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BD -- Literature and Literary Studies
Harenberg-Schauspielführer: die ganze Welt des Theaters: 298 Autoren mit mehr als 780 Werken [Harenberg Guide to Plays: The Whole World of the Theater; 298 Authors with Over 780 Works].Ed. Gert Woerner, introd. by Will Quadflieg. 3d, completely rev. and enlarged ed. Mannheim [et al.]: Meyers Lexikonverlag, 2004. 1,296 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-411-76109-1: EUR 50 [05-1-099]
Harenberg-Schauspielführer: 12-CD-Edition mit 120 Aufnahmen; Über 14 Stunden Highlights des Sprechtheaters mit herausragenden Schauspielern unseres Jahrhunderts [Harenberg Guide to Plays: 12-CD ed. with 120 Recordings; Over 14 Hours of Highlights from the Theater, by Outstanding Actors of Our Century]. 2d ed. Mannheim [et al.]: Meyers Lexikonverlag, 2004. 12 CDs. ISBN 3-411-76110-5: EUR 78 [05-1-100]
The Harenberg drama guide, taken over in its third edition by Meyers Lexikonverlag, invites comparison with the popular Reclams neuer Schauspielführer (see RREA: 11:95). The contrast could not be greater, starting with the Harenberg’s much larger format, more pages, 1,150 illustrations versus 64 in the Reclam, and weight: at 3 kg it is not exactly a pocket book to take along to the theater. They differ also in the order of their chosen entries: Harenberg uses a more practical alphabetical listing by author name, while Reclam goes the chronological route, by date of birth. The number of writers represented in both volumes is nearly the same, but the number of plays differs quite a bit, with 784 for Harenberg versus "about 600" for Reclam. There are understandable differences in which of the contemporary playwrights have been included in each publication. The individual author articles have a similar structure in both books, but those in the Harenberg guide are more detailed and user-friendly due to the addition of graphics. A portrait of the author with birth and death dates is placed in the outer column of the article. The descriptions of the authors’ works are in chronological order and contain the title in German, original title if it isn’t German, year and place of fi rst production as well as first German production (with director), characters, plot, and a section called "about the work." Also included are quotes from the author about the work, citations for works editions, German works editions, criticism and interpretation, and lists of films or recordings of the work. Important, prolific authors have their dramatic output arranged in tablular form with the above information. An appendix contains a chronological table of all> works covered in the volume with the same information as in the aforementioned tables. This chronology also refers to excerpts from the play on the CD edition. The chronological table shows clearly the emphasis on the second half of the 20th century: half the listed plays are from this period. Indexes include titles (both German and original) and personal names—of everyone mentioned in the articles, not just the writers.
The CD edition on 12 audio CDs contains a total of 14 hours of recordings from the archives of the Deutsche Grammophon Company. The plays are arranged alphabetically by author; an accompanying brochure lists author, play, act and scene, role and actor (speaker), duration, and the corresponding page in the book. Since the CD set can be purchased separately, this should not influence the decision whether to buy Reclam or Harenberg. Harenberg costs twice as much, but offers much more. Libraries are likely to buy both. [sh/hh]
Reclams neuer Schauspielfüher [Reclam’s New Guide to Plays]. Ed. Marion Siems. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2005. 1,040 p. ill. 16 cm. ISBN 3-15-010526-9: EUR 19.90 [05-1-101]
The predecessor to this guide, Reclams Schauspielführer [Reclam’s Guide to Plays], has been by far the most successful on the German market, having gone through 21 editions from 1953-2001. Yet it was time for a complete renewal of that work, which is found in the Neuer Schauspielfüher, none of whose contributors was responsible for the earlier title. Happily, the three-part historical division of content has been abandoned in favor of a single sequence, which, however, is rather impractically arranged by playwrights’ birth date rather than by name. The preface states that ca. 300 dramatists and over 600 works are included; those born since the 1960s are represented by a single work each. The emphasis in both the old and new Schauspielfüher is on the 20th century. Entries have a clear and coherent format, beginning with biographical information followed by the works as integrated within theater history. There are name and playwright indexes as well as an index for work titles. Libraries will want to retain the earlier Reclam guides for their historical information on the repertoire of the German stage over the last half century. [sh/rlk]
Shayol-Jahrbuch zur Science Fiction und den anderen phantstischen Genres: Kritik, Analyse, Bibliographie [Shayol Yearbook of Science Fiction and Other Fantasy Genres: Criticism, Analysis, Bibliography]. Ed. Udo Klotz and Hans-Peter Neumann. Berlin: Shoyol-Verlag. 21 cm. [05-1-102]
2003. 2004. 342 p. ill. ISBN 3-926126-32-9: EUR 19.90
2004. 2005. 369 p. ill. ISBN 3-926126-46-9: EUR 19.90
The Shayol publishing house, known for its sci-fi/fantasy bibliography Die große illustrierte Bibliographie der Science-Fiction in der DDR [Comprehensive Illustrated Bibliography of Science Fiction in the GDR] (see RREA 8:122) and its supplementary volume, Science-Fiction in der DDR: eigenständige Publikationen [Science Fiction in the GDR: Independent Publications] (see RREA 8:123), has started a yearbook to succeed the discontinued Golem yearbook. The first volume, covering 2003, was published in 2004. There is some continuity with the Golem, as many of that yearbook’s editors are editors or contributors to the new work, and the genre criteria for inclusion have remained the same. Intended audiences for the yearbook are "readers and collectors," as well as "those who deal with science fiction in their career or scholarly work" (p.7). Most entries consist of descriptive "year in review" articles, sometimes covering multiple years, and reports on SF in the Anglo-American sphere, in Germany, Russia, and Poland (in the 2004 yearbook, also in Bulgaria, Greece and the Netherlands). In addition to the occasional interview, there are reviews of the "most important" translations, books, movies and computer games, and obituaries, and a list of the year’s prizewinners. The reviews, originally published in the magazine Alien Contact, used to be collected annually by that magazine, but are now available only in this yearbook. About half of each volume is taken up with the Bibliographie der Science Fiction in deutscher Sprache [Bibliography of Science Fiction in the German Language], covering first editions and revised editions of books, magazine issues, and dependent titles, with pictures of the covers; secondary literature (books and essays); anthologies; collections; publishers; and series (including unnumbered volumes). The bibliography for 2004 directs the reader to a more extensive edition available in pdf format from Shayol’s web site (www.shayol.info). This pdf contains footnotes with additional information, most often details on content and physical format. Furthermore, first editions are distinguished typographically from revised editions, and the pictures of the book colors appear in color. Although this informative yearbook is intended mainly for collectors, academic libraries should not close their eyes to this very popular genre. A subscription to this yearbook is recommended as an addition to the market leader, Das Science-fiction-Jahr [The Science Fiction Year] published by Heyne, Germany’s leading publisher for this genre. [sh/rb]
Lexikon der deutschsprachigen Krimi-Autoren [Lexicon of German-Speaking Mystery Writers]. Ed. Angelika Jockers and Reinhard Jahn. 2d, updated and enlarged edition. München: Verlag der Criminale, 2005. 301 p. 22 cm. ISBN 3865200931: EUR 26 [05-1-103]
Now in its second edition, the Lexikon> contains biographical notes and lists of works for more than 600 German-speaking mystery writers. It has been considerably expanded in comparison to the first edition, which contained only 460 entries. The work concentrates on "contemporary" mystery writers, although the definition of "contemporary" used here is expansive, including even such older authors as Louis Weinert-Wilton, who was born in 1875. A large part of the book is made up of entries representing all persons who held membership in one of the two major German associations of mystery writers as of the end of 2004, the organizations in question being "Das Syndikat" and the German chapter of "Sisters in Crime." As a result, well-known German mystery writers share space with complete unknowns who in some cases have not yet published anything of note and indeed may never do so. On the other hand, well-known writers who do not happen to be members of one of these two organizations have been included as well, although it is not altogether clear what criteria were used in choosing these additional entries. There are several noticeable gaps in coverage: for example, since 1985, the Bochumer Krimi-Archiv has annually presented the major national mystery award, known as the Deutscher Krimi-Preis, but not all the award winners are to be found in the Lexikon.
Entries have been based primarily on information provided by the writers themselves, which means that individual entries vary considerably in completeness. Some of the writers have used the opportunity to provide reams of information about themselves, which while not perhaps strictly relevant, is undeniably fascinating. Such commentary as appears tends to be congratulatory rather than critical. The occasional attempts to lighten a serious tone with humorous remarks are awkward rather than entertaining. The bibliographies aim for comprehensiveness, including all novels, short stories published in book form, radio plays, screenplays, and television episodes (though in regard to this last genre a specific caveat is issued: these listings do not attempt to achieve comprehensiveness, and some listings are given in summary only).
In view of its expansive bibliographic listings, this work deserves a place in libraries, particularly those supporting a program in mystery literature or film studies. [pst/crc]
Die Rezeption der DDR-Literatur in Frankreich [Reception of GDR Literature in France]. Karin R. Gürttler. Bern [et al.]: Lang. 23 cm. (Kanadische Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur, …). [05-1-105]
Vol. 2. Dokumentation; Repertorium der übersetzten literarischen Werke und Texte (1945-2000) und Sekundärliteratur [Documentation; Repertoire of Translated Literary Works and Texts (1945-2000) and Secondary Literature]. 2004. 388 p. (…, 49). ISBN 3-03910-132-3: EUR 61.40
The undesignated first volume of this title covered the years 1945 to 1990. The current work, now bearing a volume number, updates the 2001 publication and expands the years of coverage from 1945 to 2000. The work provides a detailed list of the translations into French of the works of 170 authors of the former German Democratic Republic. Arranged alphabetically by author, the bibliography, the most extensive of the seven parts comprising this work, is subdivided into book publications, texts in anthologies, texts in newspapers and magazines, interviews, and secondary literature. Bibliographic entries include translation title, translator, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, pagination, as well as the original German-language title with its place of publication, publisher, and year of publication.
Other, shorter sections provide information on anthologies containing works by DDR authors; literary histories and reference works treating DDR writers and literature on individual genres; Brecht reception with a list of his plays performed between 1968 and 1990; bibliographic resources; periodicals consulted; and corrections to the first volume. The absence of indexes, especially one listing translators, is surprising in this otherwise excellent reference resource. [sh/jb]
Vol. 3. P-Z. Ed. Jan-Dirk Müller. 2003. xxi, 912 p. ISBN 3-11-015664-4: EUR 158
Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturgeschichte [Dictionary of German Literary History]. Ed. Klaus Kanzog, Werner Kohlschmidt and Wolfgang Mohr. Reprint of the 2d rev. ed. of 1958-1988. 5 vols. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2001. 24 cm. ISBN 3-11-017252-6: EUR 198 [05-1-107]
While the publication of the 2d edition of Merker/Stammler’s Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturgeschichte (RDLG) took no less than thirty tumultuous years, from 1958 to 1988, the Reallexikon der deutchen Literaturwissenschaft (RDLW) needed only six years. This shorter production time, combined with strictly enforced editorial guidelines on the structure of entries, give the work the feeling of a unified whole. Each entry begins with a heading, followed by definition and usage notes based on an etymology, a conceptual history, subject history, research history, and bibliography (works cited and other important works). Volume 3 contains a list of contributors, with contributed articles.
In 2001 de Gruyter published a paperback reprint of the second edition of the RDLG, marketing it to individuals rather than libraries, most of which already owned the 1988 hardcover and were also acquiring the RLDW. Standard works such as these are seldom outdated, particularly not in this case, as each title reflects the discipline’s view of its subject matter at a point in time. Due partly to the longer length of the RDLG, its articles contain information no longer included in the RDLW. For instance, the article on comparative literature is 25 pages in RDLG and only four pages in RDLW, and only the RDLG has articles on the influence of various national literatures on German literature. While neither work has an entry for "Volksaufklärung" (popular moral literature), information on that topic can be found in the Handbuch zur narrativen Volksaufklärung (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2004). The RDLG has 64 pages on words starting with Volks-(popular), while the RLDW has 11 pages on such concepts. [sh/rb]
Die totalitäre Erfahrung: deutsche Literatur und Drittes Reich [The Totalitarian Experience: German Literature and the Third Reich]. Ed. Frank-Lothar Kroll. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2003. 315 p. 24 cm. ISBN 3-503-03040-9: EUR 34 [05-1-108]
This collection of essays is the result of a joint conference of the Werner Bergengruen Society and the Evangelical Academy of Baden in Karlsruhe. It can be seen as both an expansion of and companion piece to earlier studies of National Socialist literature, such as the Lexikon nationalsozialistischer Dichter: Biographien, Analysen, Bibliographien [Dictionary of National-Socialist Poets: Biographies, Analyses, Bibliographies] (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1993; see RREO 94-3/4-436). The work reviewed here is less systematic and homogenous than other reference sources, as each contributor uses a personal citation style, often summarizing monographs, individual essays, editions, and exhibit catalogs. Thus, those essays that include new sources, address fundamental questions, or introduce larger groups of works and authors are particularly welcome.
By and large the volume presents a good overview of recognized authors, works, trends, and cultural periodicals. Nonetheless, some individual entries should have been more critical or discussed divergent concepts. Because they are regarded more as seismographs of political events, the literary quality of several works is not discussed in enough detail. Additionally, an index of names as well as a bibliography would have been useful. [frh/kb]
Der Gießener Goethe-Bund: eine Bestandsaufnahme zum öffentlichen Literaturbetrieb in Weimarer Republik und NS-Zeit [The Gießen Goethe Society: An Assessment of the Public Face of Literature in the Weimar Republik and Nazi Era]. Jörg-Peter Jatho. Rotenburg a. d. Fulda: AG Spurensuche, 2004. 289 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 3-933734-10-X: EUR 42 (available through J.-P. Jatho, Roonstr. 21, D-35390 Gießen) [05-1-112]
During its 30-year existence from 1914 to the end of World War II, the Gießen Goethe Society convened 320 meetings featuring 230 speakers and artists. And while it occupied an important place in the cultural life of Gießen as a forum for the presentation and discussion of literature, music and the arts, its activities have been kept out of the public light since its demise. Jatho, a retired history teacher from Gießen, has changed that, revealing the organization’s role in the Nazi era through meticulous reconstruction of its activities based on archival research. The inclusion of facsimiles, an invaluable photo gallery of 72 speakers, bio-bibliographic entries on all 230 speakers (augmented by an index of Nazi-era members), as well as an overview of the archives utilized, secondary bibliography and name index—all combine to make this a highly usable resource. Its value resides in the carefully assembled wealth of information that enables numerous social, literary and cultural-historical insights, above all for the Nazi years. Jatho has provided an important window into the literature and propaganda history of the Third Reich, demonstrating particularly in the figure of Otto Henning, one of the four founders of the Bund, the seamless and guiltless transition from compromised Nazi cultural functionary to second-career post-war citizen. [frh/rlk]
Heinrich Mann, 1871-1950. Ed. Walter Delebar and Walter Fähnders. Berlin: Weidler, 2005. 494 p. ill. 21 cm. (Memoria, 4). ISBN 3-89693-437-6: EUR 48 [05-1-117]
The editors state their intention of focusing on Heinrich Mann as a figure to be examined independently of his more famous brother Thomas. Yet by assembling a diverse collection of essays whose intent is to cover as many works and themes as possible, they have only added pieces to the existing mosaic of critical "knowledge archaeology," missing the opportunity of a revisionist reading of Heinrich Mann that would establish his unique identity. While the contributed essays themselves are certainly the informative and well-written work of proven specialists, only one essay concentrates on one of Mann’s major works. The book as a whole fails to fulfill the promise of a "new beginning." [frh/rlk]
Two extensive bibliographies are found at the end of the volume. Notizen und Nachträge zur Heinrich-Mann-Bibliographie [Notes and Addenda to the Heinrich-Mann-Bibliography] by Gregor Ackermann is intended to supplement volume one of Brigitte Nestler’s Heinrich-Mann-Bibliographie (Morsum/Sylt, 2000). The addenda comprise 248 consecutively numbered, chronologically ordered citations to texts, interviews and reports of presentations from 1908-1948, plus a shorter section of proclamations from 1913-1937, almost all taken from the press of those years. The Arbeitsbibliographie [Working Bibliography] by Christian Meinecke and Pedram Shahyar collocates citations to editions, posthumous works, archives, bibliographies and periodicals in an opening section, while the bulk of the bibliography comprises secondary citations (without annotations or index) to ca. 1,100 titles arranged from 2003-1950 [sic]. These two bibliographies will serve as interim aids to research until their content is incorporated, along with the pre-1950 secondary research, into volume two of the aforementioned bibliography by Nestler. [sh/rlk]
Thomas-Mann-Handbuch [Thomas Mann Handbook]. Ed. Helmut Koopmann. Reprint of the 3d updated ed. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2005. xviii, 1,036 p. 19 cm. (Fischer-Taschenbücher, 16610). Licensed from the Alfred-Kröner-Verlag. ISBN 3-596-16610-1: EUR 19.90 [05-1-118]
In time for the 50th anniversary of Thomas Mann’s death on August 12, 1955, his own publisher, the Fischer Verlag, with the permission of the Kröner Verlag, re-published the third updated edition of Helmut Koopmann’s Thomas-Mann-Handbuch, which first came out in 1990. Subsequent editions (see RREA 2:157 and 8:106) included the addition of newer titles in the bibliographical sections "Thomas Mann Research 1990-1995" and "Thomas Mann Research since 1995," but this format is inconvenient, and the contents are not up to date. As welcome as this affordable paperback edition may be, one hopes that the Kröner-Verlag will soon publish a completely revised and updated version of this handbook. The bibliographical survey offered by the editor of a new Fischer edition of Mann’s works at the publisher’s Internet portal (http://www.ThomasMann.de) is no substitute. [sh/nb]
Hubert Fichte—Explosion der Forschung: Bibliographie zu Leben und Werk von Hubert Fichte. Unter Berücksichtigung des Werkes von Leonore Mau [Herbert Fichte—A Research Explosion: Bibliography of the Life and Work of Hubert Fichte; with a consideration of the Work of Leonore Mau]. Michael Fisch. Bielefeld: Aisthesis-Verlag, 2006 [publ. 2005]. 372 p. 21 cm. (Bibliographies of German Literary Histories, 16). ISBN 3-89528-545-5: EUR 45 [05-2-345]
This is a bibliography of the works and life of the author Hubert Fichte (1935-1986). It is very clear early on in the text that the bibliographer Michael Fisch appreciates Fichte’s use of literary style and poetic strength in his books. In the preface Fisch quotes several literary critics and colleagues who also hold Fichte’s work in high esteem, in contrast to the relatively small familiarity with this author in the public arena. Fisch has published previously on Fichte, and has also produced bibliographies of two contemporary authors: one on Robert Wolfgang Schnell (Bielefeld: Aisthesis-Verlag, 1999) and the other on Gerhard Rühm (Bielefeld: Aisthesis-Verlag, 2004; see RREA 10:102).
Part 1, chapters 1-9, of the present bibliography lists 499 works of primary literature in chronological order. Some publication formats covered are individual works by Fichte in chapter 1; texts in magazines, newspapers, anthologies and collections in chapter 3; and radio broadcasts in chapter 4. Chapters 11 and 12 in Part 2 also deal with Fichte’s works.
This is a good bibliography full of useful information, but searching it is not always easy. In chapter 14, for example, the abbreviations list for Fichte’s major works that can be found in independent publications is not arranged alphabetically but chronologically, which is not logical. It is clear from looking at Heiner Schmidt’s Quellenlexikon zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte (see RREA 9:74 and RREA 4:120) that some secondary literature has been left out. For instance, in the section titled Arbeitsstelle Hubert Fichte, apart from three press releases only one article is mentioned. The primary literature appears to be well represented. [sh/sas]
Ricarda-Huch-Bibliographie [The Ricarda Huch Bibliography]. Michael Meyer. Wien: Ed. Praesens, 2005. 523 p. 23 cm. (Sealsfield-Bibliothek, 4). ISBN 3-7069-0257-5: EUR 35 [05-2-346]
This is a new bibliography of the works and life of Ricarda Huch, female Swiss writer, poet, philosopher, and cultural historian, who lived from 1864 to 1947. The renowned German scholar Michael Meyer has published other works about Huch, such as his 1998 dissertation (Hamburg University), in which he analyses what Huch wrote about Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. There is a 1974 Huch bibliography by Bernd Balzer that comprises volume 11 of her Gesammelte Werke (Berlin: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1974), but Meyer found it necessary to create a new bibliography, since more literature by and about Huch has come available in recent years. One must remember that no bibliography is complete, because it only reflects what materials are accessible to the bibliographer both in print and on line.
This work is divided into four chapters: a preface; the author’s works, documents about Huch’s life and work, and an appendix. Chapter 3 is long; not only does it list the printed works, but it also provides the locations of all manuscripts, derived from the inventories of various archives and even from yearbooks of auction prices. In chapter 3 one would have expected that Meyer would have conducted a deeper search of the secondary literature. Chapter 4 contains interesting new works, such as refl ections of Huch’s poems in music and broadcasts on Huch and her work. It would have been useful if Meyer had provided an index of all the publishing houses associated with the primary literature. When looking at this bibliography’s structure and layout and reflecting on what is omitted, one feels Meyer should have looked at other bibliographies to find one that is well organized to use as a model. Unfortunately, because this unsatisfactory volume has been published, there will probably be no further bibliography of Ricarda Huch’s works for quite some time to come. [jb/sas]
Karl May: Briefe, Karten in Regesten und Registern [Karl May: Letters and Post/ Note Cards in Catalogs and Indexes]. Ed. Volker Griese. Münster: Verlagshaus Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2005. 283 p. 21 cm. (Edition Octopus). ISBN 3-86582-157-X: EUR 17.50 [05-2-347]
This work treats 1,466 letters, post cards, and telegrams from 1860-1912 that are either in May’s hand or to which he made a handwritten addendum. It excludes items written by Klara May. Entries are chronological, and contain in the header the date and place sent, recipient, type of item, location in public or private collection, and sources for reproductions. The content of each item is summarized. Indexes for the following categories are included: recipients, works, figures, persons and publications, periodicals, and places. [sh/dsa]
Der geschliffene Diamant: die gesammelten Werke Karl Mays [The Polished Diamond: The Collected Works of Karl May]. Ed. Lothar Schmid and Bernhard Schmid. Bamberg; Radebeul: Karl-May-Verlag, 2003. 490 p. ill. 18 cm. (Sonderband zu den gesammelten Werken Karl Mays). ISBN 3-7802-0160-7: EUR 14.90 [05-2-348]
Behind this confusing title is a collection of essays—mainly concerning the editing of May’s works—that mark the 90th anniversary (2003) of the Karl-May-Verlag in Bamberg. The lead essay, from Lothar Schmid, currently the director of the publishing company, is intended to counter the criticisms leveled at his house’s editions. The longest and also most significant contribution is an essay by Wolfgang Hermesmeier and Stefan Schatz, both known for their Karl-May-Bibliografie 1913-1945 (see RREA 7:110). This article details the 84 volumes of the collected works, including their first printing, editions, and the current state of the texts, omitting only to mention volumes published in the competing Historisch-Kritische Ausgabe of the Karl May Foundation, apparently indicating that the HKA is taboo in Bamberg. [sh/dsa]
Annemarie Schwarzenbach: Analysen und Erstdrucke; mit einer Schwarzenbach-Bibliographie [Annemarie Schwarzenbach: Analyses and First Editions; With a Bibliography]. Walter Fähnders and Sabine Rohlf. Bielefeld: Aisthesis-Verlag, 2005. 349 p. ill. 21 cm. ISBN 3-89528-452-1: EUR 24.80 [05-2-351]
This is a bibliography of the works and life of the Swiss female author Annemarie Schwarzenbach, who lived a life (1904-1942) packed with extensive travel, passionate relationships, and emotional turmoil. In the first section, Analyses, ten essays cover her entangled literary and personal life as found in her novels, narratives, travel writings and feuilletons. For example, the first essay deals with her problematic love-hate relationship with her mother Renée Schwarzenbach-Wille. The second section, Erstdrucke, contains letters by Carl Jacob Burckhardt and Margret Boveri along with commentaries on them. The third section—the 25-page Bibliography—contains both a subjective and objective treatment of the author’s works and life. It lists 402 consecutively numbered titles chronologically arranged in the following categories: (1) independent publications; (2) posthumously published works and collections of texts; (3) letters and other autobiographical material; (4) writings in newspapers, magazines, and collected works; and (5) broadcast transmissions. While category 4 is the most extensive, it is clear that over time further searches will uncover more articles in contemporary media that could be added. Fähnders also included a section on works about Annemarie Schwarzenbach, divided into two parts: (1) artistic adaptations of her life and work in films, audio books, literature, and theater, and (2) scholarly literature. [sh/sas]
Reference Sources for Canadian Literary Studies. Joseph Jones. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. xiv, 464 p. 24 cm. ISBN 0-8020-8740-X: $128, £80 [05-2-355]
After a long incubation period and only one year past its announced June 2004 publication date, the leader in reference sources for Canadian literature has finally published Reference Sources for Canadian Literary Studies. It was worth the wait.
Chapters are indexed by type of reference source, with each chapter further subdivided into more specific categories. The author lists 1,070 numbered entries that are, with limited but important exceptions, succinctly annotated. Because older—and some outdated—titles are considered, the index is mostly arranged in reverse chronological order. The author focuses on the English-language literature of Canada. Literatures in other languages, not only French but also indigenous and immigrant-group languages, are represented only by the most influential examples. With 147 titles, chapter D is by far the longest. It contains bibliographies of several writers but no individual biographies. In the final chapter, titled "Other Sources," the author lists web sites and databases. Of the four indexes—Author, Title, Subject, Year of Publication—the latter is the less useful. This work is recommended for libraries whose users would like a resource devoted to Canadian literature. [sh/jmw]
Kleine Geschichte der russischen Literatur [Concise History of Russian Literature]. Reinhard Lauer. München: Beck, 2005. 283 p. 19 cm. (Beck’sche Reihe, 1651). ISBN 3-406-52825-2: EUR 14.90 [05-2-358]
After publishing his exhaustiveGeschichte der russischen Literatur in 2000, the author has now come out with this "concise" tome, but one which is not simply a shortened, condensed version of the previous work. There is a marked change in emphasis, as, while staying faithful to his conception, the author has targeted the volume not at academics but at the broad reading public. This reflects the steady rise of Western interest in Russian literature, which has increased the demand for reliable sources of information about the subject.
The book is organized into 12 chapters that trace the development of Russian literature from the 10th century into the immediate present. Each chapter is supplied with its own bibliographic apparatus, which begs the question of whether a unifi ed bibliography at the end would not be more efficient. There is also an index of names with birth and death dates. The brief introduction looks at the history and unique characteristics of Russian literature as compared to the literatures of Western Europe. This is essential, for it allows the reader to envision the place of Russian literature in its broader cultural and societal context.
Chapter 1 is only of medium length, although it treats by far the longest historical period, from 988 up to the reforms of Peter the Great in the 1700s. The works produced in this era are particularly inaccessible to the contemporary reader, originating as they do in liturgical literature and translations of Greek texts, but they are of paramount importance for the understanding of later works. The bulk of material in the volume treats the classical period of Russian literature, when it joined the club of Western European literary traditions. Russian Realism, the Silver Age, Soviet literature, and contemporary movements are given adequate coverage. It is particularly gratifying that the current literary scene has not been overlooked. The last chapter considers recent and emerging trends, such as the reunification of different strands of the Russian literary tradition, for example, Samizdat ["self-publishing" inside the Soviet Union], Tamizdat ["published out there" outside the Soviet Union], Soviet authors who managed to preserve an official or semi-official status, as well as the emergence of new late- and post-Soviet authors such as Liudmila Petrushevskaia and Tatiana Tol’staia.
In short, the work under consideration is recommended as a competent and handy introduction to Russian literature. Its concise and lucid table of contents and the detailed personal name-index make it particularly suitable for the purposes of ready reference. [ks/as]
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