BJ - Sports and Recreation

Frauenfußball-Literatur: eine kommentierte Bibliografie zu wissenschaftlichen Aspekten des Frauenfußballs [The Literature on Women’s Soccer: An Annotated Bibliography on Scientific Aspects of Women’s Soccer]. Jürgen Schiffer. Köln: Sportverlag Strauß, 2011. 522 p. 21 cm. + CD-ROM. (Schriftenreihe der Zentralbibliothek der Sportwissenschaften der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln, 11). ISBN 9783868841510: EUR 38 [11-3]

This work builds on its author’s earlier three-volume bibliography Fußball als Kulturgut [Soccer as a Cultural Asset--see RREA 11:142 and 12:155] but shifts the focus to the “scientific” aspects of soccer, which were largely absent in the earlier bibliography. The first six chapters of the new bibliography are devoted to precisely these scientific (i.e., biological, sports-medical) aspects of women’s soccer. There then follow nine chapters covering historical, sociological, psychological, and cultural elements of women’s soccer, including its coverage in the media.

The main focus in this work is women’s soccer in Germany, and a detailed introduction provides a useful account of the often fraught development of this sport in that country. Some, but limited, attention is paid to women’s soccer in other countries. Sources cited are predominantly in German or English. One shortcoming is the absence of an index of persons, which considerably compromises searchability. The accompanying CD-ROM is simply an electronic version of the book. [mk/cjm]

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Last update: November 2013 [RT]
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