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Vol. 6. R - Stad. - 1994. - 850 p. - ISBN 3-363-00049-9 : DM 178.00, DM 148.00 (Subscription price)
Vol. 7. Stae - Z. - 1994. - 959 p. - ISBN 3-363-00563-6 : DM 178.00, DM 148.00 (Subscription price)
Vol. 6. U - Z. - 1994. - xxiii, 361 p. : ill. - ISBN 88-06-13582-1 : Lit. 120.000, Lit. 835.000 (Total price, 1995)
Part of the new edition of the Seemann art encyclopedia (95-4-587, above) was published before German unification and the entire work had the goal of providing knowledge for a new socialist society. In the German-speaking world an encyclopedia of this size and scope has no equal, especially in its detailed analysis of the art of the former East Bloc countries, non-European art and treatment of many terms of Western art. The Seemann encyclopedia has more complete and detailed articles than the Herder work (95-4-588, above), with extensive bibliographical citations. Articles are particularly strong in technical areas; for example there is an extensive entry on reinforced concrete, a topic which does not even appear in the Herder work. For illustrations, however, the Herder encyclopedia provides numerous color pictures, while Seemann has relatively few black and white illustrations and one set of color plates bound together. The Herder work provides good value for its price and is recommended for the reader who is primarily interested in general information and contemporary topics.
The Dizionario della pittura e dei pittori is a new edition of the Petit Larousse de la peinture, which was published in the seventies. Extensive revisions were made to the entries on Italian painting and new entries were added. Just as with the original edition, this is a worthwhile acquisition. One flaw is, however, apparent: the bibliography of the earlier French edition has been omitted in the Italian edition. [sh/cmc]
Based on the seven volume Lexikon der Kunst, this one-volume, richly illustrated "compact encyclopedia" contains around 3,000 entries on all aspects of art, with an emphasis on Europe. The articles are extensive, informative, up-to-date, and often rival those of specialized resources in the information they present. Definitions are frequently accompanied by a historical survey and a list of the most relevant works illustrating the concept. The inclusion of a reference bibliography makes this title not only attractive to those interested in art, but also to those who require a useful and convenient reference work. [sh/jeb]
This is the twelfth and expanded edition of a work which traces its roots back to 1939 and Johannes Jahn. It is now being continued by Wolfgang Haubenreißer. It contains approximately 3,000 entries, with an emphasis on European art. Unlike "Seemann" (95-4-590, above), it includes biographical materials on individuals. It treats topics up to the modern period (but, unlike "Seemann," it does not include newer art) and is suited to the information needs of those interested in art history, particularly students. Coverage of iconographic concepts, restoration, and landmark preservation is stronger than in "Seemann." The special strength of the articles in "Jahn" is the bibliography included in each entry. The references include not only recent research, but also briefly summarize the most important research of the 19th century. In order to include such extensive analytical material, illustrations have been kept to a minimum. [sh/jeb]
This work includes biographical material on some 4,700 artists or groups of artists from every century, nation, and genre, with a marked increase in the number of modern artists covered. Non-European artists are well represented, despite the fact that a criterion for inclusion was that artists had to be of interest to German-speaking readers. In the end, given the huge number of potentially relevant artists and the vague criteria for inclusion, the selection is invariably arbitrary. Although the layout has been updated, the new paperbound, glued binding is not likely to stand up to heavy use. Also, this encyclopedia omits the sparse secondary literature given in earlier editions. For concepts (as opposed to biographies), one still must consult "Seemann" or "Jahn." Nevertheless, this Reclam is not without value, offering a larger number of biographical entries, especially from the contemporary period. Individuals who own the Reclam title will need to supplement it with "Jahn" or "Seemann" for concepts. Research libraries, which are likely to own both "Jahn" and "Seemann" as well as a host of multi-volume works, can safely dispense with it. [ak & sh/jeb]
Vol. 1. A - Kai Christensen. - 1994. - 512 p. - ISBN 87-16-11419-1
Vol. 2. Kai Christensen - Vilhelm Groth. - 1994. - 512 p. - ISBN 87-16-11420-5
Vol. 3. Vilhelm Groth-Hansen - Per Iversen. - 1995. - 509 p. - ISBN 87-16-11421-3
This work, the standard biographical dictionary of Danish artists, has a long history, going back to 1877. The third and until now most recent edition was published over 40 years ago. Although one can assume that not a single word penned under the direction of its original editor has survived into the current edition, it nevertheless bears his name as a kind of trademark. Given the speed with which the first three volumes have appeared, it is likely that the publishers will meet their goal of publishing all eight volumes by 1997. The work is to cover approximately 10,000 artists of all genres and all periods, including living artists (about half of the total), as well as those who are not Danish but have worked in Denmark. Each article includes extensive biographical, bibliographic and archival information. An exemplary work, ranking with the best of national dictionaries of artists. [sh/sl]
The brief entries in this subject dictionary of architectural terminology consist of a spare definition often accompanied by a diagram illustrating the concept. Neither historical context nor the names of important buildings which exemplify the term being defined are included. This can be explained by the fact that the dictionary was designed as a supplement to the volumes in the Reclams Kunstführer series (RREO 95-3-413-414). Since this series covers architecture from antiquity through modern classicism, terms relevant to modern architecture are mostly excluded. Although art lovers are the target audience of this dictionary, it is questionable whether the brief, abstract definitions will meet their needs. [ak/ajs]
Somewhat larger in size and with a broader coverage than the Reclam title just discussed (95-4-594 above), this architectural dictionary is a revision of Wörterbuch der Architektur, which was published in 1980 and 1988 by Seemann. Written for the general public, the dictionary contains approximately 2000 entries defining architectural terminology and concepts relating to style, as well as a selection of biographical entries. The definitions are easily understood and are occasionally accompanied by brief references to important realizations of varying types and forms of buildings, and a brief treatment of their historical development. The dictionary covers architecture from antiquity through modern classicism. It emphasizes European and Mediterranean architecture and gives uneven coverage to architecture from other parts of the world. Earlier editions of this work were published in the GDR, roots still evident in the tendentiousness of some of the unrevised entries. The numerous schematic drawings and photos are helpful. [ak/ajs]
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, ex libris (bookplates), like stamps, began to attract the attention of serious collectors, thus changing their character and providing a natural stopping point to this comprehensive index and catalog. Replacing the outdated indexes of Bertarelli/Prior (1902) and Gelli (1908), it covers ex libris that were used in Italy (as defined by today's borders), without regard to the national origin of the individuals whose books they adorned. In addition to providing a great deal of relevant historical and other contextual information, it identifies 37,298 ex libris from public libraries, private collections, and secondary sources. From this formidable number, Bragaglia has provided beautifully reproduced illustrations of 2,523, chronologically arranged, in volumes 2 and 3. Nine indexes provide access to the listing. This reference work is a fitting addition for a series called "Grande opere." [sh/sl]
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