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BA — Philosophy
Bibliografia di Giordano Bruno: 1951-2000 [Bibliography of Giordano Bruno]. Maria Elena Severini. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2002. xx, 274 p. 24 cm. (Sussidi erudite, 58). ISBN 88-8498-054-2: EUR 34.50 [06-1-023]
Per una bibliografia di Giordano Bruno (1800-1999) [Toward a Bibliography of Giordano Bruno]. Maria Cristina Figorilli. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2003. lxxx, 268 p. 20 cm. (Collection Giordano Bruno: Documents/essays, 2). ISBN 2-251-34470-5: EUR 25 [06-1-024]
The impetus for these works was the 400th anniversary of Bruno’s death in 2000 and the exhibition Giordano Bruno: 1548-1600: mostra storico documentaria, Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 7 giugno-30 settembre 2000 […: Exhibit of Historical Documents. Rome, Casanatense Library, June 7-September 30, 2000] (Firenze, 2000—see RREA 7:62).
Severini’s Bibliografia di Giordano Bruno: 1951-2000 by picks up where the second edition of Vergilio Salvestrini and Luigi Firpo’s Bibliografia di Giordano Bruno:1582-1950 (Firenze, 1958) leaves off. The great interest in Bruno in the last half century is quickly evident when one compares the original bibliography’s 1,750 entries with Severini’s 1,408 entries. The annotations include cross-references, occasional content information, and cite the sources of reviews. While comprehensiveness is sought, newspaper and reference work articles are not included, nor are film, drama and musical works having Bruno as a subject. Indexes of authors, works by Bruno, secondary contributors, and persons, places and subjects are provided.
Figorilli’s bibliography—the two researchers apparently worked without knowledge of the other’s endeavor—, while ending a year before the anniversary year and restricting its compass to secondary works, has a greater coverage period, going back to 1800 with the intent of retrospectively improving upon some of the deficient entries from Salvestrini & Firpo’s. The 2,119 entries unfortunately lack cross-references, leading to a loss of information in the case of separately cited reviews not referenced in the relevant title. This bibliography also strives for comprehensiveness. While the number of entries in the reporting period 1951-1999 is almost identical in the two bibliographies, it is advisable to acquire both, since for any given title one bibliographer may provide ample information not present in the other. [sh/rlk]
Kant Handbuch: Leben und Werk [Kant Handbook: Life and Work]. Gerd Irrlitz. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 2002. xxix, 526 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-476-01234-4: EUR 49.90 [06-1-025]
There is an abundance of introductory literature about Kant available, but introductions to his works vary greatly, from a brief summary found in a work such as Kindlers Neues Literatur-Lexikon to the detailed commentary on a single work.
The Kant-Handbuch includes a biographical section, which also contains articles about his early writings, his critical metaphysical writings of the 1760s, religious writings, essays, and writings from the 1780s and 1790s. The final essay covers the commentary of the Academy edition and his handwritten notes and lectures. The work is not an attempt at “retelling” his works, rather it places them in their wider context. Written by a single author, the Kant-Handbuch achieves homogeneity throughout the work. This is an excellent resource and should be acquired even by philosophy libraries with otherwise small Kant collections. [ar/jmw]
Internationales Freimaurerlexikon [International Encyclopedia of Freemasonry]. Eugen Lennhoff, Oskar Posner, and Dieter A. Binder. 5th rev. and expanded new ed. München: Herbig, 2006. 275 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7766-2478-7: EUR 49.90 [06-1-026]
Originally published in 1932, this 5th edition presents little new information compared with the 2000 revision (see RREA 6:93; for other Freemason-related titles, see RREA 7:65-66, RREA 8:64, and RREA 9:55-57). The main section and appendices are essentially unchanged. Minor updates have been integrated into the existing corpus, while a 23page supplement contains 100 longer updates to existing entries and two lengthy new articles (“Erziehung zum Gentleman” [Education for Becoming a Gentleman] and “Charles Sealsfield”). In contrast to the main section entries, the updates also include bibliographic data, albeit usually confined to one or at most two citations. Whether the modest new information in this edition warrants a purchase, or if waiting for a more substantive new edition is preferable, may be determined by local demand or budgetary considerations. [sh/rlk]
Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Die Philosophie der Antike [Outline of the History of Philosophy. The Philosophy of Antiquity]. Founded by Friedrich Ueberweg. Ed. Helmut Holzhey. Completely rev. ed. Basel: Schwabe. 25 cm. [06-2-205]
Vol. 3. Ältere Akademie, Aristoteles, Peripatos [The Old Academy, Aristotle, Peripatos]. Ed. Hellmut Flashar. 2d rev. and expanded ed. 2004. xiii, 747 p. ISBN 3-7965-1998-9: EUR 112
Fritz Ueberweg’s monumental work originally appeared between 1863 and 1928 in 12 different editions. Some 25 years ago, a new edition of Ueberweg was undertaken, although the new edition had nothing in common with its predecessor except in name. First to be published in the series was volume 3, Ältere Akademie, Aristoteles, Peripatos. In 1998, volume 2.1, Sophistik, Sokrates, Sokratik, Mathematik, Medizin [Sophism, Socrates, Socratic Method, Mathematics, Medicine], appeared. Announced for 2007 is volume 2.2, Platon [Plato]. Despite this progress, this first section of the Grundriss, dedicated to the philosophy of Greek antiquity, is proceeding more slowly than the later ones (see following review). Still to be completed are volume 1, Frühgriechische Philosophie [Early Greek Philosophy]), volume 4.1-2, Die hellenistische Philosophie [Hellenistic Philosophy]), and vol. 5.1-2, Die Philosophie der Kaiserzeit [The Philosophy of the Imperial Age].
In 2004, volume 3 was published in a revised and expanded edition, adding some 100 pages to the 1983 edition. Although the organization of the work is largely unchanged from the earlier edition, sections 2 (Biography) and 3 (Teachings) have been expanded considerably. New are also the “Greek Glossary” and other expanded features of the bibliographies and indexes. [sh/akb]
Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Die Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts [Outline of the History of Philosophy. 18th-Century Philosophy]. Founded by Friedrich Ueberweg. Ed. Helmut Holzhey. Completely rev. ed. Basel: Schwabe. 25 cm. [06-2-206]
Vol. 1. Grossbritannien und Nordamerika, Niederlande [Great Britain and North America, Netherlands]. Ed. Helmut Holzhey and Vilem Mudroch. 2004. Half vols. 1-2. xxiii, 1,328 p. ISBN 3-7965-1987-3: EUR 175
As noted in the preceding review, whereas the first section of the Ueberweg/Holzhey Grundriss, Philosophie der Antike is proceeding rather slowly, the fourth section, Die Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts [17th-Century Philosophy](see RREA 6:64), comprising four volumes, each in two parts, was completed in a relatively short time, from 1988 to 2001.
In 2004, volume 1 of the fifth section, Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts, focusing on 18th-century philosophy of Great Britain, North America, and the Netherlands, was published. In contrast to the section on the 17th century, however, which began with a general introduction of 320 pages, no such section is planned for the 18th century, all the more surprising, because the preface designates the Enlightenment as an all-European phenomenon. The space given to the various countries varies considerably. Great Britain receives the lion’s share in the first half-volume with 870 pages, while American philosophy receives 100, and in the second half-volume, the Netherlands are given about 150 pages.
The organizing principle is similar to that seen in the earlier volumes of the Grundriss, namely, a loose mixture of chapters and paragraphs about people and philosophical movements. Only the top philosophers have chapters dedicated to them. Others are treated in long paragraphs or in articles about movements. Chapters with titles such as Die politische Publizistik [Political Journalism] and Frauenrechte und Liebesethik [Women’s Rights and the Ethics of Love] make it plain that the “New Ueberweg” is based on a broader concept of philosophy than the old. The work is enriched by updated bibliographies of primary and secondary literature.
The future plan for the entire “Outline of the History of Philosophy” indicates that the completed work will be a monument of philosophical history in German, extending beyond European boundaries to includes volumes about Islamic, Asian, and African philosophy. [sh/akb]
Brockhaus Philosophie: Ideen, Denker und Begriffe [Brockhaus Philosophy: Ideas, Thinkers, Concepts]. Ed. Lexikonredaktion des Verlags F.A. Brockhaus. Mannheim: Brockhaus, 2004. 383 p. ill. 25 cm. (Brockhaus Sachlexika). ISBN 3-7653-0571-5: EUR 24.90 [06-2-207]
The 1,300 articles on the concepts, epochs, thinkers and movements of the philosophical tradition from antiquity to the present follow a structured pattern common to other Brockhaus lexicons. The majority of content consists of articles on persons and concepts. Additionally, sixty blue “info boxes” spotlight events, people and phenomena; likewise, sixty red boxes focus on salient works; finally, twelve double-sided, illustrated special articles address “current hot topics.” Four hundred additional illustrations accompany the text but are not infrequently less than successful in providing a convincing relationship to the content. Conceptually, the lexicon casts its net widely through its broad geographic span that includes Eastern traditions, and by liberally interpreting what is philosophical to include articles on, for example, democracy or political economy. This makes the work suitable for more than just an academic reader. A sampling of content reveals that most articles are either identical with or abridgements of those found in Brockhaus: Die Enzyklopädie;unfortunately, the latter’s bibliographies were not carried over. Some articles, however, were written just for Brockhaus Philosophie. All in all, this work is a success, because it presents an easily understandable, informative treatment in a handy, affordable package. It is a solid offering for a popular readership. Yet the inclusion of new and additional material make it worthwhile for addition to research libraries as well.[mbe/rlk]
Großes Werklexikon der Philosophie [Comprehensive Dictionary of Philosophical Works]. Ed. Franco Volpi. Jubilee ed. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2004. xx, 1,733 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-520-83901-6: EUR 49.90 [06-2-208]
Inasmuch as philosophy as a discipline is heavily work-oriented, a lexicon whose chief focus is works of philosophy such as this one will have great importance. With its 1988 debut, the Großes Werklexikon met a perceived gap on the reference bookshelf; it was followed by a two-volume expanded edition in 1999 (see RREA 6:81). The current anniversary edition greatly expands the 1988 edition and offers signed articles on ca. 1,800 works by 827 philosophers from all periods, with arrangement now alphabetical by philosopher. Following a biographical sketch of the author, the individual works are presented in broad contexts as well as in detail; their reception is also treated, and bibliographic entries document editions and selective secondary literature. A title and author index includes both the original language titles (in the case of non-German works) and their German equivalent. Conceptually, the definition of “work” is broad, including also letters, essays and commentaries; similarly, disciplines outside philosophy proper, such as the natural sciences, political science, theology and literature, are also included. Despite some unevenness in choice of entries, on the whole the Großes Werklexikon has achieved a representative selection that does not neglect anything essential. This is a successful and indispensible publication. For the lay person and student, it offers a solid introduction, and for the professional and advanced reader the substantive content and bibliographic information will be of great value. This is a work which justifiably continues to be counted among the standard reference publications for philosophy. [mbe/rlk]
Kant-Bibliographie [Kant Bibliography]. Founded by Rudolf Malter. Ed. Margit Ruffing. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen der Kant-Forschungsstelle am Philosophischen Seminar der Universität Mainz). [06-2-209]
Vol. 3. 1896-1944. 2007 [published 2006]. xiv, 427 p. ISBN 978-3-465-03443-8: EUR 89
The plan for an International Kant-Bibliography 1749-1990 was initiated by Rudolf Malter, founder of the Kant Research Unit at the University of Mainz. The first volume, covering the period 1945-1990, appeared in 1999 (see RREA 6:88). According to the preface of the present volume, four volumes are planned so that the numbering can now be inferred. Volume 3 begins with the founding of Kant-Studien in 1896; because of the significance of this journal, all of its articles are included, even those not directly related to Kant. The selection criteria have been interpreted less strictly than in volume 4 to include Neo-Kantian authors. The material comes from multiple sources (Malter’s card files, published bibliographies, a planned but never printed bibliography covering the period 1880-1956, and compilations from experts in particular countries). Most of the titles were examined by the contributors or have at least two entries in library catalogs—if not, they are marked with an asterisk. The form of the entries was regularized according standards set out by the Institute of Book Sciences at the University of Mainz, which does not follow any of the usual formats but includes all necessary details.
Volume 3 lists about 6,500 titles, which are arranged by year of publication and subdivided into editions and translations, bibliography, biographical and critical literature, and miscellaneous (non-scholarly treatments and the non-Kant related titles from Kant-Studien). There are six indexes. [sh/gh]
Volksaufklärung: biobibliographisches Handbuch zur Popularisierung aufklärerischen Denkens im deutschen Sprachraum von den Anfängen bis 1850 [Popular Enlightenment: Bio-Bibliographical Handbook on the Popularization of Enlightenment Thinking in the German-Speaking Area]. Holger Böning and Reinhart Siegert. Stuttgart; Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7728-1213-9 [06-2-210]
Vol. 2. Der Höhepunkt der Volksaufklärung 1781-1800 und die Zäsur durch die französische Revolution [The High Point of Popular Enlightenment 1781-1800 and the Break Caused by the French Revolution]. Bibliographical essays by Heinrich Scheel, Holger Böning, and Reinhart Siegert. 2001.
Pts. 1-2. cxxv p. 2,978 cols. ill. ISBN 3-7728-1215-5. EUR 728, EUR 638 (series price).
The ten years’ delay between the publication of volume 1, Die Genese der Volksaufklärung und ihre Entwicklung bis 1780 [The Genesis of Popular Enlightenment and Its Development up to 1780] and volume 2 of this large-scale bibliography does not excuse this late review. The review of volume 1 (in the section Ausgwählte Bibliographien und andere Nachschlagewerke of Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 37 (1990) lamented the miserable status of retrospective bibliographic control in the Germanspeaking countries, but much has improved since then. Even though the planned VD18 could not completely change the work on volume 2, improvements in the cataloging of titles from the period of “old books” in German consortial catalogs actually led to further delay instead of quicker completion because so many more copies were listed in libraries and could be examined. Locations could be given for 72 percent of the 3,575 separately published works. Volume 1 listed just over 1,500 titles, and volume 2 has 3,951 entries, 1,635 in part 1 and 2,317 in part 2.
The instructions for use (p. ix-xxii) are copious and detailed. They give definitions of Volk and Volksaufklärung and the scope of the bibliography. Theoretical writings on popular enlightenment are included, as well as works aimed at the target population. In contrast to volume 1, books on economic topics and most works of medical enlightenment were omitted. The criteria for these and other limits are clear and defensible. Several areas of specialized popular publications are treated in bibliographical essays that precede the actual bibliography; they are on the Republic of Mainz, the Helvetic Republic, and sensational literature.
The primary source for the titles was again Kayser, supplemented by Gesamtverzeichnis 1700-1910, plus contemporary bibliographies and review journals, modern bibliographies, secondary literature, library and antiquarian catalogs, and, for articles, the Index deutschsprachiger Zeitschriften on microfiche. Allgemeines Repertorium der Literatur (1793/94-1976/1800) was especially important for this volume, as was the old part of the Baden-Württemberg central catalog. The volume was based on a database (to which entries from the conventionally compiled volume 1 were added). Several changes were made: periodicals and monographs whose authors were not named on the title page were entered under title.
The bibliography is arranged chronologically and within a given alphabetically under author or title. After that come place, name of publisher, year, and references to earlier or later editions. All the libraries are given with shelf marks, and 53 percent of the entries include references to contemporary review publications. Signed annotations take up the most room and are given under the first edition, with references under later editions unless the work changed substantially. The indexes, one of authors and titles and one of subjects cover both parts, including the essay on sensational literature. [sh/gh]
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