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Stein's "Cultural Chronology" is the 10th updated and revised edition of this famous reference book. Chronological tables, which comprise the main body of the book, synoptically highlight events in all areas of human endeavor, spanning a period of 20 million years through 1992. Indexed.
Jung's "World History" is the second enlarged and revised edition of this book, first published in 1986. It is similar to Stein in arrangement, structure and size, but covers "only" 5 million years, up through 1993. While Stein renders more in-depth information for selected items and covers a longer historical period, Jung encompasses a broader range of subjects and provides more precise date for the covered events. Each of these books has its unique value for a public library, and each can supplement the other. [st/mj]
Being politically left-oriented, this dictionary clearly reveals the author's reflective perception and handling of science and society. About two hundred and sixty terms relating to European and United States history are explored in alphabetical order. Articles are not concise, the structure of the bibliography is weak, and no index is provided, a critical disadvantage in a reference book. Poor cross-references sometimes result in frustration for the reader. On the other hand, the author's discussion of terms relating to social approach to history are useful. Unfortunately, they lack the quality appropriate for a dictionary. Some important terms are missing. Some related articles, photographs, and illustrative materials are not cross-referenced. At best, recommended for students only as supplement to standard reference sources. [kuw/mj]
With 12,000 terms and 1800 illustrations (most in color), the author gathers universal historical epochs, terminology, country and culture, individual events, historical sites and persons into one lively volume. About 50 extended articles are devoted to selected themes; however, they fall short of the quality of those found in the Brockhaus encyclopedia. The quality of the interpretations varies, but they are reliable, concise, and easy for a layman to read. Bibliographic citations and cross-references are provided for entries for persons, although these references are not always clear and systematic. Selection of photographs is not done with necessary care. Similar to Meyers kleines Lexikon Geschichte (1987), with the visual appeal of Der farbige Ploetz (although not as strong graphically as the DTV-Atlas zur Weltgeschichte), this dictionary is very useful for a broad audience, in spite of its limitations. [kuw/mj]
Vol. 1. A - C. - 2nd ed. - 1993. - 479 p. ; 31 cm. - ISBN 88-7097-019-1 : Lit. 240,000.00
Both of these new works are based on the standard Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (1929, most recently reprinted in 1965). They are organized similarly, and both cover the same historical period (up to B.C. 600). Compared to Richardson's one-volume dictionary, Steinby's encyclopedia, projected to be published in five volumes, provides much broader and more detailed coverage of the subject and far more photographs and other illustrations. Steinby's work is more up-to-date, interpretations and discussions of the topics are more thorough, and articles are of higher quality. With contributions from leading scholars in the topography and archeology, the encyclopedia reflects the current state of research in the field. The encyclopedia should be considered as the new standard reference work on the topography of ancient Rome, while the dictionary might be useful as a supplementary reference book. [jm/mj]
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