
Die Europäische Gemeinschaft und das Bildungswesen [The European Community and Educational and Cultural Affairs] : eine Bibliographie / Ulrich Schäfer. [Published under the auspices of Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung]. - Coverage through 1993. - Berlin : VWB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 1994. - XIV, 682 p. ; 21 cm. - ISBN 3-86135-201-X : DM 96.00

This bibliography replaces the bibliography of the same name that was published in 1991 (which included titles published up to January 12, 1990). Arranged in twenty subject groups, it lists the official monographic publications and articles of the European Community/European Union with an emphasis on publications from 1980 onward. Titles are in all languages of the European Union and are annotated with keywords that refer to the Thesaurus Pädagogik. All documents are available at the Deutsches Institut fur Internationale Pädagogische Forschung. The book contains indexes of authors and other contributors, corporate authors, series, document numbers, dates of publication, keywords, and places. [sh/mjc]


Wörterbuch zur Pädagogik [Dictionary of Pedagogy] / Horst Schaub ; Karl G. Zenke. - Original ed. - München : Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1995. - 431 p. ; 19 cm. - (dtv ; 3357). - ISBN 3-423-03357-6 : DM 24.80

This reference work, with ca. 1,500 keywords, is intended for students, parents, teachers, adult-education teachers, and those who are involved in educational administration and policy. Entries are briefly explained, and concepts are supposed to be taken from colloquial usage, but for the nonprofessional the cross-references are very confusing. The German-English glossary advertised by the publisher has not been included. An appendix contains biographical sketches of important contributors to the field, and the bibliography is fairly up-to-date, although the latest developments are not included. The dictionary is very useful for an extensive appendix of addresses for cultural ministries, foundations, associations, etc. It is an attractive reference work for students and parents, but it is too superficial for a serious student of education. [mwg/mjc]


Wörterbuch der Pädagogik [Dictionary of Pedagogy] / Winfried Böhm. - First written by Wilhelm Hehlmann. - 14th, rev. ed. - Stuttgart : Kröner, 1994. - X, 759 p. ; 18 cm. - (Kröners Taschenausgabe ; 94). - ISBN 3-520-09414-2 : DM 39.80

The fourteenth edition of this classic among lexicons of pedagogy includes 2,500 entries and is almost 200 pages longer than the previous edition. It takes into account new problems in pedagogy, the political changes in Germany since 1989, and new developments in education. It is aimed at students, teachers, and researchers in education and is also an aid to independent study. Along with articles on technical concepts and significant teachers, there are particularly valuable articles on the German states and regions. The work is clearly structured, and the bibliography is very current. This edition of a valuable work is highly recommended. [mwg/mjc]


Lexikon der Sozialpädagogik und der Sozialarbeit [Lexicon of Social Pedagogy and Social Work] / edited by Franz Stimmer, together with Hilde van den Boogaart and Günter Rosenhagen. - München [etc.] : Oldenbourg, 1994. - XIV, 567 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 3-486-21760-7 : DM 68.00

This lexicon is intended for students and teachers. The content comprises theory and practice. Entries are accompanied by only a few important bibliographic references. Besides the basic concepts, the lexicon covers institutions and organizations, as well as a selection of individuals who have been important in the field of social work. The articles on the history of social work and social pedagogy, methods, theory, and practice are much more comprehensive than are usually found in a lexicon. In all, a good reference work with broad coverage and easily readable style. [mwg/mjc]


Wörterbuch der Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik [Dictionary of Social Work and Social Pedagogy] / edited by Arnold Schwendtke. With contributions by Ulrich Bleidick ... - 4th, rev. and enlarged ed. - Heidelberg ; Wiesbaden : Quelle & Meyer, 1995. - 537 p. ; 18 cm. - (UTB für Wissenschaft : Uni-Taschenbücher ; 656). - ISBN 3-494-02215-1 (Quelle & Meyer) - ISBN 3-8252-0656-4 (UTB) : DM 39.80

The changes in legal principles governing social work and social pedagogy since the first edition of this dictionary appeared in 1977 make the expanded new edition necessary. Unfortunately, the bibliography of the first edition has not been updated. [mwh/mjc]


Multilingual Lexicon of Higher Education / CEPES, UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education. Ed.-in-chief: Adrian Nicolescu. - München [etc.] : Saur. - ISBN 3-598-10883-4 (set)

Vol. 1. Western Europe and North America. - 1993. - XIX, 346 p. ; 25 cm. - ISBN 3-598-11058-8 : DM 148.00

The internationalization of educational systems has increased considerably as a result of European integration. This lexicon contains, for each of twenty countries, a chapter in which the specialized terminology of higher education in that country's language is defined. Each entry is accompanied by a short explanatory annotation in English. It includes an index of abbreviations and a select bibliography, but it is annoying that it lacks a comprehensive index of all defined terms. In this first volume the content is good, and the explanations accurate and precise. Through the cross-referencing of terms it is possible to gain a view of the meaning of a particular concept in the totality of the system. Recommended for college libraries as well as for institutions involved in comparative educational research or cooperation--and for translators in this field. [us/mjc]

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