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Vol. 4 : Region Afrika / by Margarete Maurer
and Barbara Smetschka. - 1993. - LXXV, 523 p. - ISBN
3-901229-03-5 (Verein ...) - ISBN 3-89131-070-6 (Fischer)
: DM 79.00
Vol. 5/6 : Region Amerika (Süd-, Mittel- und
Nordamerika) / by Margarete Maurer. - 1992. - XXXVI, 527
p. - ISBN 3-901229-02-7 (Verein ...) : DM 79.00
This bibliography is a multi-volume project to document research on women and women's movements in developing countries, as well as among underprivileged minorities in the industrialized world. The volumes on Africa and on South and North America are the only ones to appear thus far. Each covers some 5000-6000 titles (mostly published between 1970 and 1991), with special emphasis on works by women of the regions and groups considered. While only titles published in German-speaking countries are comprehensively included, a large proportion (if not the majority) of titles covered are in other languages (English, French, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese).
Annotations are plentiful, and location or ordering information is given for many titles. Each volume also includes an essay introducing the topic and providing information on methods and sources used in compiling the work. The level of scholarship appears high, and coverage for the most part is not duplicated elsewhere. Arrangement of entries first by country, then by topic is quite helpful in some instances, but makes comprehensive searching by topic difficult, especially as there is no subject index. Even so, this work is enthusiastically recommended. [uza/gw]
Thin and wildly uneven in its coverage, this bibliography includes 1315 titles, mostly dealing with the Nazi era and with the topics of persecution, resistance, and the debate over whether German women of that era were "victims" or "perpetrators." Coverage is of monographs and essays published since 1970; it is far from comprehensive, and selection criteria are difficult to infer. Moreover, the work appears largely based on other bibliographies. While a table of contents lists the topical headings, no page numbers are given, and there is no index. The title promises much more than the work delivers. [sh/gw]
As in the US, a variety of structural measures to hasten equality of opportunity for women have been promoted in Germany in recent years. The three named in the title are the subject of this comprehensive literature review and bibliography, which covers 596 German-language books and articles, chiefly from the period 1986- 1989. The review is well organized; access is enhanced by six indexes but hindered somewhat by a needlessly obscure citation structure. Overall, an effective documentation of a timely and controversial topic, making one hope for a post-1989 continuation. [sh/gw]
Presents 3937 titles, organized by subject, but with minimal and sometimes inadequate bibliographical information. Includes three indexes (subjects, persons as subjects, authors). Its usefulness is limited by the fact that the theses, which account for the lion's share of the listings, are not generally available to the public. Nevertheless, an impressive record of the emergence of women's concerns and feminist inquiry in Austrian academic life. [sh/gw]
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