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1988/94 [1995]. - 35 p. - DM 32.00
1 (1993). - 23 p. - DM 32.00
2 (1994). - 44 p. - DM 32.00
3 (1995). - 40 p. - DM 32.00
The predecessor of the PhB was the Pharmaziegeschichtliche Rundschau, which appreared irregularly as a part of the Pharmazeutische Zeitung from 1955 to 1989. The PhB numbering indicates the year of publication; the items cited sometimes appeared several years earlier (back to 1991-92 for the 1993 volume, for example). Titles are organized by form: (1) periodical articles (2) reviews from periodicals (3) monographs (4) original reviews. The introduction is brief and leaves a number of questions unanswered, for example the completeness of the bibliography. There is no list of the periodicals reviewed. The index is not good; there is no real author index except for Part 4; there is no title index; the use of place names in subject entries is inconsistent; and the index points to the number of the citation, but these are not helpful, since the items are organized alphabetically by author in Parts 1-3. It is available on the World Wide Web, but this doesn't help its deficiencies. A worthy project, but we could expect more bibliographical professionalism.
A bibliography from the US which includes non-English international literature and cites German entries correctly, including the umlauts, is always worth mentioning. The compilers consider The History of Pharmacy to be a critically selected bibliography. Annotations are brief and descriptive. There are 1255 monographs and articles organized in three sections: (1) bibliographies and general works (2) special subject areas and topics and (3) pharmacy in the arts. Unfortunately, there is no subject index. [sh/vh]
This bibliography covers publications by Swiss authors regardless of whether the topic is Swiss; publications by others must relate to Switzerland to be included. There are two sections: (1) monographs and periodical articles except those included in section (2), which covers articles from the Schweizer Apotheker-Zeitung . There is no subject index. The bibliography is unprofessional, but will probably prevent a more satisfactory one from being compiled in the near future. [sh/vh]
This biographical dictionary includes over 300 Swiss pharmacists, among them foreigners who lived in Switzerland for lengthy periods. Living pharmacists are not covered. Contributions in professional, scientific, artistic, and other areas were considered in determining inclusion. Signed articles by 30 contributors appear in the languages normally used by the subjects of the articles. The articles vary substantially in length according to the number of resources available; they provide birth and death dates and places, a portrait (in about half the cases), biographical facts, information on the influence of the subject, offices held, publications, and publications about the subject (usually those used in writing the article only). A name and place-name index is provided. A good example of a national biographical dictionary of a profession. [sh/vh]
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