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E -- Natural Sciences and Technology
Der Brockhaus Naturwissenschaft und Technik [Brockhaus Natural Sciences and Technology]. Ed. Joachim Weiss for F.A. Brockhaus (Firm) and Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. Mannheim; Leipzig: Brockhaus; Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2003. 3 vols. 2,259 p. 25 cm. + 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-7653-1065-4 (Brockhaus, ed. with CD-ROM): EUR 239.90; ISBN 3-7653-1060-3 (Brockhaus, ed. without CD-ROM): EUR 179.90 [03-1-302]
Containing approximately 45,000 entry terms, 3,000 illustrations, and 350 tables, the preponderance of the BNT’s entries are in the fields of biology, biochemistry, and medicine, although mathematics and physics are also represented. The depth of technological application information is minimal. Editorial carefulness seems weak, as indicated by lapses in providing some references (e.g., compared with entries for a shortened version of the same article in the Lexikon der Biologie [Dictionary of Biology]); however, the work excels in table graphics and appealing color illustrations. The optional edition with CD-ROM lacks installation instructions, but stipulates system requirements (Windows 95 or later). The CD-ROM provides unique access not available through searching the printed volume, but information on whether the disk can be networked for multiple users was unavailable. The CD-ROM edition comes with access to the publisher’s Internet site for a period of one year, although the web content is mainly redundant vis-à-vis the book and CD-ROM. This is an up-to-date, concise reference work with lucid, well illustrated articles. The title is recommended for all libraries. [jr/rlk]
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Last update: March 6, 2006 [BG]
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