AL – General Encyclopedias

Die Zeit, der große Kulturführer: Literatur, Musik, Theater und Kunst in fünf Bänden; mit dem Besten aus der Zeit [Die Zeit, Comprehensive Cultural Guide: Literature, Music, Theater and Art in Five Volumes, with the best from Die Zeit]. Ed. Jürgen Hotz and Sabine M. Müller. 5 vols. Hamburg: Zeitverlag Bucerius; Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut, 2008. Each vol. 863 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 978-3-411-14850-9 (set): EUR 189 [07-2-282]

The Bibliograpisches Institut and F.A. Brockhaus have published several “cultural guides” based on the weekly newspaper Die Zeit, for example, the 2004 Die Zeit, das Lexikon in 20 Bänden (see RREA 10:17) and the 20-volume 2006 Die Zeit, Welt- und Kulturgeschichte (see IFB 05-1-211). The concept of “cultural guide” appears in several reference works from Brockhaus, who publish them under the Harenberg imprint. The five volumes reviewed here are unchanged republication of the corresponding volumes in Harenberg-Kulturführer (see RREA 13:151). Thus, for the Harenberg guide to opera, see RREA 12:147-150; for drama, see RREA 12:105 and RREA 11:93 & 94; and for literature see RREA 12:106.

Each Zeit volume has an introduction and essays from Die Zeit. Volume 5 has a 74-page section, ZEIT-Aspekte: das Beste aus der Zeit zu ausgewählten Themen dieses Bandes […: The Best from Die Zeit on Selected Themes of this Book].

Culture is defined in volume 1 as the sphere of private interest in the arts, music, literature, and philosophy (although there is no separate volume for philosophy, due to the lack of appropriate Brockhaus volumes). In February 2008, Brockhaus announced it will no longer publish its flagship Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie in print form. Instead, an Internet version supported by advertising will supplant it (see http://www.brockhaus-enzyklopaedie.de), apparently in cooperation with Die Zeit. Their partnership to publish printed subject encyclopedias may reach new groups of buyers in a new era of Internet cooperation [sh/gh]

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