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CH -- Business and Economics
Bibliographie Fachwörterbuch Wirtschaft: Referate und Annotationen zum Angebot deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftslexika [Bibliography of Subject Dictionaries in Economics: Reviews and Annotations of German-Language Economics Dictionaries]. Lorenz Fichtel. Passau: Bibliotheksverlag, 2002. iv, 104 p. 30 cm. (Arbeitsmaterialien für Wirtschaftsbibliotheken, 7). Previous title: Annotierte Bibliographie ökonomischer Fachwörterbücher. (Bibliotheksverlag, Halser Str. 27a, D-94034 Passau) ISBN 3-928708-23-6: EUR 19.50 [02-1-135]
The present work represents the latest volume of an annual bibliography that began appearing in 1997. With this volume, a title change has occurred; volumes until 2002 were entitled Annotierte Bibliographie ökonomischer Fachwörterbücher [Annotated Bibliography of Subject Dictionaries in Economics] (see RRE 7:211). The author has acted as his own publisher. Citations have been brought up to date; out-of-print titles and significantly revised editions have been identified as such. The period of coverage is from 1993 to 2002, although important and as yet unsuperseded works from earlier years have been included. The present work brings to eight the number of topical sections included in the work’s scope: general dictionaries of economics; national economics; business studies; finance, banking and stock exchanges; marketing; accounting; production; and personnel management. Colored pages serve to distinguish visually between the topical sections. Lorenz Fichtel shares here the wealth of knowledge he compiled during his years as subject bibliographer at the University Library in Passau. [sh/crc]
Wirtschafts-Lexikon: über 4200 Stichwörter für Studium und Praxis [Dictionary of Economics: Over 4,200 Keywords for School and Work]. Werner Rittershofer. 2d updated and expanded ed. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag; Beck, 2002. lxix, 1,097 p. ill. 19 cm. (dtv, 50844: Beck-Wirtschaftsberater im dtv). ISBN 3-423-50844-2 (dtv), ISBN 3-406-49216-9 (Beck): EUR 20.00 [02-2-411]
Originally published in 1975 (by Bundverlag) and a long-standing hit in the paperback edition by dtv, the second edition retains the familiar structure of the classic, but brings it up to date with the addition of new terms and the deletion of some outdated entries. The number of entries has increased by 5%, from 4,000 to 4,200. The first edition is certainly not rendered obsolete by this one, but it shows good judgment on the part of the compiler to want to provide his audience with current information. [lf/hh]
Vahlens großes Marketinglexikon [Vahlen’s Comprehensive Marketing Lexicon]. Hermann Diller. 2d completely rev. and expanded ed. München: Beck, Vahlen, 2001. xix, 1,947 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-8006-2689-6: EUR 154.00 [02-2-415]
Although the second edition of this lexicon has greatly increased in size, the concept has not changed: extensive articles mix with short keyword entries. It offers precise basic information on the one hand, and an overview of marketing theory with bibliographical references on the other. Theory and practice are balanced. As expected, new entries include: electronic..., Internet..., online..., etc. As well, new management concepts such as balanced scorecard, relationship marketing, and acceptance research are included. Vahlen’s lexicon stands at the forefront of similar publications because of its scope and theoretical content. The only criticisms are that the cross-reference system is weak and it lacks an index. [lf/mjc]
Handwörterbuch des Bank- und Finanzwesens [Pocket Dictionary of Banking and Finance]. Ed. Wolfgang Gerke and Manfred Steiner. 3d completely rev. and expanded ed. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 2001. lxii, 2,444 col. ill. 27 cm. (Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 6). ISBN 3-7910-8047-4: EUR 199.90 [02-1-136]
This dictionary of banking and finance represents volume 6 of the 12-volume Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre [Encyclopedia of Management Theory]. All the volumes are basic works that document the state of the art in their respective subjects and are compiled by recognized experts in their fields. Since management theory is constantly evolving, most of the volumes are repeatedly issued in updated editions. The third edition of this dictionary has been expanded, although the layout and indexing remain unchanged, so that regular users need not alter any of their research techniques. There are substantial changes in content, particularly in the areas of financial innovation, financial risk management, and development in stock market theory. [lf/mjc]
Das grosse Lexikon der DDR-Werbung: Kampagnen und Werbesprüche, Macher und Produkte, Marken und Warenzeichen [The Comprehensive Encyclopedia of GDR Advertising: Campaigns and Slogans, Advertisers and Products, Brands and Trademarks]. Simone Tippach-Schneider. Berlin: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, 2002. 475 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-89602-372-1: EUR 22.90 [02-1-137]
Although the preface states that this encyclopedia covers a hundred years, it concentrates on the 1950s and 1960s as the high point for advertising in the German Democratic Republic. The fifties were characterized by the continuance and revival of prewar brands, and new brands from the still-existing private companies. The peak came in the sixties, when more consumer goods were produced; after 1970, large combines were formed and the last private businesses were nationalized. Fewer new products were developed, and no money could be spent on advertising. The author, the former editor of the journal Neue Werbung [New Advertising], takes much of her information from its archive. The articles, which are short and lack bibliographical citations, deal with commercial artists, companies, institutions and agencies, campaigns/slogans, media, advertising personalities, products, and brands. An appendix contains illustrations of ca. 600 trademarks. [sh/mjc]
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