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Technology has made such radical changes in the information professions that the courses of study in these fields have had to adapt in various ways. This title (first published in 1986 with a second edition in 1992) has set as its goal the reliable and ongoing documentation of this changing field of study in Germany. Study possibilities for the information professions are listed by institution, along with entrance requirements, application procedures, and other practical considerations. The data printed in the appendix (current as of March 1994) were proof-read by the individual institutions and should therefore guarantee relative reliability. Approximately half the details were changed, including the new German zip codes. The 1996/97 edition, already planned, will include such things as World Wide Web sites and e-mail addresses. [bh/rdh]
15 (1995). - 583 pp. - DM 58.80
The 14th edition (1986) with the previous title of Archive und Archivare... [Archives and Archivists...] was antiquated by factors other than German unification, but that was the reason that the update edition (with data current at the end of 1994) required ten years to finish. No reason is given for the name change. The layout is mostly as before: chapters 1-3 list the three countries, each divided internally by types of archives; chapter 4 enumerates national and international professional organizations; chapter 5 gives archival information from 33 foreign countries; chapter 6 [new!] offers further reference books, particularly general and specialized directories; chapter 7 is an index of abbreviations; and chapter 8 indexes (a) persons and (b--new!) companies and non-governmental institutions. At the same time the previously valuable index of archival locales has been dropped without cause or explanation. A welcome new addition is that of telephone numbers for most private archives. More frequent editions are to be wished for this standard directory, but--because it limits itself to elementary address and personnel data--it cannot replace the specialized directory. [sh/rdh]
The venerable Academy of Arts in Berlin will have its 300th anniversary next year. After the fall of Nazism, it was reinvented twice: once as the Academy of Arts of the G.D.R. (1950) and again as the Academy of Arts in West Berlin (1954). These were the points at which the archives of the bifurcated academy were created and the personal papers of artists were collected. In 1993 the two academies were reunited, and their common foundation became the most significant interdisciplinary archive of 20th century art and culture in German-speaking lands. Areas of concentration of the 480 archival holdings, 300,000 volume library, and 60,000 art objects are: (1) history of the Berlin academies, (2) the return of the works of emigres, (3) art, artists and intellectuals in Berlin, (4) art, culture, and cultural policy in the G.D.R., (5) personal archives of members of the Academy of Arts. This overview of holdings is intended as a first orientation; repertories in the archive itself enable more detailed research. [sah/rdh]
Primarily of use for German librarians in reference and interlibrary loan, this work identifies the numerical codes of holding institutions. It is organized according to location A-Zwi (Aalen to Zwickau), then lists the numerical identification codes, and ends with a short section listing the three German libraries in Italy. Inevitable errors occur in works of this size, but the inaccuracies that creep in here do not detract from the overall accuracy of the work. [hh/sd]
This new edition lists 233 Protestant church libraries by location, and includes 24 more than the last edition, despite the loss of many due to reunification. Entries contain contact information and library location codes for interlibrary loan (for church libraries), founding year and sponsor, the director's name and often those of other key employees, statistics on monographs, periodicals, and AV materials, collection strengths and special collections. [sh/sd]
These two directories of special collections in French libraries were mentioned in reviews of other directories for Paris (RREO 95-2-199/200). Both of these works, begun on the initiative of individuals, appear under the auspices of the Association of French Librarians. The contents are the compiled results of surveys conducted in 1992. The first directory contains contact information, collection strengths and overall holdings (monographs, serials, foreign titles, special collections), open/closed stacks, hours of operation and use restrictions, users per year, special services, membership in library organizations, level of automation, publications put out by the library, founding year, and a list of publications about the library. 1085 special libraries and research centers are listed beginning with Paris, then by surrounding Departements, and remaining Departements in alphabetical order. The volume also contains the holdings of French territories, Monaco, and other countries with French libraries. Indexes are arranged according to key word, collections named for individuals, and by library name.
The second book lists, in overview form, 587 institutions according to Departement and further by subject. In addition to practical tips, special collections are noted with the extent of holdings. Indexes are arranged by location, by Departement, by library name (including acronyms), by library type, and finally by key word. [sh/sd]
One wonders how a bibliography published in 1994 can presume to speak to the decade of the 90s; the introduction reveals that citations are all to titles published between 1990-1993. Another limitation is the almost exclusive reliance on American publications (as opposed to British ones). Selection criteria are dubious, and the 1662 titles are divided into six large groups (no multiple indexing): academic librarians; administrators and administrative concerns, access services, collection management, technical services (curiously Library Resources and Technical Services is cited only twenty times), and the future and role of academic libraries and librarians. There are no further subdivisions, so browsing is out of the question. Annotations are too short and often too vague. Because of insufficient systemization the user must rely on the key word index, which does not attain the usual high standard of Anglo-American bibliographies. In addition to these formal deficiencies is the complete lack of many subject terms in the index (the entire area of CD-ROM, for example). Additional indexes provide access to author (though with abbreviated first names) and title subject (superfluous). Even overlooking the unclear selection criteria, the insufficient subject access is enough to prompt one to do without this volume. [sh/sd]
Ed. 5 (1995). -IX, 672 p. - ISBN 3-598-20604-6 : DM 598.00
While the timespan between the 3rd and 4th editions was eleven years, this new 5th edition appears only three years after the last one. The total number of institutions listed has grown to 24,624 in 191 nations, attributable in part to recent changes in Eastern Europe. Organization is by country (by English name), then by institution (first in the original language then in English translation, except for Asian languages, where only the English translation is provided). Address information was collected by mail-in questionnaires and contains E-mail contacts. Collection specializations and highlights are indicated. Indexes are arranged by 1) museum name, 2) persons whose life and or work is presented by or contained in the particular museum (there are obvious gaps here--the major Otto Dix collection in the Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart is omitted, for example), and 3) subject collections by key word. The volume provides useful contact information, but only very limited access to specific collections and collections highlights. [sh/sd]
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