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This book remains, after numerous editions, the standard work of its kind. The information is accessible by (1) film title (the most comprehensive section, with data on the film, its history, etc.); (2) author of the literary work; and (3) title of the literary work. Pragmatic, well-documented, and clearly presented, "Enser" proves more than satisfactory in identifying the literary sources of Anglo-American films. [wu/mg]
A - K. - 1971. - 681 p.
L - Z. - 1975. - 824 p.
Suppl. (A - Z). - 1978. - 638 p.
This impressive work by a Belgian librarian (recte: Herman Thiery) is similar in intent to Enser, taking its point of departure from the literary author and proceeding to literary work and film/television productions (starting about 1919). Generous coverage of the films and their makers. Black-and-white plates add considerably to the volumes' usefulness, with reproductions of publicity photos and placards. Benefiting from the author's own large archive and contacts with many others, the scope is truly international. [wu/mg]
In contrast to Enser and Daisne, Gifford covers the earliest years of silent film production. The indexes similarly encompass literary authors, literary works, and film titles, and the scope is international, though some findings may be held to be inconclusive since many of the films do not themselves survive. While film roles and companies are detailed, the principal interest would appear to be of a literary-historical sort. [wu/mg]
Emmens concentrates on film interpretations of short stories by United States authors or by other authors popular in the United States, a genre that has long seemed to lend itself particularly to film treatment. In many cases the kinds of information supplied are more extensive, and descriptions more nuanced, than those in Enser, and the work is virtually comprehensive for the years 1920-76. [wu/mg]
Costello is concerned to emphasize work of inspiration and originality, and so is relatively selective. For works included, however, there is considerable practical documentation (dates, production data, film lengths), accompanied by citations to the secondary literature. The scope is truly international; English translations are provided for film and literary titles in other languages. [wu/mg]
The criteria for inclusion here are not based on literary quality but on the origin of the film in the German-speaking countries (BRD, DDR, Austria, Switzerland) from 1945 to 1990. The indexes are by literary author (the principal index, to which one must return when consulting the others), literary title, and film title with director. The entries contain extensive auxilliary data, though they lack information on specific actors and roles. Without question the most detailed lexical work on its subject. [wu/mg]
Based on the author's 1965 Univ. of Erlangen dissertation, this work provides information about film adaptations of German literature from 1895 to 1964. Unlike the previously discussed filmographies, Estermann's is a chronology of international films based on German literature. Within each year Estermann lists alphabetically each author and title of works filmed that year. Also included are the title of the film version, the producer, director, actors, and total running time. The listing contains some 672 adaptations of works by 156 authors -- hardly comprehensive. Given the dearth of cinematographic listings for this period until after the war, this work has retained its usefulness. [wub/jbr]
This book was designed as a part of a traveling exhibit and is intended primarily as a practical guide for persons who work in children's (film) libraries and institutions concerned with child care. It lists films adapted from children's and juvenile literature from around the world. The bulk of the films cited are full-length, but there is a section on shorts and another on film versions of fairy tales. For each film the editor provides the name of the director, the author of the screen play, the length, b/w or color, the title, and a bibliographic citation, as well as a brief summary of the work. It is generously illustrated. Recommendations for age-appropriateness are indicated. [wub/jbr]
An important contribution of this bibliography of novelizations of (serious) films, movies, and television productions is that it documents "for the first time" a large sub-genre of literature, thus opening up novelizations to future investigation. Since this is new territory, the author includes a description of the genre (the "novelization") and adds some 52 "viewpoints" by various authors represented in the bibliography. These sections are a book unto itself, both vivid and entertaining. A third and major portion of the book is the bibliography itself, which is alphabetically organized by name of the movie or television series. Under each title there appears a citation for the novelized version with date and publisher. There are also notes about the correspondence between the (original) film and the (resulting) novelization. Larson includes an alphabetical list of the authors of novelizations. This reference resource lists some 3,000 individual novelizations by more than 1,300 authors, with all of the material deriving from American sources. [wub/jbr]
The basis for this reference work was a card file kept by the author when he served on various committees that promoted the German film. It is in two parts. The first provides an alphabetical listing of authors of German film and television scripts. Under each name there is a chronological list of film titles along with country and year of production. Information about the directors is regularly provided, information about the actors only occasionally. A second section offers a list of film titles, with author. Unfortunately there are no references to published script, or to first showings or, in the case of television, date of broadcast. This encyclopedic dictionary lists approximately 7,000 names and more than 10,000 titles of works. It can be used to supplement Egon Netenjakob's TV-Filmlexikon (1994) or the listings of the Deutsche Rundfunkarchiv. By itself, it is only of very specialized usefulness. [wub/jbr]
There have been no recent thematic bibliographies of writings on film and literature, so an older work like Welch's bibliography is still useful. Entries are arranged chronologically, beginning with 1909 and continuing to 1977. There is an index to this compilation so that one can search for authors, directors, film titles and book titles. Almost all of the 1,102 entries are annotated with the exception of 133 dissertations. An appendix lists all the authors, book titles and titles of films based on the book, directors, screen play authors, production firms, and year of production. As a historical introduction to the discussion of the relationship between literature and film in the U.S. this book has not been surpassed. [wub/jbr]
This is a thematically-organized bibliography of 2,495 items dealing with the relationship of literature to film. Only about half of the entries are annotated (and those are very brief), but there is a 50-page discussion of the main thematic concepts (pp. 1-57). There is an index of authors and an index to directors, themes, film titles, titles of literary works, and concepts particular to the field. This work deals with some 308 different literary authors (with an entire chapter devoted to Shakespeare). This is an exemplary bibliography of the relevant Anglo-American scholarship to 1985. Unfortunately, there has been no comparable work done for the subsequent years, and, lamentably, nothing even close for scholarship from other countries. [wub/jbr]
After the West German Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv (German Radio Archive) assumed administrative responsibility for the archives of the East German state television Deutscher Fernsehfunk, it organized and completed the electronic data files of drama and children's programs produced between 1955 and 1991. The reference work reviewed here is a descriptive listing of the 727 programs that could be identified as film interpretations of literary works. Each entry includes the title of the film and the literary work on which it is based, producer, place of filming, length of film, scriptwriter, director, scene designer, actors (in only about half the entries, however), and various other technical details regarding the film. The main entries are organized alphabetically by literary work and not by film title, though there are four additional indexes to aid in finding needed information: by directors, scriptwriters/scene designers, actors, and the authors of the literary works. Unfortunately, there is no access via the film title itself (for films after 1973 there are other DRA publications that provide film title access). [wub/rob]
4 (1994). - 1 CD-ROM + 1 Installation disk (Software Version 1.1), User manual (1993. ISBN 0-85964-268-2). - £1095.00 (package, complete issue run for 1994,Sept.), £250.00 (1995 renewal, data until the end of 1994), £895.00, £195.00 (educational price)
1995, spring. - 1 CD-ROM + Manual. - £295.00 (subscription 1995 for 2 issues)
As one has come to expect from Chadwyck-Healey reference publications, the Film Index International is very well produced. It is also very expensive. The CD-ROM contains the catalogs of the British Film Institute Library and the National Film Institute. This highly-polished electronic reference tool has all the search keys one would expect for a film index. Full keyword access to two categories is provided: by film data, including title, director, production crew members, country of origin, and film summary (which includes a synopsis of the production details); and by personal data, including actors, their roles, and a short biography. In addition there is a third category of material, the reviews found in film magazines (monographic material, unfortunately, is not included). Through various means, the headings can be linked and cross-searched. Films from throughout the century are included, though there is a clear emphasis on Anglo-American film production.
A much less elaborate product is the International Film Archive CD-ROM, the electronic database of the International Federation of Film Archives. The primary database here is the International Index to Film/TV Periodicals, which covers the period between 1985-94. The archive has been in existence since 1972, but the CD-ROM version of its index has been available since 1992. The CD-ROM product offers similar data as the printed version of the annual index, with annotated bibliographic entries under the categories general subjects, individual films, biography, directors, authors, and periodicals. The CD-ROM version naturally includes the added functionality of being fully keyword searchable. Keyword lists are presented alphabetically, and one has the possibility to scroll up and down the lists. There are also additional features programmed into the search interface, such as being able to open up a window in the directors list to show a list of his or her films. Unfortunately there is no possibility of linking keywords from multiple lists for complex searching. The main criticism of the product has nothing to do with its CD-ROM format: like the printed version the journal coverage is spotty, with important international journals not included for coverage at all (not to mention the complete lack of coverage of monographs), and the delay between publication of an article and inclusion into the index is significant.
Though the Chadwyck-Healey product deals primarily with the films themselves and the FIAF CD-ROM with literature, their scope is similar. Both have weaknesses in the international character of their coverage. While the Chadwyck-Healey CD-ROM has a larger number of reviews than the the FIAF product, the high price of the former compels one to consider carefully before making a decision to purchase. [wub/rob]
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