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1994 |
1994. - XXI, 348 p. - ISBN 3-930647-00-1 (Infoware) : DM 340.00
1994. - XXII, 457 p. - ISBN 3-930647-02-8 (Infoware) : DM 340.00
These two German-language database guides offer an alternative to the Gale Directory of Databases. Published yearly, beginning in summer 1994 they will also be available on CD-ROM.
The two handbooks are organized identically. Prefatory chapters note changes in the database market and give instructions on using the handbook. The list of databases, arranged alphabetically with short descriptions, is followed by a subject index and an alphabetical list of subject concepts and areas. Beginning with the 1994 edition, a section on "Services in the European Internet Landscape and a Selection of Electronic Forums (such as Compuserve)" will be included. The 4th edition of the Gale directory contains almost twice as many entries as the two handbooks together, but it is non-selective and also includes databases that can no longer be accessed. Schulte-Hillen covers the European database market more carefully than Gale, taking into account both the needs of European users and the quality of the databases that are included. His handbooks have proven their worth as useful reference tools for a wide spectrum of researchers. [aw/nb]
1994. - 235 p. - (... ; 29). - ISBN 951-47- 9334-X : FIM 250.00
A guide to online databases, most of which are produced in the Nordic countries, now in its 5th edition. 704 databases, as well as some CD-ROMs, are listed alphabetically. Entries in the first section contain the kind of information that is standard in database guides. The second and third sections, listing database producers and vendors, are followed by a subject index and a comprehensive index. Researchers seeking information about the Nordic countries will profit from using this guide. It lists many more Scandinavian databases than the international guides, that cover mainly those available in the Anglo-American countries. [sh/nb]
The library of the Osteuropa Institut (Eastern Europe Institute) at the Free University in Berlin possesses one of the leading collections of literature written about the countries of eastern and southeastern Europe. Particularly rich are its holdings of bibliographies. The excellence of the collection is due in large part to Peter Bruhn, whose bibliographic zeal and profound knowledge of languages, subjects, and bibliographies are embodied in this catalogue. Functioning as a bibliography of separately published bibliographies for individual countries, the volume harks back to an earlier era: it could not take into account the recent far-reaching changes in eastern and southeastern Europe; and it is a product of the card catalog, reproducing 21 cards per page for an estimated total of 11,500 different titles, covering all subjects except the natural sciences and technology. General works are followed by those dealing with individual countries, further arranged by category. A detailed subject outline in the preface, together with the table of contents, provides the only method of access. There is no index of authors and titles. Nonetheless, for purposes of scholarly research this catalogue is superior in almost all respects to those (mostly of American provenance) that are based on the subject index principle. Although the Institute's holdings records are being converted to machine-readable form and are becoming available as an on-line database, systematic access may still be some time coming, and this printed catalogue, even if increasingly dated, will long be of service to those with an interest for the bibliographies of and about eastern and south-eastern Europe. [sh/nb]
This 894 item bibliography documents the production of one of the most important publishers in seventeenth and eighteenth century Ulm, which by this period was in a period of decline from its former position as a center of early German printing. The bibliographical listing is supplemented with a short historical section. The usefulness of the bibliography is diminished by errors, and especially by the editors' failure to include the original dimensions with the reproductions of the title pages. [rni/sl]
Vol 3. C, Cabacio Rallo - Chiesa Cattolica. - 1993. - XVII, 357 p. : ill. - ISBN 88-7107-03506 : Lit. 124,800
The volumes in this very important building block towards a retrospective Italian national bibliography are appearing at ever greater intervals. Four years have elapsed since the publication of the second volume, a gap that might be partly explained by the fact that a third of this volume's 3,085 entries fall under the heading "Chiesa Cattolica" -- bibliographically complex liturgical texts and editions of the catechism. [ks/sl]
1. A- Ch. - 1994. - XI, 97 p. : ill. - ISBN 88-7107-043-7 : Lit. 60,000
This is the first of a series of volumes intended to supplement EDIT 16 (see immediately above) for titles pertaining to music (both scores and texts.) It does not, however, add significantly to the information provided in RISM (Repertoire international des sources musicales). It is a pity that the resources that are going into this largely redundant effort have been diverted from the main part of EDIT 16. [sh/sl]
Vol. 2. 1601-1700. - 1994. - Pts. 1-3. - ISBN 3-598-32811-7 : DM 1,194.00
Following on the 1992 publication of the first volume (covering the sixteenth century) of the Herzog-August-Bibliothek's collection of Polish imprints, this volume, like its predecessor, lists works published in Poland, in the Polish language, by Polish authors, or relating to Poland. In addition to 49 sixteenth titles not picked up in the first volume, 2058 titles seventeenth century titles are included, many of them rare, among them 762 titles not listed in Estreicher's Bibliografia polska XV-XVIII. [sh/sl]
94-3/4 352
"Base set": 1986/92
November 1992 edition. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-7657-1661-8 : DM 3,000.00
Supplement (ongoing cumulation; issued quarterly) 1991-
August 1994 edition. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-7657-1834-3 : DM 3,000.00
May 1989. 109 p. ISBN 3-7657-1518-2 : comes at no extra charge with the CD-ROM
As of February 1993 the CD-ROM version of the German National Bibliography is divided into one "base set" covering 1986-1992, and an ongoing cumulative supplement from 1993 on, updated quarterly. The base set includes about 1,000,000 records from Series A (trade publications), B (non-trade), C (maps), G (works about Germany written abroad and translations of German works), H (dissertations) and N (CIP). Close to 20% of these are records from before 1986. The August 1994 supplement includes approximately 570,000 titles, an increase of over 35,000 from the previous (February) supplement. Again, about 133,000 of these titles pre-date 1991. The search software provides 18 searchable fields and a very user-friendly interface, although some desiderata remain (such as the ability to sort files for downloading and updating the user documentation.) [bh/sl]
The Finnish National Bibliography (Suomen kirjallisuus or Finlands Litteratur -- see also entries 356 and 357) is printed both as a monthly and as an annual index. The files of the National Library (Helsinki University Library) are accessed most often in timely machine-readable formats, however: through the online "Fennica Database" in the VTLS format or on CD-ROM (see also entry 360). The database covers periodicals since 1782 [!] and monographs since 1955 (albeit only since 1994 for musical scores and for maps). Ongoing retrospectively-converted records are included in the database. A special file of Finnish works from 1488-1800 is due to be completed in 1995 and will be made available through CERL ("Consortium of European Research Libraries.") Despite the fact that centralized CIP-cataloging in Finland does not exist, the National Library is able to make pre- publication announcements for approximately 50% of new titles. In general, the last few years have seen a lot of bibliographic progress, but much still remains to be done. [eh /rdh]
1992- . - FIM 750.00 [1994 subscription price]
The "monthly" of the Finnish National Bibliography appears nine times annually, and has as its most important function the pre-publication announcement of new titles. Since the beginning of 1994, the monthly has also included records of those titles published abroad that had previously only been published in Fennica extranea. [eh /rdh]
1992- . FIM 643 [1994 subscription price]
The two-volume annual bibliography, which appears in early fall following the year to be reported, contains a more complete selection of records than does the monthly. It also contains addresses and information about publishers, along with ISBN numbers and a list of false ISBN's. Information on periodical publications, included in a separate microfiche format up to now, will only be available online and through the CD-ROM version from 1995 on. [eh/rdh]
[1] 1961 (1962)-
While most government publications have always been included in the printed National Bibliography, the Finnish Library of Parliament has been publishing its own separate annual bibliography of government publications since 1961. The latter, despite the duplication of effort, very carefully includes smaller publications that do not appear in the printed National Bibliography. [eh/rdh]
1983 (1985) - .
Musical recordings are not included in the National Bibliography. They are listed in a separate catalog published by the University of Jyvaeskylae. Future plans call for a unified music database that will combine the records for musical scores (now in the National Library's database in Helsinki) and for musical recordings (now in the database in Jyvaeskylae). [eh/rdh]
1994, 2. 1955 - March 1, 1994. 1994. - 1 CD-ROM + 2 installation diskettes + manual (in Finnish).
3rd ed. (1993). Looseleaf ed. + manual (in Swedish). - 1992. - 165 p. - ISBN 951-692-306-2 (Finnish manual) - ISBN 951-692-293-7 (Swedish manual): FIM 7,930 (1994, 4 eds./year, stand-alone); FIM 23,790 (1994, 4 eds./year, multi-user network)
First released on CD-ROM in 1990, the Finnish National Bibliography appeared on CD twice annually until 1993 and has appeared four times annually since. It is produced in cooperation with the National Library, the state publishing house (Kirjastopalvelu Oy), the centralized book distributor (Kirjavaelitys Oy) and Online Computer Systems of Germantown, Pennsylvania. As such, it uses the same CD software as the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie and the British National Bibliography, augmented by Finnish book trade information. The CD holds all titles of the online database. The search engine can be used in English as well as in Finnish or Swedish. [eh/rdh]
1974/78 (1985). - VII, 320 p. - ikr. 2000.00
1979/83 (1992). - IX, 419 p. - ISBN 9979-800-09-7 : ikr. 2500.00
Not until the 1991 (publ. 1992) annual index of the Icelandic National Bibliography did an announcement state that five-year cumulations had already been published for the time periods of 1974-78 and 1979-83. Hence this review appears late. The layout mirrors that of the annual: main body with author entries-- alphabetized by first name in the Icelandic custom -- and AACR2- formulated title entries, followed by a short title index adhering to DDC (18th ed. for 1974-78; 19th ed. for 1979-83), each with a subject index. Some avoidable inconsistencies occur between the two cumulations with regard to those titles that fell within the reporting period but appeared in the annual bibliography late. Continuations are absent, as are classes of literature for which separate cumulative indexes are promised, a strange decision given the paucity of potential titles. [sh/rdh]
Update 1994,2. 1986-1994 - 1 CD-ROM + Installation diskette (1994) + Manual (1993). - DM 2850.00, plus 15% value-added tax (annual subscription)
Public libraries in Germany have long been using the INFORMATIONSDIENST ("ID"; Information Service) of the Einkaufszentrale fur offentliche Bibliotheken GmbH ("ekz"; Central Distributor for Public Libraries) as a selection tool. This subscription service issues around 13,000 cards each year bearing annotations or short reviews of books. The CD-ROM version of these reviews has been available since 1993 and is updated three times a year. It contains over 80,000 titles in adult fiction, young adult and children's literature and non-fiction, as well as approximately 14,000 AV media titles, dating back to 1986. The product is easy to use, with its options of standard or expert (the latter includes Boolean) search mode. Several different display formats are available for the search results, such as "user format" and "RAK," which is an ISBD record. The bibliographic display of the brief record takes some getting used to, since the bibliographic elements are arranged in the order: title, edition, publisher, author. The keyword indexing is somewhat haphazard. Since the CD-ROM product appears quite a while after the "ID" service selection cards, it is most useful for retrospective collection development, an activity not many public libraries can afford to pursue. The product is expensive in light of the fact that it utilizes data provided by the original output of the "ID". [hc/hh]
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