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Bibliographie juristischer Festschriften und Festschriftenbeiträge: Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich = Bibliography of Legal Festschriften Titles and Contents. Berlin: Spitz. ISSN 0931-7686.
Vol. 10. 1997-99, with index, 1864-1999. Ed. Dietrich Pannier and Anja Aulich. 2006. 879 p. ISBN 3-8305-0229-X: EUR 198 [06-1-123]
Founded by Helmut Dau, who edited volumes 1-9 (see RREA 4:144), volume 10 indexes the contents of 281 Festschriften. There are numerous indexes (personal, geographical and keyword), some of which are in English as well as German. There is one cumulative index covering the period 1864-1999. This bibliography provides unique access to material that would be difficult to find using conventional online catalogs. [sh/ldl]
Edoardo Volterra (1904-1984): A Catalog of Early Printed Books in His Library, now in the Ecole Française de Rome. Ed. Douglas J. Osler. Frankfurt: Klostermann, 2006. lvi, 547 p. (Bibliographica iuridica, 3; Studien zur europaischen Rechtsgeschichte, 211). ISBN 978-3-465-02748-5; ISBN 3-465-02748-5: EUR 99, EUR 89.10 (series price) [06-1-124]
Volumes 1 and 2 of the series Bibliographica iuridica, cover early printed books in the library of the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte [Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History] in Frankfurt am Main. These were published in 2000 (see RREA 6:259)by the English bibliographer Douglas J. Osler. In volume 3, he has compiled an inventory of the private library of the Italian legal historian Edoardo Volterra (1904- 1984), which today belongs to École Française de Rome and is housed in the elegant Palazzo Farnese. The collection consists of pre-1801 documents and secondary works, also chiefly published before 1801. This work has 1,615 consecutively numbered titles with detailed descriptions, bibliographical format, signatures, and references to the print catalog.
It would hardly have been necessary to review this catalog if it had not belonged to a larger project that Osler is working on to find and describe legal prints dated prior to 1801, not only in the Volterra library but also in other Italian and American libraries that have similar collections. For example, Osler has also compiled the Catalogue of books printed before 1601 in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca de Scienze Sociali dell’Università degli Studi de Firenze (Firenze, 2005) and has edited La cinquecentine della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza [de’ll Università degli Studi di Teramo, Abruzzi] (Pescara, 2005). [sh/sas]
Der Schweizerische Generalstab = L’État-major général Suisse [The Swiss General Staff]. Baden: Hier und Jetzt. 23 cm. Previously published Basel: Helbing und Lichtenhahn. [06-1-126]
Vol. 9. Le corps des officiers de l’état-major général Suisse pendant la guerre froide (1945-1966): des citoyens au service de l’État? l’apport de la prosopographie [The Corps of Officers of the Swiss General Staff during the Cold War,1945-1966: Citizens in the Service of the State? Contributions to a Prosopography]. Jérôme Guisolan. Basel: Hier und Jetzt, 2003. 498 p. ill. ISBN 3-906419-75-4: EUR 68.80
Also issued as a Ph.D. dissertation (Fribourg, Switzerland), this is the second installment of a biographical directory of the Swiss general staff, which previously covered the years 1804-1945 (see IFB 99-B09-695). The current volume offers brief, detailed biographical and military career information about 563 members of the Swiss general staff who were active during the period 1945-1966. There are also references to the archival sources from which the information was drawn. [sh/ldl]
Das Schicksal der jüdischen Rechtsanwälte in Bayern nach 1933 [The Fate of Jewish Attorneys in Bavaria after 1933]. Reinhard Weber. München: Oldenbourg, 2006. ix, 323 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 978-3-486-58060-0; ISBN 3-486-58060-4: EUR 24.80 [06-2-327]
The past few years have witnessed the appearance of several publications documenting the fate of attorneys of Jewish descent under the Nazi regime, for example Jüdische Richter am Kammergericht nach 1933: eine Dokumentation [Jewish Judges on the Superior Court after 1933: A Documentation] (Köln, 2004—see RREA 10:228). Typically they have been compiled or underwritten by local bar associations. The present volume, jointly published by the Bavarian Ministry of Justice and the bar associations of Munich, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Zweibrücken, is the latest manifestation of this trend. The biographies have been researched in painstaking detail by consulting numerous archival sources. Abundant photographic materials such as portraits, photographs of boycotts, facsimiles of newspaper articles, laws, and private letters, impart a personal dimension to what could have become a dry enumeration of facts and dates. A historical narrative, which traces the history of exclusion, persecution, exile and mass murder of Jewish attorneys, is supported by a good amount of statistical information. At the end are 307 brief biographies. The book is a significant contribution to the literature commemorating the persecution of Jewish professionals in Nazi-era Germany. [frh/as]
Bibliographie zur Heeres- und Truppengeschichte des Deutschen Reiches und seiner Länder 1806-1933 [Bibliography of the Military and Troop History of the German Reich and its Provinces, 1806-1933]. 2d rev. and expanded ed. Eike Mohr; forward by Jürgen Kloosterhuis. 2 vols. Bissendorf: Biblio-Verlag, 2004. 1,157 p. 30 cm ISBN 3-7648-2331-3: EUR 140 [06-2-329]
The first edition was published in 1989 under the title Heeres-und Truppengeschichte des Deutschen Reiches und seiner Länder 1806-1918. This second-edition bibliography of German military and troop history contains 9,492 entries, almost twice as many as in the first edition. There are four main sections, the first dealing with German military history, divided into 15 headings. The other sections deal with individual troops, based on the types of armaments that are used. The lengthy appendix is divided into six parts; nine essays on military-history literature;regimental histories in series;troop organization and formations; an index of information sources; an index of literature; and an author index. This is now the definite standard bibliography dealing with this topic prior to 1933, but a closer examination of existing bibliographies could yield many additional citations.[sh/ldl]
Die Träger der Nahkampfspange in Gold: Heer, Luftwaffe, Waffen-SS; 1943-1945 [The Holders of the Hand-to-Hand Combat Gold Bar: Army, Air Force, Waffen-SS, 1943-1945]. Manfred Dörr. 4th rev. ed. Bissendorf: Biblio-Verlag, 2006. xxv, 661 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7648-2585-5: EUR 78 [06-2-330]
Next to the Ritterkreuz [Knight’s Cross], the Nahkampfspange was the highest German military combat decoration during World War II. Instituted by Hitler in November 1942, it was awarded 633 times. The decoration carried with it not only extra military leave, but also a year’s reprieve from service on the front. This illustrated work contains detailed information about each recipient, and with the following book testifies to the unending fascination with World War II combat heroism, which has been passed on to successive generations. [sh/ldl]
Ritterkreuzträger mit Nahkampfspange in Gold [Recipients of the Knight’s Cross medal with Hand-to-Hand Combat Gold Bar]. Florian Berger, preface by Manfred Dörr. Vienna: Berger, 2004. 566 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-9501307-3-X: EUR 35. (F. Berger, Gablenzgasse 97/53, A-1150 Wien, e-mail: mailto:berger.florian@utanet.at) [06-2-331]
This work describes each holder of Germany’s highest military decoration, the Knight’s Cross, which was awarded 98 times to German soldiers during World War II, 78 of whom survived the war and 12 of whom later served in the newly formed West German Bundeswehr. The entries are arranged alphabetically and include some biographical information, as well as documentary information about the battles where this award was earned. Those interested in military decorations are referred to the self-published military historian and non-fiction writer Berger’s other works: Mit Eichenlaub und Schwerten [With Oak Leaves and Swords] (see IFB 02-2-428), Die Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite [The Knights of the Order of Merit] (see RREA 9:157 and IFB 99-B09-343), and Ritterkreuzträger im österreichischen Bundesheer 1955-1985 [Soldiers in the Austrian ArmyAwarded the Knight’s Cross] (see RREA 9:158). [sh/ldl]
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