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1983/90 (1994). XXX, 422 p. - ISBN 3-598-11049-9 : DM 148.00
The original edition, to which this is the second supplement, covers the years 1945/62 and was published by Deutscher Verlags- Anstalt, Stuttgart (1966). The first supplement covers 1963/82 and was published by Saur (1984). Devoted to the subject of German- French relations, these bibliographies list dissertations, books (almost 10,000 in the 1994 volume) and journal, though not newspaper articles. It is organized into 16 classified sections, which are further subdivided. The subject index is in German and French. For the journals indexed in the 1994 volume one must consult the previous supplement. Works published after 1991 on the subject of French-German relations are now indexed by the annual Literaturdienst Frankreich (appearing in two series: ISSN 0942-6094 and ISSN 0941-7486). [ah/sl]
Ed. 6 (1994). - ISBN 2-930066-11-3 : FB 8,600
This directory (which was published from 1989 to 1992 under the title EEC Information Sources) lists address of EC offices and officials in Brussels as well as in the EC member states. It also includes sections on the European Parliament, press agents and journalists, advisors and attorneys involved in the EC, trade organizations, etc. The index (in English) directs users to topics and organizations, but not to individuals. [sh/sl]
Ed. 5. 1995 (1994). - ISBN 90-74373-04-6 :FB 3,300.00
Like the Directory above (95-1-118), this listing of approximately 6,500 entries is especially useful to lobbyists in Brussels. It is less expensive, but it offers less information than the Directory of EC Information Sources. Both need to be supplemented by other sources (such as Germany's EU- Almanach), especially for information regarding services offered in the member states. [sh/sl]
1994 (1995). - XXXIV, 336 p. - ISBN 92-826-9027-X : ECU 16.00
This directory to EC institutions (Parliament, Council, Commission, etc., etc.) is the print counterpart of the online IDEA (Institutional Directory of European Administrations) (available, it is claimed, via the Internet through the EC-host ECHO). Its "exhaustive index" is detailed, but difficult to use. Given the short shelf-life of the information contained in this volume, one should probably go straight to the electronic version, which is updated on an ongoing basis. [sh/sl]
4 (1994). - 161 p. - ISBN 92-826-2196-0 : free of charge
This directory of EC information sources is in German, English and French. It is divided into 19 sections of widely varying length, each with a short introduction and the relevant addresses in the member countries, e.g., for Euro bookshops, European documentation, reference and info-centers, data banks, etc. Useful only in the absence of a national directory, such as the EU- Almanach. [sh/sl]
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