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The success of the Reclam film guide can be judged from the fact that new editions have appeared regularly since 1973. For reasons of economy the 8th edition of 1991 added new films in an appendix for 1988-1990, a regrettable practice repeated in this 9th edition, which has 74 films in its appendix for 1988-1992. Rather misleadingly the dates do not refer to the year in which films were made - the appendix includes films from 1986 and 1987, and even one from 1964/65. Articles on directors, which constitute the second part of the guide, have been updated as appropriate. The same cannot be said of the 12 page bibliography, which contains no imprints for 1990 or later. Librarians are advised to wait for the appearance of the 10th edition, which promises to integrate all additional entries into the main alphabetical sequence. [sh/dkl]
A dictionary of directors, writers and other artistic personnel involved in the production of television films. It covers Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but excludes the GDR. More than 300 articles describe each individual's life and work and make sound evaluative judgments. Over 5,000 films are referred to in these articles, and there is a separate title index. Selection criteria are based on length of film and extent of an individual's oeuvre, which somewhat disadvantages younger filmmakers and films in series. Netenjakob's reasonably priced dictionary makes this neglected subject readily accessible to a wide audience. The index of titles means it can also be used in conjunction with Achim Klunder's more technical indexes to German television films, which give full credits for all films since 1952, but lack tables of contents and any critical assessment. [wu/dkl]
Work on this popular guide to German films from their origins to 1933 was completed in 1986. This 2nd edition differs only in the terminology of the introduction from the original publication of 1988. The main text is identical. The first part gives particulars of 129 films in chronological order, and the second is an alphabetical sequence of biographies of 122 filmmakers (directors, cameramen, but no actors), with some reference to post-1933 titles. Particular emphasis is given to the role of left-wing filmmakers in the history of early German cinema. Whilst narrow in range and aimed at a popular audience, no other single reference work covers the entire period of the Weimar Republic. More detailed works restrict themselves either to silent films (e.g., Lamprecht's Deutsche Stummfilme) or to sound films (e.g., Ulrich J. Klaus's Deutsche Tonfilme). [wu/dkl]
The first of 15 annual volumes covering all the feature films over 1000 meters (over 36'33 minutes duration) produced or shown in Weimar Germany. This volume for 1929 contains details of 374 German and 255 foreign films, giving for each full cast and production credits and date of first showing. Uniquely in film reference works, the set reprints extracts from or complete reviews from the quality press for each German film, plus references to further critical literature. Silent film music also receives detailed treatment, plus quotations, illustrations and other texts on major films. There are a day by day film chronology and indexes of film titles, persons and of review authors and newspapers. The price of DM 470 per volume is, however, a major drawback in an otherwise first-rate work. [wu/rp]
The first part of the book is a readable and lively historical retrospective on DEFA (the GDR's film production company) film history in six chronological sections, but somewhat short on critical analysis. Part two is a filmography of DEFA films from 1946 to 1992: over 700 films are listed with production and cast credits, length, date of premiere and notes of reviews in the GDR press, plus some content information. There is an index of film titles, and persons (which unfortunately doesn't cover the filmography). The film details are based on official GDR Staatliches Filmarchiv publications: DEFA-Spielfilme: Filmografie, Pt. 1 1946-1965 (1989), and Filmbibliografischer Jahresbericht 1966-1989 (1993), both edited by Günter Schulz, as well as Filme in der DDR 1945-1986 (Köln: Katholisches Institut für Medieninformation, 1987). The latter two publications both go beyond the one under review in scope and detail. [wu/rp]
3rd, expanded ed. - Oldenburg : BIS (Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Univ. Oldenburg), 1993. - 150 p. - ISBN 3-8142-0440-9 : DM 15.00
The University of Oldenburg obtained 594 DEFA films during the economic rescue of the company's distributors. These are listed and comparisons made with other DEFA films for the period (total 982), together with the critical comments from Filme in der DDR (see abstract 94-3/4-507). Documentary, feature, and children's films are included. There is an index to film titles, directors, and (valuably) other persons mentioned in the credits and production details. [wu/rp]
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