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1994 |
1981/85. Massimo Ceresa. - 1991.- XLV, 695 p. - (Studi e testi; 342). - ISBN 88-210-0633-6: Lit. 160,000
Like every library with a major manuscript collection, the Vatican Library collects all the publications relating to its holdings. Most libraries maintain references to these in an internal catalog, but because of the number and importance of its manuscripts, the Vatican published a bibliography of them covering the years 1968-1980 in 1986 (now available in a reprint published in 1991). The present volume updates that bibliography; future volumes and a retrospective bibliography are planned. Nearly 16,000 articles in periodicals and collective volumes are cited, organized by manuscript collection and number, but unfortunately no indication is given of the nature of the manuscript behind the number. An author index is included. [sh/vh]
This is a study of a collection of pamphlets from the Thirty Years War originally gathered by Franz Dominikus Häberlin (1720-1787) and acquired by the library in 1788. The main part of the book is a "Thematic Analysis and Interpretation" of the pamphlets; a bibliographic section follows, which consists of an exact description of the 26 broadsides in the collection, including a reproduction of each one. Nine of the pamphlets are unique to this collection. [sh/vh]
1930/33. - ISBN 3-598-32860-5 (set) : DM 6570.00
Titres. - 1994 -1-3. - ISBN 3-598-32868-0: DM 1314.00
Auteurs, the main part of this bibliography, which fills a gap in the national bibliographic catalogs of French-language works, was reviewed earlier, and Matieres, the final part of the set, has not yet been published. Here we are noting the publication of Titres, which only contains short entries and therefore acts as an index to the main part. The entries include the main title and other titles, the volume number, the author, the publisher and the year of publication. [sh]
No. 54 (1993) - FF 2060.00 (Overseas subscription 1994)
No. 110 (1994)
April 1994 - (Livres hebdo ; No. 115 (1994), [Supp.])
There is not much new to say about Livres hebdo, the French equivalent of Publisher's Weekly, except that beginning with 1993 the practice of numbering by volume has been replaced by a continuous numbering system. The main change for both the Livres hebdo and Livres du mois has been a switch from the Universal Decimal Classification to the Dewey Decimal Classification, permitting an increase in the number of subject groups and therefore a refinement of classification. This change for the better is accompanied by a change for the worse, however; the subject groups are now organized in alphabetical order, not in subject order according to the classification system. The subject specialist now has to identify the appropriate subject groups in the systematic overview and then locate them in the alphabetical order. [sh/vh]
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