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EK – Medicine
Der Brockhaus, Alternative Medizin: Heilsysteme, Diagnose und Therapieformen, Arzneimitte [The Alternative Medicine Brockhaus: Systems of Healing, Types of Diagnoses and Therapies, Medications]. Ed. Hildegard Hogen for the Lexikonredaktion des Verlags F. A. Brockhaus, Mannheim. Mannheim; Leipzig: Brockhaus, 2009. 511 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 978-3-7653-3291-3: EUR 34.95 [08-1/2-376]
Since more and more people are seeking relief (e.g., from chronic pain) through holistic alternative medicine, and some aspects are now being taught in medical schools and even covered by insurance companies, it seemed only logical for the Brockhaus publishing company to issue a volume on this topic in its series of single-volume lexicons. It devotes 3,500 articles to describing the various remedies and therapies in detail. Twelve indepth articles are devoted to special core areas such as diagnosis, nutrition, the healing professions, and mind-body health. These longer articles contain some 150 suggestions for further reading. Numerous tables and illustrations as well as 220 “information boxes” are distributed throughout the text. Brockhaus is thorough about covering all relevant topics, from the “classics” such as Chinese traditional medicine, homeopathy, and osteopathy, to lesser-known areas, e.g., bibliotherapy, orgone therapy, and various targeted diets. All are methodically, objectively, and clearly presented. Anyone interested in the various areas of alternative medicine will be well served by this lexicon, as it is not only thorough and well-balanced, but also impresses with the quality of its layout and illustrations. This volume is recommended for all libraries. [jr/hh]
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Last update: April 2011 [LC]
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