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3 (1994). - 198 p. - DM 24.00
Despite its unprepossessing title, this book (now in its third edition) is, in fact, a very useful directory of 238 German historical societies and organizations of all kinds -- local history societies, historical commissions, state historical institutes, working groups, etc. Of special interest to librarians will be the information it offers on organizations' official name changes (with dates) and lists of official publications. [sh/bw]
1985/89 (1995) - ISBN 3-598-23430-9 : DM 428.00 1990 (1995) - ISBN 3-598-23431-7 P DM 138.00
This present volume covers the 5-year period 1985-1989 and is designated the fourth supplement to the original bibliography published in 1965, which encompassed works on Berlin through 1960. This continuation contains more than 15,000 items organized in a detailed (and effective) topical hierarchy. Books, chapters, essays and journal articles (but not newspaper articles or book reviews) are included. Each item is only listed in one place, so the topical index, which together with the author/title index is contained in a second volume, is essential. The enormous importance of the year 1989 to the history of Berlin gives this bibliography special significance. [sh/bw]
This encyclopedia, produced by the Berlin Press and Information Office, is consciously designed as a guide to Berlin as the newly designated "Bundeshauptstadt" (Capital of the Federal Republic). It is the work of 150 contributors from both West and East Berlin and contains 1440 topical entries (no personal names) arranged alphabetically. The integration of entries from East and West Berlin has not been entirely seamless and the reader can notice small inconsistencies. The 68 graphics and 94 tables are useful, and the 253 illustrations welcome, although the selection seems arbitrary.
This work focuses on the history of Braunschweig with 940 entries from 134 contributors. As one might expect, it contains a few general articles (e.g. "Architektur" [Architecture]) but most entries deal with specific buildings, streets, monuments, neighborhoods, significant companies and instituitions, local newpapers and journals, and deceased persons. Numerous small black and white photos serve as the only illustrations. In summary: a carefully produced historical encyclopedia on the model of the Augsburger Stadtlexikon. [sh/bw]
vol 1: A-L. -
1994. - 981 p.
vol 2: M-Z. - 1994. - p. 982-2137, XXXII p.
This is a decidedly idiosyncratic historical encyclopedia of the old, pre-1945 German city of Breslau (today Wroclaw, Poland) written by a single author, who came to his subject after a military career in which he served as a volunteer in "Fortress Breslau" in 1945. The length and quality of the entries reflect the author's predilections and personal expertise; the information they contain is sometimes only tangentially related to the history of Breslau. [sh/bw]
This work covers the city of Dresden with 2000 entries in the typical style of a historical encyclopedia. Topgraphical subjects are treated most extensively, with less coverage of instituitions and organizations. Entries on persons are limited to the deceased. The text is illustrated with numerous small-format photos, both color and black and white. An introductory essay on history of Dresden is illustrated with some impressive photos of the city before the destruction in WWII. There is an index but no map. [sh/bw]
Updated frequently since its first release in 1960 to reflect new construction and other changes to the city landscape, this lexicon is still mainly historical in orientation, occasional topical articles on "Verkehr" (traffic) or "Verkehrsverbund" (the urban transit network) notwithstanding. The work's compact size and format mean that the 830 articles are brief and anecdotal. Further victims of compression are the 146 b/w illustrations, which are the size of large postage stamps, and the references to other literature, which are infrequent. Though suitable as an initial orientation to its topic and for the general public, this book cannot be compared with other city reference works discussed on these pages. [sh/jg]
The Sparkasse (savings and loan bank) of Stade, a town of 50,000 located near Lüneberg in Lower Saxony, is the publisher of this lexicon honoring the town's first documented mention 1000 years ago. Fittingly for a former member of the Hanse and erstwhile capital of the Swedish duchies of Bremen and Verden, this volume's 1000 concise articles concentrate on historical topics and personalities, though there are several articles (e.g., "schools") that trace developments all the way to the present. Entries include bibliographical references, while the basic texts are presented separately at the beginning. Black-and-white pictures illustrate the volume adequately, though a city map would have been a desirable addition. [sh/jg]
A solid, well-designed, and reliable work with 1655 signed articles by 52 contributors, among them recognized experts. Numerous b/w illustrations, color plates, and a comprehensive name index add further to the value of this lexicon. Regrettable is the lack of bibliographic references, indeed of any bibliography whatsoever. (One could have at the very least noted the new Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Stadt Weimar, published by Böhlau in 1982.) Despite these shortcomings, the work is a treasure trove not only for historians, but also for Germanists whose interest is focused on the relatively brief period of Weimar's ascendancy associated with the name of J. W. von Goethe. [sh/jg]
This is not a "city lexicon" in the usual sense. The approximately 350 articles on the "people and places" of Weimar at the time of the German Klassik are truly inviting to read and should not be judged by the rigid standards one might apply to other and far dryer works of the genre. The author, well known through her own numerous works on Goethe, among them the popular calendar Mit Goethe durchs Jahr, is uniquely qualified to present such a work. In addition to articles of the expected length, others -- on topics such as "Geselligkeit in Weimar" (social life in Weimar) -- are significantly longer and almost encyclopedic in nature. Bibliographic notes are brief and the list of literature concluding the work comprises only 30 titles. Also, a subject and name index would have helped the reader get the most out of this book. [sh/jg]
Bd. 1. [A -
Da]. - 1992. - XXIV, 623 p. - ISBN 3-218-00543-4 : öS
Bd. 2. [De - Gy]. - 1993. - XIV, 652 p. - ISBN
3-218-00544-2 : öS 1200.00
Bd. 3. [Ha - La]. - 1994. - XIV, 700 p. - ISBN
3-218-00545-0 : öS 1200.00
With this multi-volume historical lexicon (95-2-290), Vienna has received a reference work of a quality commensurate with its status in the history of European capitals. Author Felix Czeike, longtime director of the Vienna City and Provincial Archives, is well known through his numerous contributions to the field of Vienna city history, perhaps especially for Das große Groner-Wien-Lexikon (Vienna: Molden, 1974), the articles of which have now been brought up to date, corrected where necessary, and incorporated in their entirety into this new work. Indeed, most of the Lexikon's approximately 25,000 entries are by Czeike himself; where not, the authors are uniformly noted. The scope of the articles includes: 1. buildings, in fact more than one quarter more than in Czeike's 1974 book, plus new construction of the last two decades; 2. biographical articles with reliable birth and death dates for 8000 historical individuals, whereby emigres are also included, "even when they reached the pinnacle of their productivity abroad," plus notes on the namesakes of streets, apartment complexes, etc.; 3. a wide range of subject terms from the vocabulary of secular and ecclesiastic institutions relevant to Vienna history. Bibliographic references are provided for most articles, though not enough to make up for the lack of a successor to Gustav Gugitz's five-volume Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Stadtkunde von Wien (Vienna: Verlag für Jugend und Volk, 1947-1962), but at least a resource which provides some bibliographic orientation for the period since Gugitz's work. The individual volumes of this work are appearing on schedule, so it is reasonable to expect the work to be complete by autumn 1996.
Czeike's other recent publication, the much more modest Wien: innere Stadt, is of course based on the aforementioned title, but it has been written for more casual visitors interested in the art, culture, and history of the city. It is, in fact, an expanded and updated version of the author's earlier Wiener Bezirkskulturführer (1983), which it supersedes. Somewhat awkwardly, the 500 architectural sights and sites are arranged by street name, meaning that most lookups will begin in the subject or personal index. 70 b/w illustrations. No references are provided. [sh/jg]
1 (1993). - separate pag. + keyword index (89 p.) - DM 160.00
Although business directories (of widely varying quality) to the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe are being published in relatively large numbers, the same cannot be said of governmental and administrative directories. So it is not surprising that Hungary's first general directory should be published by a company specializing in economic information and that its subtitle speaks directly to the field of economics. Indeed, this is also true of much of the work's contents, although all other areas of public life are accounted for as well (if not with consistent intensity), so that one can speak here of a Hungarian country directory. It lists approximately 4,700 corporate entities, with a good deal of interesting information. There are three name indexes (in Hungarian, German and English) and an accompanying subject index in German (presumably in Hungarian and English as well.) A more extensive and balanced selection would make this directory a model for other countries in eastern and southeastern Europe. [sh/sl]
Ed. 3 (1994). - 256 p. - ISBN 9979-3-0729-3 : price not provided
A listing of 1185 titles in print, this is the catalogue of available titles from the bookstore Máls og Menningar ("the largest bookshop in Iceland") on books about Iceland (including non-Icelandic titles, mainly in German and English.) The bibliographic descriptions are sufficiently complete and also indicate (not to be taken for granted in dealer catalogs) the publisher. The brief annotations, in English, are most helpful for selection decisions. Titles listed for the first time are marked with an asterisk, so that old decisions don't have to be revisited. Recommended to libraries as a selection tool for basic titles on Iceland. [sh/sl]
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