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BJ -- Sports and Recreation
Das grosse Lexikon der Bundesligatorhüter: über 300 Biographien von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart [Comprehensive Lexicon of Federal League Goalies: Over 300 Biographies from the Beginnings to the Present]. B. F. Hoffmann. Berlin: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, 2003. 477 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-89602-526-0: EUR 22.90 [03-1-215]
If the biographies of the German national team members down through the years, presented in Deutschlands Fußball-Nationalspieler: das Lexikon (Berlin, 1997), aren’t enough, or if your special interest is goalies, this volume provides 300 goalie biographies in dictionary form. The article heading contains name, birth date, and country (although not the town), followed by statistics such as team name(s), number of games played, team championships, and honors. Each biography describes the subject’s career from its beginning to the present day or to its end, whichever applies. “Extras” include a discourse on the development of modern goalie equipment, a brief glossary of goalie jargon, goalie statistics and records, and a two-page literature list. [sh/hh]
Nicht alle Helden tragen Gelb: die Geschichte der Tour de France [Not All Heroes Wear Yellow: The History of the Tour de France]. Ralf Schröder and Hubert Dahlkamp. Göttingen: Verlag die Werkstatt, 2003. 383 p. ill. ISBN 3-89533-406-5: EUR 24.90 [03-1-216]
The handbook makes its appearance in the 100th anniversary year of the Tour de France, amidst numerous newspaper articles devoted to it. The volume opens with a chronology of the fewer than 100 races comprising the history of the event (it was suspended from 1915–1918 and 1940–1946), providing a summary of each race, including highlights and chief contestants, statistical “box” data, and black-and-white illustrations. An alphabetical section of short biographies of ca. 300 cyclists with all pertinent details and a comprehensive statistical section complete the volume. References to researched sources and literature are lacking, and despite the authors’ claim to “newly researched details,” incidental discrepancies turn up when comparing data in the book to some of the newspaper articles noted above. Still, Tour aficionados will get their money’s worth from the book, which belongs in larger public libraries as well as research libraries with at least a basic collection in sports literature. [sh/rlk]
Wörterbücher und Lexika der Sportwissenschaft: als Dokumente einer missverstandenen fachlichen Sprachlexikographie; grundlegende, historische und modellhafte Überlegungen aus bilingualer Perspektive [Dictionaries and Lexicons of Sport Science, as Documents of a Misunderstood Objective Sports Lexicography; Fundamental, Historical, and Exemplary Considerations from a Bilingual Perspective]. Jürgen Schiffer. Köln: Sport und Buch Strauß, 2002. 676 p. 21 cm. Simultaneously: Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, diss., 2001. ISBN 3-89001-245-0: EUR 46 [03-1-217]
The author has studied sport science and English and has written many reviews for IFB on sports-related reference works; hence he readily recognized the faults of sports dictionaries such as the Wörterbuch der Sportwissenschaft: deutsch, englisch, französisch = Dictionary of Sports Science = Dictionnaire des sciences du sport (2d ed., Schorndorf, 1992) and the Lexikon Sportwissenschaft: Leistung, Training, Wettkampf [Dictionary of Sports Science: Performance, Training, Competitions] (Berlin, 1993) (see RREO 1994, section BJ-94-3, nrs. 524–525). To address these faults he is planning his own German-English dictionary of sports, and he formulated his critique in this dissertation. Particularly interesting are chapters on special issues of sports lexicography and the analysis of available dictionaries. He presents his conception of a bilingual sports dictionary, including model entries for the letter “t” in the appendix. It is hoped that Schiffer’s new post as deputy director of the Zentralbibliothek der Sportwissenschaften der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln [Central Library for Sports Science of the German Sports College in Cologne] will not prevent him from completing the planned dictionary. [sh/jpn]
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