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BF -- Applied Arts
Lexikon der europäischen Bilderrahmen: Von der Renaissance bis zum Klassizismus; Epoche, Herkunft, Pro?lfolge, Dekor, typische Merkmale, Konstruktion, Holz, Fassung, Varianten, Genre, Literatur [Lexicon of European Picture Frames: From the Renaissance to Classicism; Periods, Origin, Contour and Pattern Repeat, Decoration, Typical Characteristics, Construction, Wood, Mounting, Variations, Genre, Literature]. T. Schmitz. Lippetal: Schmitz, 2003. 271 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 3-00-011231-6: EUR 79 (Tobias Schmitz, Düsseldorfer Str. 7-9, D-42697 Solingen, e-mail: schmitztobias@hotmail.com) [05-1-142]
The author’s purpose in compiling this work was to make possible an accurate and quick classi?cation of historic frames for the antique dealer, auctioneer, gallery curator, museum specialist, and those interested in art, as well as to make the search for a suitable frame for a historic picture easier. He divides frames into four categories: flat, contoured, architectural, and ornamental frames and for each type gives the information indicated in the title of the lexicon (period, origin by region, contouring, decoration, typical characteristics, construction, wood, mounting, variations, genre, and literature). The section on variations is richly illustrated with drawings. Unfortunately, there is no general index to literature. [sh/mjc]
Schöne Rahmen: Aus den Beständen der Berliner Gemäldegalerie: Eine Ausstellung der Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 15.11.2002-23.02.2003; Schloß Cappenberg, Kreis Unna, 10.04.-06.07.2003; Mücsarnok, Kunsthalle Budapest, 14.08.-30.09.2003 (Katalog zur Ausstellung Schöne Rahmen aus den Beständen der Berliner Gemäldegalerie, 15. November 2002-23. Februar 2003) [Beautiful Frames: From the Collections of the Berlin Picture Gallery. An Exhibition of the Picture Gallery, State Museums in Berlin, 15 Nov. 2002-23 Feb. 2003; Castle Cappenberg, Unna District, 10 Apr.-06 Jul. 2003; Mücsarnok/Kunsthalle Budapest, 14 Aug.-30 Sep. 2003]. Exhibition and catalog: Hannelore Nützmann. Berlin: SMB Gemäldegalerie, 2002. 91 p. ill. 28 cm. (Bilder im Blickpunkt). ISBN 3-88609-449-9: EUR 11 (Staatliche Museen…, Stauffenbergstr. 41, D-10785 Berlin, fax: [49 30] 266 2985, e-mail: vertrieb@smb.spk-berlin.de) [05-1-143]
This exhibit was prepared on the occasion of the reuniting and completion of the inventory of the frames collection that had been separated during the time of the division of East and West Berlin. Thus the Berliner Gemäldegalerie now maintains a collection of 930 frames from various periods. The accompanying catalog contains articles describing the gallery’s activities regarding the frames collection, the history of the inventory project, a tour through the gallery that points out special frames currently "in use," and the construction of mounted and unmounted frames. Arranged chronologically, the entries begin with the fourteenth century, extending beyond the coverage of the Lexikon der europäischen Bilderrahmen [Lexicon of European Picture Frames] (Lippetal, 2003, see RREA 11:115). The catalog includes samples of frames from the entire collection, not just from the exhibit itself. The appendix contains a glossary and a brief list of references. [sh/mjc]
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