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AO -- Organizations
Die Veröffentlichungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1751– 2001: Bibliographie mit Schlagwort-Katalog [The Publications of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences, 1751–2001: A Bibliography and Subject Index]. Comp. Achim Link. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001. 528 p. 25 cm. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 3, 245; Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Folge 3, 49). ISBN 3-525-82518-8: EUR 86.00 [02-1-018]
Max Arnim’s 1928 bibliography of the publications of this most important German scientific, literary, and historical academy has been brought up to date and expanded by this volume. The work includes items published in the academy’s ongoing series, as well as its monographic and occasional special volumes. An important category of materials not included are book reviews from the Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen.
The major arrangement is by author, then chronologically. The subject indexing is very sketchy; subject terms are chosen from a word or concept in the titles. Mathematical formulas and foreign terms are excluded. This publication fulfills only very insufficiently the responsibility of an institutional bibliography to give an account of what the organization has accomplished. [sh/baw]
Göttinger Gelehrte: die Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen in Bildnissen und Würdigungen 1751–2001 [Göttingen Scholars: The Academy of Sciences in Göttingen in Portraits and Tributes, 1751–2001]. Ed. Karl Arndt and Ruth Slenczka. 2 vols. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2001. 741 p. ill. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89244-485-40: EUR 49.00 [02-1-019]
Die Mitglieder der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1751–2001 [The Members of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences, 1751–2001]. Comp. Holger Krahnke. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Folge 3, 246; Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Folge 3, 50). ISBN 3-525-82516-1: EUR 84.00 [02-1-020]
Several official publications are planned to mark the 250th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, founded in 1751 as the Königliche Societät der Wissenschaften [Royal Society of Sciences]. Among them are a history of the academy by Rudolf Vierhaus and a volume of lectures from the anniversary colloquium in 2000. Of the two works under review here, the first contains biographies and portraits of the 343 regular members (excluding those still living), listed in chronological order by the beginning of their regular membership. The signed entries by present members of the academy attempt to offer concise essayistic assessments, to give, in conjunction with the portraits, a “living picture.” The heading of each article gives name, years of birth and death, field, years of membership, and offices held in the academy. Important works are named in the texts (with some omissions), but bibliographic notes are the exception. Instead the preface refers to standard reference works and eulogies in academy publications. At least the page numbers of these eulogies should have been given. The list of illustrations also functions as an index of names. The lack of bibliographical citations limits the usefulness of this anniversary publication considerably.
The second work here, the official membership list of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, repeats the information from a directory of 1928, with corrections, and adds the names of members elected since then, up to 2001. The main section lists “nearly 2,500 persons” with the following information: name, birth and death dates (but not places), field(s), location of activity during membership, year of induction with type of membership (regular or corresponding), and class. Supplementary information is given: lists of academy leaders and honorary members, a chronological directory, and a classified (by 14 broad fields) index. Statistical analyses, such as average age, regional and religious characteristics, proportion of Nobel prize winners—and, one could add, the persistent paucity of women—were not carried out; instead there is a reference to a database in the Academy archives. In summary, the information in the main section is scanty; there are no references to secondary literature, even to eulogies in Academy publications. [sh/gh]
The author describes in great detail 293 Sorbian (until 1945 officially called Wendic) associations of all kinds. Beginning with five in the 18th century, the number of Sorbian associations began to grow rapidly in the 1830s, although many of them were dissolved in the wake of the Restoration in the 1850s. Another increase came after the founding of the Reich in 1871, and then again after the end of the First World War, but by 1937 the Nazis had banned many of these associations.
Arranged by year of founding, this work provides details on each organization’s establishment, choice of name, its functionaries, number of members, its organs and location, the year of dissolution or banning, as well as any resurrection, and the association’s purpose (translated in detail or even in toto from the organization’s statute). The work also describes each association’s history and types of activities and includes a list of sources. The person and place indexes are unsatisfactory, mainly because what would have been the most important index—that of Sorbian and German association names—is inexplicably missing. However, there is no other handbook comparable to this one. The work fulfills its aim to impart the awareness of tradition necessary “for maintaining and fortifying the Sorbian national substance.” This handbook is a valuable resource for everyone, whether professionals or others, interested in Sorbian culture. [sh/ga]
“Auch im Krieg schweigen die Musen nicht”: die Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Institute im Zweiten Weltkrieg [“Even During War the Muses are not Silent:” German Research Institutes during World War II]. Frank-Rutger Hausmann. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001. 400 p. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 169). ISBN 3-525-35357-X: EUR 42.00 [02-2-224]
Frank-Rutger Hausmann, a specialist in Romance studies at the University of Freiburg, has published several monographs on the humanities and scholarship under the Third Reich. His present work is a survey of the 16 Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Institute (DWI) [German Research Institutes] founded by the Nazis between 1940 and 1945 in neutral, occupied, or allied nations. The DWI had the following charge: “to explore the neighboring countries with the goal of preparing for their integration into the Reich; to undertake geographical research with the goal of furthering population resettlement and exploitation of resources; to promote collaboration and the winning over of foreign elites to the Nazi cause” (p. 9). In his introduction the author reports on the state of the source material, on the cultural policies of the Third Reich, on the research activities of the DWI, and on the institutes’ fates.
The major part of the book describes the 16 DWI, erected (in chronological order) in Bucharest, Paris, Sofia, Budapest, Belgrade, Copenhagen, Madrid, Athens, Brussels, Helsinki, Stockholm, Zagreb, Bratislava, Lisbon, Venice, and Tirana. For each institute the following data are provided: (1) addresses (changes of location are given, with dates); (2) administrative staff, including directors, deputies, cultural specialists, and librarians; (3) biographical notes for a selection of the persons named in section 2; (4) branch offices (location, address, director); (5) research goals; (6) institutional histories.
Section 6 is the largest of the sections, with a great deal of information packed not only into the text but into voluminous footnotes as well. It covers cultural relations; relations to the German diplomatic offices located in the same city; living conditions of the staff; research production of the staff (lectures, publications, exhibitions); exchange trips. Extensive quotes give insight not only into the institutions’ histories but also into the mindsets of the personnel. This section is a treasure trove of information, although it would have been better to provide a clearer organization or better access in the form of indexes. All in all, this work represents another important cornerstone in the growing edifice of research into the life of the humanities under the Nazi regime. [sh/crc]
Les publications de l’Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris (1666–1793) [Publications of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris]. Robert Halleux, James Mc Clellan, Daniela Berariu, and Geneviève Xhayet. 2 vols. Turnhout: Brepols. 556, 128 p. 25 cm. (De diversis artibus, 52 = N.S. 15). ISBN 2-503-51197: EUR 112.00 [02-2-229]
The Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris—founded by Colbert in 1666, reorganized by Louis XIV in 1699, and dissolved in the aftermath of the French Revolution in 1793—devoted itself to the study of natural history, mathematics, and technology and was one of the most significant of the early academies. The extent and longevity of its publishing activity (if not its prestige and quality) were rivaled only by that of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London). The selection of titles and organization of this bibliography of the Académie’s publications (including titles published as monographs and within series) is based on the study Les publications de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris, 1996). It is divided into two main sections (1666–1699 and 1699–1790, of which the second is by far the larger), with three indexes (authors; names and organizations mentioned in the text; and an augmented keywords-in-title index, with Latin terms also given in French). The accompanying study of the Académie’s publications by James E. McClellan, an American historian of science, is particularly interesting. Although other bibliographies of these titles have been published, this is the first comprehensive listing, and it is thus strongly recommended. [sh/sl]
Le second siècle de l’Institut de France 1895–1995: recueil biographique et bibliographique des membres, associés étrangers, correspondants français et étrangers des cinq académies [The Second Century of the Institute of France, 1895–1995: Bio-Bibliographies of Members, Foreign Associates, and French and Foreign Correspondents of the Five Academies]. Ed. Jean Leclant. 2 vols. Paris: Institut de France, 1999–2001. xxv, 787, ix, 789–1,554 p. 31 cm. ISBN 2-7284-0028-8 (vol. 1), ISBN 2-7284-0030-X (vol. 2): EUR 166.00 [02-2-230]
The Institut de France was founded in 1795, and comprises the following five academies: Académie Française, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Académie des Sciences, Académie des Beaux Arts, and Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Continuing Le premier siècle de l’Institut de France (Paris, 1895–1896), which covered the first 100 years of this organization, the title under review here contains bio-bibliographies of approximately 4,000 French and foreign members of the Institut in the years 1895 to 1995. Entries include the following information for each person: name, distinction, birth date, death date (if no longer living), date of admission to one of the five academies, occupation, education and career, publications or creative works, and bibliography of secondary sources. There are a number of helpful indexes, although one by country (for foreign members) is lacking. This comprehensive register and bio-bibliography is very useful and contains much more information than one can find on the Internet pages of the organization and the individual academies. [sh/ba]
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