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EH -- Agriculture and Home Economics
Lexikon Landwirtschaft: pflanzliche Erzeugung, tierische Erzeugung, Landtechnik/ Bauwesen, ökologischer Landbau, Betriebslehre, landwirtschaftliches Recht [Dictionary of Agriculture: Plant Production, Animal Production, Agricultural Technology, Ecological Agriculture, Industrial Organization, Agricultural Law]. Ed. Ingrid Alsing. 4th rev. and expanded ed. Stuttgart: Ulmer, 2002. 909 p. ill. 23 cm. (Previously published by BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft München). ISBN 3-8001-3930-8: EUR 89.90 [02-2-494]
The fourth edition of this work has been revised, expanded, and improved, especially in the subject areas of ecology and ecological agriculture. Some breeds of domesticated animals have been added to the endangered list, homeopathic medicines are now listed, and a one-page chart of interactions illustrates possible contributing factors to widespread forest death. Although the bibliography has been updated, some factual errors already present in the third edition have not been corrected. This work can serve as a helpful guide and resource for anyone interested in agriculture. It is hoped that the next edition will correct factual errors and omissions. [jr/ba]
Von Henriette Davidis bis Erna Horn: Bibliographie und Sammlungskatalog hauswirtschaftlicher Literatur; mit Anmerkungen zur Frauenfrage [From Henriette Davidis to Erna Horn: A Bibliography of Domestic Science Literature, with Remarks about Women’s Rights]. Eckehard Methler and Walter Methler. Wetter (Ruhr): Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Volmarstein-Oberwengern, 2001. xi, 852 p. ill. 31 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Henriette-Davidis-Museums, 9). ISBN 3-933945-09-7: EUR 50.00 (Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Volmarstein-Oberwengern, Henriette-Davidis-Museum, Liboriusstrasse 7, D-58300 Wetter, e-mail: info@henriette-davidis-museum.de) [02-1-194]
This compilation of short biographies with portraits and bibliographies of cookbook authors spans almost two centuries. Henriette Davidis (1801–1876) was the most successful 19th-century author of cookbooks and of various works on home economics, and Erna Horn (1904–1981) a similarly successful author of such works in the 20th century. The two frame a number of other relevant authors of the same genre. Non-Germans whose works were translated into German are included as well. Eckehard Methler, the founder of the museum named after Davidis in the town where she was born, who is also the town’s pastor, compiled this work with his son. The authors want this bibliography to shed light on past women’s lives; it is not just another compilation of cookbooks. Remarkable are the numerous illustrations of title pages and bindings. As it includes a wealth of 19th-century prescriptive women’s literature, it is very unfortunate that this rich compilation lacks both keyword and publisher indexes. Only indexes for the authors, journals, and food and kitchen gadget companies are included. It would be useful if the authors would follow up with an index volume in this series. A biography of Davidis, featuring some of her letters and a bibliography, came out as volume 10 of the same series. [sh/hsb]
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Last update: March 6, 2006 [BG]
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