
Germanistik : eine Einführung [Study of German Language and Literature: An Introduction] / Christa Dürscheid ; Hartmut Kircher ; Bernhard Sowinski. - Köln : Böhlau, 1994. - 362 p. ; 21 cm. - (Böhlau Studienbücher : Grundlagen des Studiums). - ISBN 3-412-09093-X : DM 39.80

This volume is inconsistent in many respects. Its three sections--German linguistics (done by Christa Dürscheid), older German philology and literature (Bernhard Sowinski), and modern German literary studies (Hartmut Kircher)--are uneven. The first two use footnotes sparingly; the last has over 300, and the titles are duplicated in its concluding bibliography. The forms used in the various bibliographies are also mixed. How is the beginning student supposed to negotiate all this in what purports to be an introduction to bibliography? Each section requires some reediting, but the most obvious parts are the third section and passages on the relationship of literature to music and the fine arts. [hak/mpo]


Arbeitsmittel der Anglistik [An Introduction to English Literary Studies] : ein Studienbuch / by Dieter Kranz. - Berlin : Erich Schmidt, 1994. - X, 261 p. ; 21 cm. - (Grundlagen der Anglistik und Amerikanistik ; 18). - ISBN 3-503-03069-7 : DM 29.80

The author's preface is slightly misleading: in fact this guide is best suited for beginning students of English literature or others seeking an overview. Over 700 entries are meant to advance one's knowledge in this subject. Categories include the practical study of English literature, bibliographies, encyclopedias and other reference works, journals and yearbooks, how to assemble one's own library, Shakespeare, etc. The range of works encompasses what would be required for a good departmental reading room; it does not pretend to be universal in coverage. The annotations are of variable length and quality. Summary: right for beginning and medium levels of study, too slight for advanced study. [wb/mpo]

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Last update: October, 31 2005 [BG]
© Casalini libri, 2006