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CC -- Sociology
Handwörterbuch zur ländlichen Gesellschaft in Deutschland [Concise Dictionary of Rural Society in Germany]. Ed. Stephan Beetz, Kai Brauer, and Claudia Neu. Wiesbaden: VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005. 258 p. ill. maps. 24 cm. ISBN 3-8100-3749-4: EUR 32.90 [05-1-185]
This timely dictionary is a collection of 30 articles, each eight pages long, in jargon-free language by an interdisciplinary group of 33 scholars in various social sciences fields on topics relating to rural society in modern-day Germany. The articles, each defining and elucidating key concepts, provide an overview of the current state of research, identify gaps in research, and suggest new areas for exploration. The most recent literature is cited, but earlier titles of importance to the field are sometimes omitted. Cross references and a 400 keyword index make this a useful and useable reference tool.
Because it provides the most up-to-date information in the field of rural studies, the Handwörterbuch zur ländlichen Gesellschaft in Deutschland belongs in all libraries with a social sciences collection. And because it was also intended as a guide for practitioners, it is equally appropriate for individuals working in the field of rural sociology. [up/jb]
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Last update: March 2009 [BG]
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