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CD – Psychology
Wörterbuch der Analytischen Psychologie [Dictionary of Analytical Psychology]. Ed. Lutz Müller and Anette Müller. Düsseldorf: Walter, 2003. 526 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-530-42166-9: EUR 49.90 [07-2-533]
Both editors are colleagues at the C.-G.-Jung-Institut in Stuttgart. Their dictionary of analytic psychology presents the current state of research in this field, based on the contributions of numerous experienced and authoritative analytic psychologists. The average age of the authors is 63; all were born between 1918 and 1968. Thus, the dictionary has tends to have predominant coverage of the established and practice-tested wisdom and less of newer aspects and concepts. The quality of writing demonstrates the openness of analytic psychology to neighboring disciplines, such as science, art, and religion.
The dictionary contains 534 articles, with 88 cross-references and 63 textual illustrations. There are 332 subject words that do not appear in any other dictionary of this type. The work concludes with an author index, a subject-word index, a bibliography of the works of C.G. Jung, and a general bibliography. The indexing system is weak and potentially confusing and should be revised. Nonetheless, this dictionary is an essential contribution to this interdisciplinary field. [wh/ldl]
Freud’s Library: A Comprehensive Catalogue. Keith Davies and Gerhard Fichtner for the Freud Museum, London. Tübingen: Edition Diskord, 2006. CD-ROM + book: 144 p. ill. 22 cm. (Sources and Studies on the History of Psychology, 2). ISBN 3-89295-752-5: EUR 36 [07-2-535]
In preparation since the 1980s, this CD-ROM catalogue lists the 4,000 separate volumes (3,000 individual titles) in Freud’s private library. The accompanying book (in English and German) describes the importance of Freud’s library for his life and work, and the history and composition of the collection; it also serves as a guide to use of the CDROM. The electronic format is useful insofar as it permits the inclusion of multiple indexes (e.g., authors, titles, Freud’s call numbers, dedications, annotations), some of which can be used interactively. The CD-ROM provides page images of dedications, book covers, and, perhaps most usefully, of works heavily annotated by Freud. This catalogue represents a significant contribution to Freud scholarship. It includes not only those 2,522 items now owned by the Freud Museum in London, but also items held by libraries in North America and Austria--935 items in the Health Sciences Library, New York; 67 items in the Library of Congress; 35 items in the Freud Museum, Vienna, and 166 items in private collections. [tk/cjm]
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Last update: October 2010 [LC]
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