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1=1/16. 1975/90 (1993/95)
Vol. 1 (A - K). - 1993 - 1619 p. - ISBN 3-921751-52-7 : DM 330.00
Vol. 2 (L - Z). - 1995 - 1621 p. - ISBN 3-921751-53-5 : DM 318.00
36/40. 1985/89 (1992). - xxii, 1330 p. - ISBN 3-7762-0342-0 : DM 580.00
The fact that a cumulative index of ca. 3300 pages bears a different title from the ca. 1500 page annual volumes of the Taschenbuch der Auktionspreise that it indexes must be a reflection on the inappropriateness of the term "Taschenbuch" ("pocket book.") Vol. 1 (A - K) of the index appeared in 1993, followed by vol. 2 (L - Z) at the end of 1995. This index, preceded by a trilingual (German, English, French) introduction, includes 520,000 titles from 470 auctions held in Germany, Switzerland and Austria from 1975-1990 (=vol. 1-16 of the annual Taschenbuch). Entries, arranged by author, title, or publisher, contain a wealth of information and include high and low prices in local currencies.
Competing with the Taschenbuch is the much older Jahrbuch der Auktionspreise, which now has indexing for 15 years of auction prices. The index to vols. 36/40 (1985/89) lists 195,000 books from 350 auctions held in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands; this last country is not included in the Taschenbuch. Only items costing at least DM 150 are included in the Jahrbuch der Auktionspreise.
The main difference between the two indexes is made clear in the introductions of the two works: the cumulative index to the Taschenbuch is to be seen as an independent publication that could replace the annual volumes, while the index to the Jahrbuch is intended primarily as a tool to facilitate the use of the yearbooks. The differences in criteria for selecting materials to be included in the two sets of yearbooks are discussed in the following review. [sah/erh]
17. 1991 (1994). - 1415 p. - ISBN 3-921751-9 : DM 162.00
42. 1991 (1992). - xxx, 1058 p. - ISBN 3-7762-0368-4 : DM 340.00
Volume 17 (1991) of the Taschenbuch appeared in 1994; vol. 18 has been delayed due to the labor involved in producing the above-mentioned index [95-4-557]. This volume contains entries for 48,000 books from 41 auctions held in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: there is no minimum price requirement for inclusion in the Taschenbuch. In addition to the detailed entries for each work, there is a directory of auction houses, including addresses, and a currency conversion table. Each entry includes information on the number of volumes, place, and date of publication and printing, description of illustrations and binding and price. Instructions for using the handbook are given in a trilingual (German, English, French) introduction.
The Jahrbuch der Auktionspreise has already published vol. 44 (1993) in 1994; however, for reasons of comparison to its competitor, the Taschenbuch, vol. 42 (1991) is discussed here. It includes 45,000 books, manuscripts and autographs from 60 auctions held primarily in Germany, but also in the Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland. Aside from references to the Netherlands and autographs, the selections correspond to those in the Taschenbuch. Pages 1-935 are devoted to books, 936-949 to manuscripts and 950-1033 to autographs.
The main differences between the two lists of auction prices are their criteria for inclusion and the level of information contained in the entries: the Jahrbuch, in addition to including the Netherlands and the category of autographs, only includes works that cost at least DM 150. The entries of the Taschenbuch are far richer than those of the Jahrbuch, but still do not preclude a look at the original auction catalogs. Potential buyers will also have to take the diverse prices of these works and their indexes into consideration, especially at a time when so many auction houses are starting to produce their catalogs in digital formats. [sah/erh]
The CD-ROM contains approx. 60% of the entire stock of this antiquarian dealer, which in itself is an advantage over the printed catalogs. It allows searching by various categories (author, publisher, illustrator, etc.) and thus provides a very convenient service (free for customers), which should be an incentive for other dealers to produce similar CD-ROM catalogs. [sah/rs]
1/40. 1958/93. Comp. by Erika Jesche. - 1995. - ii, 106 p. - Repr. from: Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, vol. 43 (1995), p. 1-106. - ISBN 3-7657-1874-2 : DM 145.00
This index to one of the supplements to the Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel (the trade journal for German publishing) covers the first 40 volumes of that publication and thus also incorporates an earlier printed index for vols. 1-20 (publ. 1979). Useful as this index will be, one would have wished for an even more comprehensive one that included the other supplements to the Börsenblatt, i.e., Buchhandelsgeschichte (History of the Book Trade) and Aus dem Antiquariat (From the Antiquarian Book Store). [sh/rs]
In alphabetically arranged articles of varying length and quality this book deals with the antiquarian book trade mainly from the bookseller's point of view. Topics range from the function of auctions to individual subject areas such as Victorian books. Some interesting subjects, such as the popular field of erotic literature, are unfortunately not well represented. Of interest is the different methodological approach (e.g. in the article on bibliography) and the survey of English publications on the subject of antiquarian books, but the exclusive focus on things British detracts from the overall value. [kkw/rs]
1995 (1994). - Free for libraries
Under a slightly different title (Catalogue) and publisher (Elsevier Science Publishers), this CD-ROM was already reviewed (in German) in Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken 93-1/2-054. Of note are also the Elsevier Science Complete Catalogue, currently on the Internet at http://www.elsevier.nl/catalogue/Menu.html, and the Elsevier Science Tables of Contents, or (ESTOC), at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/estoc/. [sh/rs]
Pt. 2. 1945-1992 / Heinz Götze. - 1994. - xxv, 413 p. : ill. - ISBN 3-540-56691-0 : DM 78.00
This second volume about the history of Springer Verlag published to honor the firm's 150th anniversary, follows the first volume (by Heinz Sarkowski, covering the period 1842-1945, published in 1992; reviewed in Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken 93-1/2-051) with some delay. Written by Heinz Götze, with Springer for many years and now its co-owner, this work covers the post-1945 period. The book concludes with the anniversary celebrations of 1992. As with the first volume, this work is heavily illustrated, with portraits of major authors, title pages, and book jackets. Supplemental appendices contain a list of Springer employees with more than 20 years service, a chart of CEOs since 1945, and a list of references. [sh/msc]
1842/1994 (1994). - 1 CD-ROM + installation diskette + user's manual. - ISBN 3-540-14147-2 : DM 190.00
1995. - 1 CD-ROM. - free
In conjunction with the 150th anniversary of Springer Publishers in 1992, the second part of Gesamtkatalog der Veröffentlichungen 1842-1945 entitled Der Springer-Verlag : Katalog seiner Zeitschriften 1843-1992 was published. This volume contains an inventory of all periodicals published at least twice a year between 1842 and 1992 by Springer. Those which appeared less frequently, such as annuals, were included in the first volume along with the monographs. Although all postwar publications are included in the CD-ROM publication (reviewed below), it was decided to create a bibliography including the list of all periodicals published by Springer because of the importance of periodicals in Springer's publication program. For that reason, this work combines in one alphabetical sequence the 286 titles included in the earlier bibliography along with the 459 titles published since 1945 for a total of 745 entries. Layout and indexing parallel the earlier bibliography; arrangement is alphabetical by title (regardless of the author) with references to related titles. A separate appendix includes fourteen titles that for unknown reasons have been isolated from the rest of the Springer titles. Indices include subject area, personal editor, founders, and creating corporate bodies. Also provided is a chronological list and a count of the number of periodicals which appeared each year, starting with 1843. This carefully prepared bibliography serves as a good foundation for researching the recent history of the natural sciences and medicine. [sh/msc]
The Springer complete catalogue : 1842-1994 is an expanded, more complete edition of the publisher's bibliography with the same title for the years 1842-1992. What is the difference between the two titles? This new edition has been expanded by 5,000 entries, bringing the total to 50,000. The database of monographs includes titles through 1994, the periodicals database through 1992. In addition to the complete inventory of books between 1842-1994 and periodicals from 1945-1992, there is also a database of current books and periodical titles. This organization of sometimes overlapping databases is impractical for the user who for certain queries must search multiple databases. On the positive side, also included are an expanded table of contents and information about recent books and periodicals. All electronic media titles from the Springer company are listed. The separate diskette with price information is no longer necessary since this information is now included on the CD-ROM. Although the user's manual has not been updated, this does not create a problem because the user interface remains the same. A Windows 95-compatible interface is in preparation.
The CD-ROM Springer in Print (which is free of charge and updated twice a year) is designed for those who only need current bibliographic information. The databases for current monographic and periodical titles published between 1945 and 1995 are derived from the Springer Complete Catalogue. Also included is the electronic media catalog, with Springer's software and CD-ROM products. Unfortunately, this catalog cannot be selected from the DOS menu, as it can only be used with Acrobat Reader. This software (which is included on the CD-ROM) makes it possible to display texts regardless of platform; however, the software only runs on machines using Windows 95. Also included on this CD-ROM are nine demo versions of electronic media from different subject areas which include the table of contents of 130 Springer periodicals from the Springer journal preview service (in ASCII). Macros for the word processing software Text/Latex are included as an aid to authors. [hwk/msc]
Information on Springer publications now available on the Internet includes:
Springer news = Neu bei Springer, a monthly listing of new publications available free of charge from the following e-mail address: svserv@springer.de.
Springer Journals Preview Service, with searching capability of 154 Springer periodicals, is available electronically many weeks before the published version appears. This free service is available via e-mail at: svjps@springer.de or via the WWW at http://www.springer.de. Abstracts are also available ($20 annually, payable only using a credit card).
For information about the digital, online full-text version of Numerische Mathematik, the first Springer periodical, contact: em-helpdesk@springer.de
An introduction to the Springer Complete Catalogue on the Internet (available currently only in German), can be found at http://www.springer.de/catalog/catalog-files/catalog-db.html. [sh/msc].
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