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AB -- Bibliographies and Catalogs
Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock [Medieval Manuscripts in the Rostock University Library]. Kurt Heydeck. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001. 514 p. 25 cm. (Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, 1). ISBN 3-447-04327-X: EUR 89.00 [02-1-001]
The University of Rostock was founded in 1419, and its library’s history can be traced back to 1569. This catalog of some of its notable holdings contains descriptions of 82 manuscripts, 6 incunabula with bound-in manuscript parts, and 333 fragments of manuscripts. It fills a gap in the Handschriftencensus der kleineren Sammlungen in den östlichen Bundesländern Deutschlands [Manuscript Inventory of the Smaller Collections in the Eastern Federal States of Germany] (see RREA 7:7). Tables of manuscripts organized thematically (Mss. jur., Mss. histor., Mss. theol., etc.) and by provenance facilitate a rapid overview. Most manuscripts were separated from the bindings of incunabula and other early imprints in the university library.
As is customary in such catalogs, descriptions follow the 1992 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Council] guidelines for manuscript cataloging (see IFB 93-1/2-004). The lengths of the articles correspond to the importance of the works. The index is organized by incipits, German prayer incipits, biblical incipits, hymns, verses, persons, places, and things. The book’s typography is excellent, with well-chosen deployment of small and bold print. In the foreseeable future the entries will be electronically accessible in the Marburg database Manuscripta Mediaevalia at http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de. [ch/jpn]
Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Staats- und Universalbibliothek Hamburg [Catalog of the Greek Manuscripts at the State and University Library of Hamburg]. Marina Molin Pradel. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2002. 331 p. ill. 25 cm. (Serta graeca, 14). Also Diss., Hamburg Univ., 2000. ISBN 3-89500-269-0: EUR 78.00 [02-2-198]
This excellent book provides detailed information about the 64 Greek manuscripts listed in the holdings of the Hamburg State and University Library. (A further 13 were lost in the war and are described only briefly, based on information in older catalogs.) Each manuscript is described not only in terms of its bibliographic attributes but also in terms of its content, the codicological data that apply to it, its history, and the secondary literature that pertains to it. There are numerous indexes, an incipitarium which is especially useful for unpublished or little-known texts, and 29 black-and-white photographs. [ch/ldl]
Die lateinischen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen [Latin Manuscripts in the Tübingen University Library]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 31 cm. (Handschriftenkataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 1) [02-2-199]
Pt. 2. Signaturen Mc 151 bis Mc 379 sowie die lateinischen Handschriften bis 1600 aus den Signaturengruppen Mh, Mk und aus dem Druckschriftenbestand [Shelf Marks Mc 151 to Mc 379, as well as the Latin Manuscripts to 1600 from the Shelf Mark Groups Mh, Mk, and from the Print Collection]. Ed. Gerd Brinkhus and Arno Mentzel-Reuters. 2001. 585 p. ISBN 3-447-04422-5: EUR 74.00.
This volume completes the description of the Latin manuscript holdings of the Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen. The first volume appeared in 1991 and covered the manuscripts with designations Mc 1 to Mc 150. This volume includes manuscripts with designations Mc (the most recent manuscripts are from the 19th century), 16th-century manuscripts in groups Mh (Württembergica) and Mk (Musicalia), and 24 Latin manuscripts in the library’s print holdings. The entries follow the descriptive guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Council] and include copious textual and codicological information, making them an excellent basis for further studies in textual transmission and library history. A detailed index provides access by authors, names, subjects, and incipits. Part 1 of this work is already available in electronic form via the Marburger Handschriften-Datenbank at http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de, and this volume will be added soon. [ch/jc]
Die griechischen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen [Greek Manuscripts in the Tübingen University Library]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 31 cm. (Handschriftenkataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2). [02-2-199a]
Sonderband Martin Crusius: Handschriftenverzeichnis und Bibliographie [Special Volume on Martin Crusius: Catalog of Manuscripts and Bibliography]. Ed. Thomas Wilhelmi. 2002. 432 p. ill. ISBN 3-447-04518-3: EUR 64.00
This book is dedicated to Martin Crusius, Professor of Greek and Latin at the University of Tübingen from 1559 to 1607. It contains a list of his sermons, along with 53 sermons originally published in German; also a catalog of 324 of Crusius’ manuscripts (letters, album entries, notes, and marginalia); a bibliography of 282 works by Crusius; 179 titles of secondary literature published from 1561 to 2000; a reconstruction of his library; and about 100 short biographies of his contemporaries. Indexes to authors, names, subjects, biblical passages, printers, and publishers complete the volume. [ch/mrh]
Catalogue des incunables du fonds ancien de la Bibliothèque Cantonale Jurassienne à Porrentruy [Catalog of Incunabula from the Antiquarian Holdings of the Jura Cantonal Library at Porrentruy]. Comp. Romain Jurot. Dietikon-Zurich: Urs-Graf-Verlag; Porrentruy: Office du Patrimoine Historique de la République et Canton du Jura, 2000. 160 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-85951-211-0: SFr. 38.00 [02-1-002]
The incunabula catalog of Porrentruy, which appeared in the Gutenberg festival year of 2000, begins with a short library and provenance history. Then come the alphabetic entries of 225 incunabula from the Jura Cantonal Library—of which nine are now located in other institutions. The descriptions of individual copies leave nothing to be desired. The compiler follows standard French regional catalog practices in establishing the titles. He also notes where binding particulars might deviate from other copies and ties the listings of contemporary bindings to specialized reference works about them wherever possible. New finds are of particular interest here, not least among them a Roman judicial opinion and a book of hours. One index deals with printers and places of printing; it is no surprise that the names of Basel, Strasbourg, and Paris show up most regularly. The necessity of a subsequent alphabetical index of printers is not evident. An index of provenances, concordances of the most important bibliographies, and an index of local call numbers close out the volume. The total impression is positive: the catalog contributes to local Swiss cultural history, achieving its aim by flawless devotion to describing these rare holdings. [ls/rdh]
Bulgarski knigi 1878–1944: bibliografski ukazatel azbuchna poreditsa = Bulgarian Books 1878–1944 [: Bibliographic Index. Alphabetic Handbook]. Sofiia: Narodna Biblioteka “Kiril i Metodii.” 30 cm. Parallel title beginning with vol. 7. Name of organization beginning with vol. 7: Narodna Biblioteka “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii,” Centar za Nacionalna Bibliografiia, Otdel “Retrospektivna Bibliografiia.” [02-1-003]
Vol. 6. U-Ia, Izdaniia na cuzdi ezici [Publications in Foreign Languages]. 1983. 441 p.
Vol. 7. Dobavki i popravki = Supplements and Corrections. 1995. xviii, 378 p. ISBN 954-523-010-X
Vol 8. Imenen pokazalets = Author Index
Part 1. A–L. 1997. xiv, 376 p. ISBN 954-523-026-6
Part 2. M–Ia, A–Z. 2000. 223 p. ISBN 954-523-057-6
These volumes are the conclusion of a Bulgarian national bibliography that was begun in 1957. Volume 6, which appeared in 1983, lists primarily books published in Bulgarian, but it contains an addendum noting books in 19 other languages that were also published in Bulgaria. Volume 7 consists solely of addenda or corrections to previous volumes; volume 8 is an author index, with separate sections for names written in the Cyrillic alphabet and those written in the Latin alphabet. It is not clear whether indexes for organization, title, printer, series title, and place of publication will be published later. [sh/ldl]
Der Buchdruck des 16. Jahrhunderts in Frankfurt an der Oder: Verzeichnis der Drucke [Book Publishing in the 16th Century in Frankfurt an der Oder: An Index to the Publications]. Hans-Erich Teitge. Berlin: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2000. viii, 593 p. ill. 31 cm. (Beiträge aus der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 11). ISBN 3-89500-164-3 (Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden): EUR 88.00 [02-2-201]
This book provides much more than its subtitle suggests. The first half of the work comprises a 290-page history of book publishing and printers in Frankfurt an der Oder; the second half offers a detailed listing of books produced in that city during the 16th century. Many of them were printed for use by scholars and students at Viadrina University, founded in 1506, while publications for the non-university community included congratulatory and wedding poems, funeral sermons, and chapbooks. Both the printers and their publications are listed chronologically. There are some inconsistencies in the manner in which individual works are described bibliographically. Not all of the 2,049 publications could be personally inspected by the author, as some can no longer be found, other than in secondary literature or older library catalogs. A careful comparison with the Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts (VD 16) [Index to 16thCentury Publications of the German Language Areas] (Stuttgart, 1983-2000) would have yielded a number of additional items; on the other hand, the publication lists many titles that are not included in VD 16. The index to the volume covers authors, titles, and the names of persons to whom publications were dedicated or (in the case of challenges to debates) addressed. An additional index listing titles within genre categories would have been helpful. [sh/ldl]
Tartu Ülikooli trükikoda 1632–1710 ajalugu ja trükiste bibliograafia = Druckerei der Universität Dorpat 1632–1710 [Dorpat University Press 1632– 1710: History and Bibliography of Its Publications]. Ene-Lille Jaanson for the Tartu University Library. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu, 2000. 510 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 9985-874-14-5 (Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu, W. Struve 1, 50091 Tartu) [02-2-203]
The press of Dorpat (now Tartu) University, known originally as the Academia Gustaviana and then Academia Gustavo-Carolina due to its Swedish origins, was the first and most productive press in Estonia in the 17th century. Its production was not limited to publications of the university, and thus this bibliography approaches the function of a national bibliography. The majority of the works themselves now reside in collections in Sweden, Finland, Latvia, and St. Petersburg. The foreword, user guide, and introductory essays on the history of printing and on typography are in both Estonian and German. Indexes are plentiful. This is an excellent example of a bibliography of a publishing house. [sh/mjc]
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