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1994 |
Suppl. 2. 1987/90 (1992). - X, 105 S. - ISBN 87-552-1972-1 : Dkr. 219.40, Dkr. 274.25 (including value added tax)
This second supplement continues the high quality of its predecessors from 1984 and 1988. New annotations total 309, treating topics such as bibliographic systems in the five Nordic countries, personal bibliographies, and subject bibliographies. Essential for all libraries. A reference work on other information sources in Scandinavia would be useful in the future. [sh/mpo]
The great national catalog of manuscripts in France was begun in 1841 and is now essentially complete (v. 63, 1984), although supplementary volumes are still being published. This commercially published index provides welcome and necessary access to the catalog's contents, previously accessible only by using the individual indexes to each volume. It includes a single name, place and subject index, but no index of incipits. Although 368 collections are indexed in these volumes, the libraries of Paris and its environs have not been included. Some of the supplemental volumes have also been left unindexed here. [cs/sl]
This is a guide to the "Gesamtindex mittelalterlicher Handschriftenkataloge," an online cumulative index to the name, place, subject and incipit indexes of 92 German catalogs of medieval manuscripts that has been available since 1993. (The inclusion of another 50 catalogs is being planned, as is a microfiche edition of the "Gesamtindex.") This guide is clear and easy to follow, although use of the index itself remains quite complex. [cs/sl]
Titles listed as out of print since March 1987 and up to June 1993 (more than 258,000 titles from 9,000 publishers). The menu is in German, English, and French. Useful for booksellers and bibliographic offices, but less necessary for public and academic libraries. [bh/mpo]
1989 (1990). - VII, 834
p. - ISBN 960-7060-00-8
1990 (1991). - 903 p. - ISBN 960-7060-03-2
1991 (1993). - 1083 p. - ISBN 960-7060-05-9
All three titles are available to libraries for free from: Ethnike Bibliotheke tes Hellados, Hodos El. Benizelu 32, GR-10679 Athens, Greece.
In 1989, the National Library of Greece finally took over the responsibility of producing a national bibliography. Earlier attempts at such a tool -- the Bulletin analytique de bibliographie hell&eauctenique (1945-1973), continued as Bulletin signalétique de bibliographie hellénique (1974-1978), and the Hellenike bibliographia (1972-1977) published under the aegis of the Greek Bibliographic Society -- had to rely on the voluntary cooperation of publishers, suffered from an excessive lag in publication, and were ultimately doomed to failure for want of government support. The Hellenike ethnike bibliographia is a well-organized bibliography, and it is augmented by a catalog of subject headings (akin to LCSH) and a name authority catalog. The latter, in particular, is an essential tool for libraries with modern Greek collections. Unfortunately, however, the HEB's coverage turns out to be far from comprehensive, and it falls short of what one would expect of a national bibliography. A comparison of the two listings showed that, depending on the subject, the HEB contained only between 20 and 75% of the titles listed in the catalog of the Athenian bookdealer Koloror, Nea Biblia. The quarterly Deltio hellenikes bibliographias, a book trade publication which relies on the same pool of information as the HEB, suffers from the same shortcomings. Despite a hopeful new beginning, the bibliographic control of Greek publications continues to be problematic, to say the least. [wu/rs]
1993. - [v. 1 - 3]. - ISBN 88-7075-320-4 (Authors and titles) : Lit. 450,000 - ISBN 88-7075-321-2 (Subjects): Lit. 200,000. (Prices may vary outside Italy.)
Published since 1970, the Italian books in print has made one very significant improvement in its 1993 edition: for the first time it includes series information in the bibliographic description of the 268,303 titles it lists. A further desideratum would be listings of titles by series (numbered and unnumbered). [sh/sl]
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