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Zeitungen in Deutschland: Verlage und ihr publizistisches Angebot 1949-2004 [Newspapers in Germany: Publishers and their Publications, 1949-2004]. Walter J. Schütz. 2 vols. Berlin: Vistas, 2005. 1,162 p. maps. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89158-421-0: EUR 68 [07-2-274]
Zeitungen in Deutschland: Zeitungsatlas [Newspapers in Germany: Newspaper Atlas]. Walter J. Schütz for the Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ. Berlin: Vistas, 2006. 11 maps in folder. 24 cm. ISBN 3-89158-430-X: EUR 8 [07-2-275]
Zeitungen in Deutschland: Verlage begins with an essay by Hans Bohrmann outlining why newspaper collections have long been a neglected area of library collections: the titles and issues are too numerous; they are expensive to collect and store, and difficult to catalog; holdings are often unreliable; and statistical information is scant. This landmark publication finally gives the field its due by gathering invaluable statistical information for the years 1949, 1954, 1964, 1967, 1976, 1989, 1994, and 2004. Titles are arranged by year and then region. There is also an index of 10,410 terms and an extensive bibliography.
Zeitungen in Deutschland: Zeitungsatlas includes 11 maps in one folder, with a list of main titles and places of publication on the back cover. Together, the two titles are a milestone publication on German newspaper publishing from 1954-2004. Even large libraries have difficulties collecting and managing newspaper collections, which makes it all the more extraordinary that the author, Walter J. Schütz, spent over 50 years diligently collecting the copious information included in this impressive title. While libraries have a tendency to postpone tackling their newspaper collections because the task is not considered important or feasible, Schütz argues that it is achievable with appropriate training, staffing, and attention to detail. Schütz also recommends that all newspaper publishers be required to archive one copy of everything that they publish. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to dedicate the necessary staff to follow Schütz’s suggestions, but this is nevertheless a major contribution to the field of newspaper publishing and librarianship. [sh/rg]
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