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CH -- Business and Economics
> Ökonomen-Lexikon: Unternehmer, Politiker und Denker der Wirtschaftsgeschichte in 600 Porträts [Dictionary of Economists: Entrepreneurs, Politicians, and Thinkers from the History of Economics, in 600 Portraits]. Helge Hesse. Düsseldorf: Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen, 2003. 464 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-87881-181-0: EUR 69.95 [04-1-282]
The subtitle gives an idea of the breadth of the dictionary’s scope, and also raises the question of the criteria for inclusion. The author tells us only that the 600 figures (living persons are excluded) have had a determining influence on the history of economics through their activities and writings. The layperson is expressly included in the target readership; the texts are understandable for the general reader, and many reference books for the non-specialist are included in the bibliography. Most articles are one column long (Karl Marx gets three). The inclusion of bibliographic references is not very uniform: often there are none at all, and when they appear they are limited to one to three books in German, unless only foreign-language titles are available (although on the other hand Machiavelli’s primary works are cited in original Italian editions from the 16th century). There are several appendices, including an index of names and corporations. Unfortunately there is no index of subject terms. [sh/vh]
Bibliographie Fachwörterbuch Wirtschaft: Referate und Annotationen zum Angebot deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftslexika [Bibliography of Dictionaries of Terms in Economics: Reviews and Annotations of German-Language Economics Lexicons]. Lorenz Fichtel. Passau: Bibliotheksverlag, 2004. iv, 123 p. 30 cm. (Arbeitsmaterialien für Wirtschaftsbibliotheken, 11). ISBN 3-928708-29-5: EUR 19.50, EUR 16.50 (subscription price) (Bibliotheksverlag, Halser Str. 27a, D-94034 Passau) [04-1-283]
Prior to the 2002 edition of this work (see RREA 8:208), it was entitled Annotierte Bibliographie ökonomischer Fachwörterbücher (see RREA 7:211). The 2004 edition lists 403 editions of 346 titles (an increase from the 335 editions of 286 titles in 2003) by adding another year to the coverage (1995-2004) while retaining some important earlier titles. A specialized section on business management theory with regard to branches has been added to the original eight sections of the bibliography. This remains an excellent tool for library subject specialists. [sh/rs]
Der Brockhaus, Wirtschaft: Betriebs-und Volkswirtschaft, Börse, Finanzen, Versicherungen und Steuern [Brockhaus Encyclopedia of Business: Management, Economics, Stock Market, Finance, Insurance, and Taxes]. Ed. Michael Venhoff. Mannheim; Leipzig: Brockhaus, 2003. 703 p. ill. 25 cm. (Brockhaus-Sachlexika). ISBN 3-7653-0311-9: eur: 49.95 [04-1-284]
The first question when reviewing a title from the series of subject-specific Brockhaus encyclopedias is how that title relates to the current (20th) edition of Brockhaus, Die Enzyklopädie (BE). In this case, there is a great correspondence between the two in both the selection and contents of the 3,600 terms included here. For example, all but nine of the 253 terms under the letter F (“factory” to “futures”) are in the BE. The contents do vary, but only moderately and not necessarily in the direction of more information in the Brockhaus, Wirtschaft (BW). In fact, the articles in the BE are sometimes longer, especially for so-called key terms. Original to the BW are 22 extensive articles on special topics such as protections for the elderly and management style. Also original, at least in large part, are the illustrations and tables, the 120 “Info-Boxes” that supplement selected terms, and the citations for additional reading included with 300 of the major articles. In summary, this specialized encyclopedia offers substantial information on economics with high quality in both form and content, but the extensive overlap with the BE makes it of only minimal interest to owners of the general encyclopedia. [lf/vh]
Wörterbuch der Wirtschaft [Dictionary of Terms in Business]. Karl-Dieter Grüske, Friedrich Schneider. 13th completely rev. ed. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2003. xlii, 627 p. ill. 18 cm. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 114). ISBN 3-520-11413-5: EUR 28 [04-1-285]
This is a new edition of a classic title, which first appeared in 1936. The structure of the dictionary has not changed; the entries have remained relatively brief, and are limited to interpretive definitions. But there are 370 new terms covering new scholarly insights in economics and management, the expansion of the European Union, progressive globalization, and the internationalization of the banking and stock market sectors. Obsolete or outdated terms have been eliminated, and in fact the page count has gone down from 730 in the preceding (1995) edition to 627. The number of illustrations and tables has also been reduced. Of course, this dictionary does not intend to compare itself to multi-volume works such as the Gabler-Wirtschafts-Lexikon (see RREA 7:215); nevertheless, it offers a substantial quantity of information. [lf/vh]
Lexikon der Volkswirtschaft: über 2200 Begriffe für Studium und Beruf [Dictionary of Political Economics: More than 2,200 Terms for Students and Professionals]. Michael Hohlstein. 2d completely rev. and expanded ed. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag; Beck, 2003. li, 832 p. 19 cm. (dtv, 5898; Beck-Wirtschaftsberater). ISBN 3-423-05898-6 (dtv), ISBN 3-406-49091-3 (Beck): EUR 19.50 [04-2-524]
Lexikon der Volkswirtschaft: über 2200 Begriffe mit wichtigen Wirtschaftsgesetzen [Dictionary of Political Economics: More than 2,200 Terms, with Important Business-Related Laws]. Michael Hohlstein. München: Vahlen, 2004. CD-ROM. ISBN 3-8006-2952-6: EUR 24.90 [04-2-525]
The first edition of the Lexikon (see RREA 6:236) has been augmented by ca. 200 entries. Definitions are extensive, yet also accessible to the layperson. The focus of the Lexikon is on the more practical aspects of public-sector economics rather than on theoretical discussions of the subject. The second edition is also the basis for a CD-ROM product, which includes the identical terms. The electronic version offers as a bonus the full text of major tax and labor laws, indicated by hyperlinks (that can be difficult to identify) in the articles. The cd software permits only search and retrieval functions (no copying or pasting of text), and so the primary advantage of the electronic product over the print remains the ability to do full-text keyword searching. [lf/kst]
Focus-Lexicon: Werbeplanung, Mediaplanung, Marktforschung, Kommunikationsforschung, Mediaforschung [Focus Encyclopedia: Advertising Planning, Media Planning, Market Research, Communications Research, Media Research]. Wolfgang J. Koschnick. 3d rev. and expanded ed. 3 vols. München: Focus-Magazin-Verlag, 2003. ix, 3,124 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-9808574-0-9: EUR 149 [04-2-526]
Wolfgang J. Koschnick has established himself as a prolific author of encyclopedias and dictionaries, up to now predominantly in the field of marketing. His most recent work is this title brought out by the publishers of Focus magazine. It is accompanied by an internet edition (with promised monthly updates) that is freely accessible on the magazine’s web site. Koschnick is planning to supplement the web-based encyclopedia with a “Focus Media Database.”
This review limits its discussion to the print edition of the encyclopedia. This is a new edition of the Standard-Lexikon für Mediaplanung und Mediaforschung in Deutschland [Standard Encyclopedia for Media Planning and Media Research in Germany], with a new publisher, and outwardly has nothing in common with its predecessor, as not only the title but also the binding is different. The content has been expanded by about 55 percent, and now fills three volumes instead of two. The foreword notes that the number of entries has increased to 7,000 from the previous edition’s 4,500. The increase in text entries corresponds to a thematic broadening, from a focus on media planning and research to communications studies in general. This is evident in the many new articles that can be found under secondary headings; for example, the rubric “Media” now includes discussions of such topics as “Media Observers,” “Media Purchasers,” “Media Testing Procedures,” etc. The articles are detailed and extensive, with occasional graphics and tables. Entries that offer only brief definitions are infrequent, as are theoretical discussions. A welcome new feature is the inclusion of numerous bibliographical references, which also act as supporting sources. These provide added value, but are offset by the microscopically small print. The encyclopedia’s exhaustiveness and substance destines it for use by specialists, such as practitioners in public relations and advertising, as well as communications scholars. There is no shortage of information in this work. Especially astounding is the free web access offered to the full encyclopedia. Those who can connect to the internet might dispense with purchasing the print product. [lf/hrh]
Focus-Lexicon Österreich: Werbeplanung, Mediaplanung, Marktforschung, Kommunikationsforschung, Mediaforschung. [Focus Encyclopedia Austria: Advertising Planning, Media Planning, Market Research, Communications Research, Media Research]. Wolfgang J. Koschnick. 2d rev. and expanded ed. München: Focus Magazine Verlag, 2004. xi, 439 p. ill. 22 cm. (Former title: Media-Lexikon Österreich). (Know-How to Use). ISBN 3-9808574-2-5: EUR 39.90 [04-2-527]
Focus-Lexicon Schweiz: Werbeplanung, Mediaplanung, Marktforschung, Kommunikationsforschung, Mediaforschung. [Focus Encyclopedia Switzerland: Advertising Planning, Media Planning, Market Research, Communications Research, Media Research]. Wolfgang J. Koschnick. 2d rev. and expanded ed. München: Focus Magazine Verlag, 2004. xi, 622 p. ill. 22 cm. (Former title: Media-Lexikon Schweiz). (Know-how to use). ISBN 3-9808574-3-3: EUR 39.90 [04-2-528]
These two encyclopedias supplement the larger and more general Focus-Lexikon (see RREA 10:207), all three covering marketing, advertising, communications, and media. The author of this series, Wolfgang J. Koschnick, carries a consistent approach through the new editions. They have been much improved with the inclusion of citations for sources and in some cases internet addresses. It is notable that there is no overlap of entries in the three encyclopedias, which was an annoyance in the previous editions. This useful revision in approach has resulted in much thinner volumes for the country-specific encyclopedias (with about 600 articles concerning Austria and 900 on Switzerland, compared to 7,000 in the larger work), and is also reflected in a lower price.
Focus Magazine Publishers offers all the encyclopedias electronically at no cost on its web site, which represents significant added value, especially because the online versions are to be updated regularly. A further advantage is the inclusion of cross-references in the two regional encyclopedias, to each other and to the general encyclopedia (although, inexplicably, not from the latter to the other two). In the online editions the mentioned references take the form of hyperlinks, and a user can easily switch between individual encyclopedias but, as in the print editions, this only works going from the supplemental encyclopedias to each other and to the parent Focus-Lexikon and not vice versa. Regarding the contents of the two country encyclopedias, Koschnick is consistent in his approach: not only are subject terms defined and explained but he includes statistical information, relevant studies with detailed findings and, in some cases, diagrams and tables. Many articles discuss outlooks or situations unique to Austria and Switzerland in areas such as television and television advertising, to mention only two examples. Other country-specific concerns, such as institutions and laws, are covered, but the parent encyclopedia should be consulted for information on basic issues in communications, media, advertising, and marketing. Koschnick discloses in his foreword that his entries include Austrian and Swiss technical terms, but this is not very apparent and does not affect the usefulness of these works. [lf/hrh]
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