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AC -- Directories 2004
Deutsche Presse: biobibliographische Handbücher zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen periodischen Presse von den Anfängen bis 1815 [The German Press: Biobibliographical Handbooks of the History of the German-Language Periodical Press from its Beginnings to 1815]. Ed. Holger Böning. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. 25 cm. [04-2-405]
Vol. 3. Presse der Regionen Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Hildesheim-Goslar: kommentierte Bibliographie der Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Intelligenzblätter, Kalender und Almanache sowie biographische Hinweise zu Herausgebern, Verlegern, Druckern und Beiträgern periodischer Schriften bis zum Jahr 1815 [Press of the Regions Braunschweig/ Wolfenbüttel and Hildesheim-Goslar: Annotated Bibliography of Newspapers, Journals, Intelligencers, Calendars, and Almanacs, with Biographical Information on Editors, Publishers, Printers, and Contributors to Periodical Publications up to the Year 1815]. Ed. Britta Berg and Peter Albrecht. 2 vols. 2003. cxiv, 1,277 p. ISBN 3-7728-2214-2 (set): EUR 442, EUR 406 (subscription price)
After a five-year gap, the third volume in this series has finally appeared (for volumes 1 and 2, see RREA 2:68 and l4:81, respectively). The first one not edited by the chief series editor, Holger Böning, this volume covers the “scholarly triangle” of Braunschweig, Wolfenbüttel, and Helmstedt, with the addition of Hildesheim and Goslar, all in Lower Saxony. Bibliographer Britta Berg had laid solid groundwork for the work with her 1995 publication Zeitungen und Zeitschriften aus Braunschweig but has now expanded that list considerably to incorporate titles not held by libraries and archives, including those merely mentioned in reviews or advertisements in other periodicals, bringing the total to 917.
Detailed description of each periodical follows the scheme established in the previous two volumes on Hamburg-area publications and includes title, variant titles, publisher, frequency, format, bibliographical citations, and holdings data from libraries and archives, followed by a brief historical sketch. The three indexes, of names (of people, as well as important institutions), places, and titles are based on the same principles, rules, and format as the first two volumes. Peter Albrecht’s essay discussing “publishers, printers, and booksellers in the eyes of the government” (censorship!) adds a dimension of interest for historians. The high quality of the first two volumes has been retained in the third, and one hopes that the promised “Leipzig” volume will soon follow. The study of contemporary periodicals adds an invaluable component to social history. [wub/hh]
Die Wiener Tageszeitungen: eine Dokumentation [Documenting the Newspapers of Vienna]. Ed. Gabriele Melischek and Joseph Seethaler for the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1992- . 21 cm. (Publikationen der historischen Pressedokumentation). [04-1-009]
Vol. 4. 1938-1945: mit einem Überblick über die österreichische Tagespresse der NS-Zeit [1938-1945: With a Survey of the Austrian Daily Press of the Nazi Period]. 2003. 530 p. ill. ISBN 3-631-39753-4: EUR 79.50
This volume fills the gap between volumes 3 (covering 1918-1938, see RREO 94-2-174) and 5 (1945-1955, see RREA 6:18). It gives title-by-title treatment of 30 newspapers (and two Jewish journals) appearing in Vienna during the Nazi period. For each, titles (and reproduced covers), editors, department heads, and preceding and succeeding titles are given, along with call number information for located copies. Essays discuss the dearth of research devoted to the history of the press of the period, especially concerning Austria; Nazi control over the press; and the Viennese edition of the party newspaper Völkischer Beobachter [People’s Observer]. The co-editors provide an overview of the development of the Viennese daily press during the Nazi era. While the main resource for bibliographical research on these titles remains the second series of the Österreichische retrospektive Bibliographie (see RREA 9:8), this work gives a more detailed look at the daily press in particular, and contributes to the study of the history of the Viennese periodical press. [sh/dss]
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