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AR -- Media
Die deutschsprachige Presse: ein biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch [The German-Language Press: A Bio-Bibliographical Handbook]. Ed. Bruno Jahn. 2 vols. München: Saur, 2005. xviii, 1,281 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-598-11710-8: EUR 248 [05-1-046]
The foreword to the newest offspring of Saur’s database DBE (Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie [Dictionary of German Biography] (see RREA 11:22) opens with an unnecessarily broad look at the origin and development of the press in Germany. It also mentions how many articles were borrowed from the DBE (almost 6,000 short biographies and 207 more detailed portraits), as well as the number of new articles (340, although without telling us how the articles are distributed among the two categories). According to the foreword, the borrowed short biographies are largely revised and supplied with references to secondary literature. A sample survey indicates that the former claim is inaccurate, while the latter is true of a great many, though not all, articles; the references to secondary literature are up to date, taking into account publications from 2005. The more detailed portraits are also expanded with references to current secondary literature.
The handbook lists journalists, editors, critics, publishers, illustrators, caricaturists, press photographers, owners, specialists for subscriptions and sales, and journalism academics. It also includes numerous persons who were famous in a field other than journalism, but active at times in the journalistic sphere. With this criterion, one could include substantially more names, since which author or politician was not also active in the world of the press? As a result, the handbook includes many names that one would not expect to find in a work of this title, e.g., Paul Klee, because he was an art critic for the Swiss monthly Die Alpen in 1911-1912 and published an essay in the journal Bauhaus in 1928. More restraint could have been exercised in this area, in order to include more persons from the field of journalism. At the same time, it would have been useful to have expanded the coverage of radio and television journalism.
The handbook includes an index of newspaper and journal titles, under which appropriate names are listed. The titles are also listed by place of publication, differentiating, for example, among the three journals titled Der Morgenstern. [sh/rm]
Literatur zur deutschsprachigen Presse: eine Bibliographie; von den Anfängen bis 1970 [Literature on the German-Language Press: A Bibliography; From the Beginnings to 1970]. Gert Hagelweide. München: Saur. 31 cm. (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Zeitungsforschung, 35). ISBN 3-598-21284-4 [05-1-047]
Vol. 10. Biographische Literatur, A-E: Herausgeber, Journalisten, Publizisten und Verleger (haupt- und nebenberu?ich); Illustratoren, Karikaturisten, Pressephotographen; Druckereibesitzer, führende Fachleute der Zeitungstechnik, in Anzeigenwerbung, Lesezirkel und Vertrieb; Publizistik- und Zeitungswissenschaftler, Pressejuristen. [Biographical Literature, A-E: Editors, Journalists, Publicists, and Publishers (Professional and Avocational); Illustrators, Caricaturists, Press Photographers; Printers, Leaders in Newspaper Technology, Advertising, Subscriptions, and Sales; Scholars of Communications and Journalism, Specialists in Journalism Law]. 2000. 385 p. ISBN 3-598-23480-5: EUR 198
Vol. 11. Biographische Literatur, F-H. 2001. 427 p. ISBN 3-598-23481-3: EUR 198
Vol. 12. Biographische Literatur, I-Me. 2002. 386 p. ISBN 3-598-23482-1: EUR 198
Vol. 13. Biographische Literatur, Mi-Sc. 2003. 410 p. ISBN 3-598-23486-4: EUR 198
Vol. 14. Biographische Literatur, Sco-Zw. 2004. 343 p. ISBN 3-598-23483-X: EUR 228
Volumes 10 through 14 of the important Hagelweide bibliography contain the set’s biographical entries, offering thorough coverage of figures in all areas of German-language journalism and journalistic publishing (approximately 21,000 individuals are listed in the five volumes). The bibliography indexes the literature through 1970.
Hagelweide has compiled the bio-bibliographical entries from a range of trade journals and through thoroughgoing research in special collections for journalism history in libraries, archives, museums, and journalism institutes. Grey literature represents a significant proportion of the citations, and these have been meticulously verified. Importantly, the editor has exercised careful authority control for the names of the figures covered, which frequently occur in the literature in variant forms.
Hagelweide’s selections of literature on the included figures are especially sound when the focus is journalism; general literature for figures also active outside of journalistic sphere (e.g., Goethe) are less well-chosen and suffer particularly from the 1970 cut-off date, sometimes representing an obsolete state of the research. The end date is sometimes also a disadvantage for the more obscure figures documented here, some of whom have benefited from renewed attention in the historiography that emerged since 1970.
Some structural and typographical aspects of the bibliographic apparatus are less than intuitive, so that use of this excellent resource requires time and concentration. An index to the biographical volumes has yet to appear. [sh/kw]
225 Jahre Neue Zürcher Zeitung. [225 Years of the NZZ]. Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 25 cm. ISBN 3-03823-158-4 (Complete set in slipcase): SFR 78, EUR 54 [5-1-052]
Die Geschichte der NZZ 1780-2005 [The History of the NZZ, 1780-2005]. Thomas Maissen. 2005. 385 p. ill. ISBN 3-03823-134-7: SFR 48, EUR 33
Das Unternehmen NZZ 1780-2005 [The NZZ Corporation, 1780-2005]. Conrad Meyer. 2005. 277 p. ill. ISBN 3-03823-130-4: SFr. 48, EUR 33
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung has long served as the Swiss national newspaper. And in its long history it also has served as an independent observer of events in the history of Europe and the world in general and as a primary resource for European history. This work is an extension of the special edition of the NZZ on 12 January 2005, which consisted of six sections (or books). The two volumes can be purchased and/or read as independent entities. The editor of volume 1, Thomas Maissen, is a professor of contemporary history at Heidelberg University, who has written monographs on Swiss history. The editors of volume 2, Conrad Meyer and Pascal Mort, are editorial staff writers for the NZZ.
This festschrift is in its richness an extremely useful contribution to the history of the German-language press. It contains a thoroughly documented bibliography up through the year 2005. A personal-name index would have been very helpful. [hab/ga]
Handbuch Fernsehforschung: Befunde und Perspektiven (Lehrbuch) [Handbook of Television Research: Findings and Perspectives (Textbook)]. Klaus Plake. Wiesbaden: VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004. 404 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-531-14153-8: EUR 29.90 [05-1-053]
This textbook provides an overview of the current state of research into television. Twelve chapters address various aspects of television as a mass medium, such as its history, research approaches, uses and effects of television, and key components of the critical reception of television. Through summaries, individual interpretations, tables, quotations, and notations, Plake traces the key features of the historical development of television research, thereby making it possible for readers to discern lines of development in the history of television. Each chapter closes with a very brief summary and two to six books with concise annotations recommended for further study. An appendix lists over five hundred books and essays, and a two-tiered subject index contains information on approximately 400 terms. This is a solid resource, useful not only for students, but for other interested parties as well. [wub/jb]
Jahresbibliographie Massenkommunikation …: systematisches Verzeichnis der im Jahre … innerhalb und außerhalb des Buchhandels veröffentlichten Literatur zu Presse, Rundfunk, Hörfunk, Fernsehen, Film, Tele- und Netzkommunikation und angrenzenden Problemen [Annual Bibliography of Mass Communication …: Systematic Index for the Year … of Published and Unpublished Literature on the Press, Radio, Television, Film, Distance/Network Communication and Related Issues]. Wilbert Ubbens. Ed. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen.
Vol. 29. 2003. Berlin: Spiess, 2005. xiii, 456 p. 21 cm. Publication suspended with this volume. ISBN 3-89776-010-X: EUR 28 [05-2-307]
This title is no longer published. The subject expert who for years had created the bibliography as an outgrowth of the University of Bremen’s obligation to collect in this area per the Sondersammelgebiet [shared subject-collection responsibility] system retired; furthermore, the responsibility for this field passed to the University of Leipzig in 1998.
The final volume of this title captures 4,592 monographs in five logical categories, the vast majority from the year in question (2003). Within the narrowest categories, it is arranged only alphabetically, although without much additional effort it would have been possible to aid browsing by, for example, separating the literature related to a given country. [sh/dsa]
Horizont: Medien-Lexikon [Horizont Media Lexicon]. Jürgen Frühschütz. Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Fachverlag, 2004. 401 p. 25 cm. (Horizont books). ISBN 3-87150-809-8: EUR 52 [05-2-309]
Horizont, the weekly newspaper for marketing, advertising and mass media, is now the publisher of a new revised partial edition of their Lexikon der Medienökonomie [Lexicon of Media Economics] by Jürgen Frühschütz, published in 2000 (see IFB 00-1/4-088). Part 1 of the extensive Medienökonomie has been revised and expanded, while information about media law and equipment, addresses, and the bibliography have been removed. There is no index of collaborators, indicating that Frühschütz revised the lexicon on his own. The goal of Horizont is to help the reader become conversant with concepts associated with media and advertising strategies—a less lofty goal than that of the 2000 work, which strove to be the foundational tool for discussion of a systematic nomenclature of media economics.
Aimed at the practitioner in the media and advertising fields, Horizont offers approximately 4,000 definitions and brief descriptions of concepts, combined with somewhat detailed texts that are occasionally enriched with examples. Short biographical entries are also present. Numerous references connect all the information, and small clusters of concepts addressing particular topics are brought together. The main focus of the work has shifted from media economics to electronic communications technology, in an effort to modernize and meet the changed standards of the field. In addition to the changes mentioned above, articles on the topic "Book" are almost completely eliminated, and the treatment of theoretical concepts is greatly reduced. Corrections and updates have not been made to all information needing such treatment. Articles on management and electronic communication replace the concepts dropped in Horizont. Libraries that hold the 2000 edition should consider Horizont a supplement to, rather than a replacement for that edition and might well consider doing without Horizont, since information about communications technology is available in more genuine reference works. It is recommended that libraries that do not hold the 2000 edition acquire Horizont, because of its comprehensiveness in the areas of media management and advertising. [wub/rm]
Gabler, Lexikon Medienwirtschaft [Gabler Dictionary of Media Management]. Ed. Insa Sjurts. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2004. xviii, 676 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-409-12451-9: EUR 69 [05-2-310]
In a systematic way this dictionary combines the basic genres (books, films et sim.), content forms (journals, newspapers, et sim.), media, and various formats (print, e-commerce, et sim.) with aspects of media management, small business instruction, media and communication science, law, and technology into one matrix. While this schema may prove difficult for some, it does unify all of the current aspects of media management with management science. This far-reaching field is opened up through some 1,600 articles and more than 1,300 references. 54 contributors represent the many different divisions. Only about 250 articles are signed (including those by the editor), and the authorship for most of the articles is not identified. The articles vary widely in scope and length (anywhere from 3-4 columns to 4-5 pages). The content level is factual and scholarly, and approximately 250 articles (signed or unsigned) offer bibliographical references, occasionally with tables and illustrations for further elucidation, and the articles are linked together by internal references. Despite its emphasis on the economics of the media enterprises, the dictionary is comprehensible to the non-economist, and this dictionary covers much more than just media economics.
The editor created an extensive lexicon not only for students of media management, but for all interested persons from teaching, the social sciences, and the applied professions, who wish to be informed on a factual-scholarly level. [wub/ga]
Täglich neu! 400 Jahre Zeitungen in Bremen und Nordwestdeutschland [New Every Day! 400 Years of Newspapers in Bremen and Northwest Germany]. Astrid Blome and Holger Böning. Bremen: Schünemann, 2005. 211 p. 28 cm. ISBN 3-7961-1862-3: EUR 28.90 [05-2-313]
This work’s opening note of thanks and introduction describe it as an "accompanying volume," leading us to expect a report or lightweight historical package. The editors actually present an academically convincing volume about the press history of Bremen as an adjunct to the 2005 exhibit held at the University of Bremen, for which an exhibition catalog was not issued. The overall impression given by the anthology includes coverage of local press history that one can only wish for: competent and readable writing and numerous rich historical illustrations. Topics covered include the birth and development of the press in the 17th century (Johannes Weber); the importance of the postal service to the press (Holger Böning); various contributions, chronologically arranged, about the press in Bremen (most by Astrid Blome and Holger Böning), including essays about the Revolution of 1848-49, the labor press, and Jewish persecution; and the press of neighboring city Hamburg and the surrounding north German countryside. Within the chronology are contributions about printing, censorship, reading groups, reading ability, the genres of newspapers and magazines, producers of press media, and book printers and publishers.
In comparison with the part of the work described above, the section Historische Ereignisse in der Bremer Presse [Historical Events in the Bremer Press], which consists of three contributions about the Franco-Prussian War, World War I, and life in the 1950s, appears sparse and unconvincing, given the number of important dates from which to choose. And the final section Zeitungsrubriken [Newspaper Sections] covers only advertising, literary art, sport and obituaries, causing one to wonder in amazement if this is really the decisive word on the press. Where, for instance, are news, editorial commentary, serial novels, or lead articles? Here it becomes evident that the editors (including Johannes Weber) were unable personally to examine material available in the state and university libraries, as well as the Bremer state archive, and had to depend on the contributions of students who devoted three semesters to the Bremer press. While these apprentice pieces display weaknesses, the work as a whole is impressive.
The layout, extensive color illustrations, and vivid text reproductions are so satisfying that one puts down this volume only reluctantly. It is well worth both viewing and reading. [gh/rm]
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