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E -- Natural Sciences
Chronologie der Naturwissenschaften: der Weg der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften von den Anfängen in das 21. Jahrhundert [Chronology of the Natural Sciences: The Journey of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences from their Beginnings into the 21st Century]. Ed. Karl-Heinz Schlote for the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsch, 2002. 1,258 p. 24 cm. ISBN 3-8171-1610-1 (book only): EUR 98.00, ISBN 3-8171-1611-X (book + CD-ROM): EUR 98.00 [02-2-486]
This chronological handbook contains more than 13,000 entries, covering events and discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biological sciences (including medicine), and geology. Organization is chronological by year or span of years, spread over nine chapters from “Prehistory and Early Civilizations” through “Industrial Capitalism, 19th and Early 20th Centuries” up to “The Cold War Era.” Events of general importance (such as the foundings of universities, scientific academies, etc.) are listed first within each time period. These are followed by entries beginning with scientists’ names. Each event or discovery is described very briefly and in non-technical language. Further access is by a set of indexes: (1) of persons, with birth and death dates given; and (2) of subjects. An appendix lists Nobel Prize winners, organized by subject area. A bibliography is included. The CD-ROM version was not available at press time, but even without it, the book is easy to use. The work is intended for a general audience and is recommended for public and research libraries. [sh/crc]
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Last update: March 6, 2006 [BG]
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