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E -- Natural Sciences and Technology
Biographische Enzyklopädie deutschsprachiger Naturwissenschaftler [Biographical Encyclopedia of German-Speaking Natural Scientists]. Ed. Dietrich von Engelhardt. 2 vols. München: Saur, 2003. xiv, 1,320 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-598-11629-2: EUR 298 [04-1-375]
This encyclopedia, one of the many spin-offs from the general Deutsche biographische Enzyclopädie, lists around 5,000 non-living individuals from the late Middle Ages to the present, excluding medical scientists, who are the subject of a separate compilation. There are new entries for the ca. 200 people who have died since the conclusion of the DBE. One annoying omission is the sources for the shorter articles. Nevertheless, this publication is worth purchasing for the relatively large number of new inclusions. [sh/mjc]
Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler: in drei Bänden [Dictionary of Important Natural Scientists, in Three Volumes]. Ed. Dieter Hoffmann. 3 vols. München; Heidelberg: Elsevier, Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag, 2004. 1,350 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-8274-0400-2 (book): EUR 387; ISBN 3-8274-0404-5 (CD-ROM): EUR 387; ISBN 3-8274-0403-7 (book + CD-ROM): EUR 580 [04-1-376]
This new dictionary of over 1,400 entries takes its place between the extensive Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York, 1970-) in multiple volumes and the numerous singlevolume compendiums that are intended for the laypublic. It is of interest to both professionals and general readers, containing biographies of representatives from the natural sciences, mathematics, technology, and medical science. They are non-living individuals from antiquity to the present, and also include scientists from the medieval Arabic world. Portraits accompany some articles. Bibliographic citations cover both primary works and secondary literature. This set belongs in all larger libraries, although the extremely high price may discourage purchase by individuals. [sh/mjc]
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