch-bibliographisches Lexikon schlesischer Ärzte und Wundärzte (Chirurgen) [Historical Dictionary of Physicians in Silesia: A Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary of Silesian Physicians and Surgeons]. Ed. Michael Sachs. Wunstorf: Scholl. 31 cm. ISBN 3-925255-02-8. (Verlag Winfried Scholl, Heinrichstr. 2, D-31515 Wunstorf, fax [49 5031] 90 90 13) [00-1/4-443]
Vol. 2. D-G. 1999. iii. 374, 21 p. ill. ISBN 3-925255-04-4: DM 198.00
This is volume 2 of a projected 7-volume, exhaustive listing of physicians who
practiced in the broad geographical region of Silesia (1914 borders) up to 1945. Although
Sachs's goal of comprehensiveness is perhaps unrealistic, volumes 1 and 2 contain some
2,500 biographies, even though many offer little more than basic information about the
individual profiled. Nonetheless, this title represents a rich resource for information on
Silesian bibliography and medical bio-bibliography. [sh/jb]
Commissioned by the German Society for Pediatrics and Juvenile Medicine in 1995, this work attempts to reconstruct information about pediatricians, mostly Jewish, who were persecuted under the Nazi regime. A lengthy introduction in both German and English precedes the alphabetically arranged biographical section, which forms the main portion of this work. In addition to biographical information of varying detail, such as birth and death dates, office addresses, publications, etc., there are also quotations from notes and diaries, as well as from personal attack articles in local newspapers. Twenty-four unnumbered pages contain photographs and reproductions of other documents. An appendix lists secondary literature, statistics, personal and place names, and information on countries of exile and instances of death and suicide.
This impressive undertaking should challenge other medical specialties likewise to confront their own "brown-shirted" past. [sh/jb]
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