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1974/93 (1995). - 344 p. - (... ; 61). - ISBN 3-465-02658-6 : DM 128.00
1/2. 1993/94 (1995). - (... ; 2). - 216 p. - ISBN 3-87068-542-5 : DM 14.00, DM 10.00 (subscription)
These indexes make more accessible the rich resource represented by Klaus Schreiber's knowledgable and perceptive reviews of reference resources. For twenty years they appeared in a special section of the Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB). For the last two years they have formed the journal Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken (IFB), which already has become indispensible to German librarians. The reviewed works (over 1700 in the first index) are listed alphabetically by title. The location of each review is included. Authors, editors, corporate bodies, as well as uniform and parallel titles are also incorporated into this list, with appropriate cross-references. A clearly structured subject index provides access to the titles. [ts/nb]
3 (1995). - XXVII, 1539 S. - ISBN 3-930647-03-6 (book + CD-ROM without update) : DM 279.00 - ISBN 3-930647-04-4 (book + CD-ROM subscription with 3 updates) : DM 568.00
1995,1. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-930647-03-6 (book + CD-ROM without update) : DM 279.00 - ISBN 3-930647-04-4 (book + CD-ROM subscription with 3 updates) : DM 568.00, DM 498.00 (CD-ROM subscription with 3 updates)
The first edition of this handbook was found wanting in comparison with the international competition, among which the CD-ROM directory from TFPL (IFB 93-1/2-015) was accorded first place. Nonetheless, the German publication is especially useful for CD- ROM users in German-speaking countries because of its proximity to the local market. The price is still too high, even if one merely subscribes to the CD-ROM edition, which is probably the most sensible solution. [sh/nb]
This inexpensive and helpful directory contains almost 2000 Internet addresses and resources, usually accompanied by brief, informative notes. Dating from October 1994 at the latest, the entries are listed alphabetically within 100 subject categories. Appendices contain the Internet addresses from and to 16 other nets; the most important international Archie sites; useful FTP commands; important gopher, WAIS and WWW clients; and the top level Internet domains outside the USA. [cd/nb]
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Last update: July 31, 2000 [RD]
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