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This atlas focusses on the implications of an economically united Europe. Its major component is an "Enciclopedia geografica," which contains numerous topics thrown together in a mixture of texts, graphics, photographs, maps, and paintings. As a result, the atlas conveys an impression of offering everything and nothing, creating moods rather than conveying facts. There are some serious flaws. For instance, many of the places discussed in the "Enciclopedia" are not shown on the maps and are also not included in the index. Also, many photos are not connected by reference or annotation to other parts of the text or the maps. The designation "atlas" here is a bit of an exaggeration, since the maps really are just a supplement to the textual part. A kaleidoscope of information is presented to the reader. Nothing less, and nothing more. [wc/tk]
Vol. 1 (1989) - ISBN 88-365-0414-0 - Lit. 395,000 Vol. 2 (1990) - ISBN 88-365 0429-9 - Lit. 395,000 Vol. 3 (1992) - ISBN 88-365 0471-X - Lit. 395,000 Vol. 4 (1993) - ISBN 88-365 0515-5 - Lit. 395,000
This atlas is a collaborative product of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and the Touring Club Italiano. Its maps are precise and have been prepared with great care. It is widely respected beyond the borders of Italy and is regarded as the successor to the famous Atlante Fisico-Economico d'Italia (1940). The maps are provided in unbound, loose-leaf format. Headings and titles are given in Italian and English, but user's instructions are only in Italian. Subjects from many areas are included, such as population density, geology, climate, vegetation, zoology, industry, and culture in general. [wc/tk]
This automobile atlas of Germany has some features that makes it of more than usual interest to libraries: its 1:165,000 scale is superior to the more standard 1:200,000 scale, and a 192-page "Lexicon" contains concise descriptions of towns, cities, and larger political entities arranged alphabetically. The text covers the administrative unit, geography and population of each locality, as well as some historical, architectural and economic details. The generous scale of its maps allow even the smallest localities to be shown and listed in the index. [wc/bw]
This volume offers a complete set of satellite photo images of the Federal Republic of Germany as it existed on March 10, 1990. The scale is 1:219,450 and is designed to accompany the Topographische Übersichtskarte 1:200,000 (TUK 200). Its scale and atlas format preclude a precise correspondence to the map series, but its use of geographical coordinates and the Gauss-Krueger projection allow for expeditious back-and-forth between maps and photos. An excellent example of the usefulness of satellite imagery to supplement maps. [wc/bw]
1. 1993/4 (1993). -[59] leaves + 2 overviews. free.
This is the first combined sales catalog of maps from the geographical survey offices of the individual German Federal states. These are the official topographic surveys with scales of 1:25,000; 1:50,000; 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. [wc/bw]
This bibliography of the Meyer travel guides follows the same pattern as the publisher's earlier bibliography of the prewar Baedeker's Reisehandbücher. It is organized by the areas of coverage, with family trees to show how the various editions are related. Its systematic numbering system should become the standard for citing these works. Although primarily intended for collectors, the Wegweiser should also be useful to determine just which of many very similar editions a library has. [sh/jmc]
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