AB-96-4 -- Bibliographies and Catalogs


Eusko-bibliographia = Diccionario de bibliografía vasca: ensayo de un catálogo de libros, folletos, hojas y artículos de revistas referentes al País Vasco, clasificados por orden conjunto de autores, materias y nombres geográficos: 1981-1985 [Dictionary of Basque Bibliography: A Catalog of Books, Feuilletons, Brochures, and Magazine Articles Relating to the Basque Country . . .]. Jon Bilbao. Argitalpen Zerbitzua, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea = Universidad del País Vasco, [1996]- v. [1]. [A-B]. 28 cm. ISBN 8-47585-805-8; LCCN: 9618-2224 (set). ISBN 8-47585-806-6 (v. 1). $60.55 (1 v.)

An RRE/IFBA Original Review by Jeffry Larson (Yale University)

Jon Bilbao (1914-1994) was the Basque bibliographer-in addition to having been a cultural and political activist, both in the Spanish Civil War and the Basque resistance, and an American academic (at the University of Nevada-Reno from 1968 on). No other tool approaches his scope in the field. In hand is the first volume, covering the letters A and B, of the posthumous installment of his monumental bibliography of things Basque (including Basques abroad).

Bilbao began the enterprise, which he declared was not a Basque national bibliography, to support his doctoral thesis at Columbia University. Appearing in parts over three decades, it has a publishing history that is a little complicated. The original installment of Eusko-Bibliographia, covering publications up to 1960, appeared as Cuerpo C of the Enciclopedia general ilustrada del País Vasco (San Sebastián: Editorial Auñamendi, [1970-<1996>])-Cuerpo A and B consist of a Diccionario enciclopédico vasco and an Enciclopedia sistemática: [1] Arte, lengua y literatura; [2] Historia general de Euskalerria; [3] Etnología y sociología de los Vascos respectively. Volume 1 of Cuerpo C has a title page and forematter (dated 1968) in Basque, Castilian, French, English, and German. Its English subtitle indicates its scope: Dictionary of Basque Bibliography; A Cataloguing of Books, Pamphlets, Leaflets, and Journal Articles referring to the Basque Country, Classified by Author, Subject Matter, and Place Names. Generally, newspaper articles are excluded.

There are seven and two-thirds volumes in Cuerpo C for the pre-1960 entries. After the end of the main alphabetical sequence, the last 229 pages of Volume 8 (published in 1978) initiate the first supplement, for the period covering 1961-1975. The alphabetical sequence of the first supplement, however, goes only as far as Unión in Volume 10 of Cuerpo C (published in 1981). The balance, United States-Zytzar, is bound in on colored pages at the end of the separately titled supplement for the period 1976-1980, which appeared in 3 volumes with a different publisher as Eusko-Bibliographia = Diccionario de bibliografía vasca: ensayo de un catálogo de libros, folletos, hojas y artículos de revistas referentes al País Vasco, clasificados por orden conjunto de autores, materias y nombres geográficos: 1976-1980 (Bilbao: Servicio Editorial, Universidad del País Vasco, 1985-1987).

Eusko-Bibliographia is a dictionary index in one sequence for authors, titles, subjects (in Castilian), and major place names, with see-references and indices of subject and place name headings. Variant spellings of names are listed together in one place. There can be multiple entries for the same bibliographic item, occasionally with see-references for fuller information. Book reviews are indicated by asterisks. The supplements contain references to earlier installments and their reviews.

In the supplements the editorial matter is in Castilian and Basque. In the last supplement, the Prologue, largely biographical, is by Bilbao's successor as Director of the Eusko-Bibliographia.

To test Bilbao's coverage for 1981-1985, we have compared Eusko-Bibliographia with the MLA Bibliography Online for the same years; what one would think to be a test of the one turns out to be a revelation of the inadequacies of both. In the section on Pío Baroja, Bilbao lists 35 editions, the MLA only one-which Bilbao happens to omit. Of the 50 studies in the MLA, Bilbao gives 15; he generally overlooks comparative studies that omit Baroja's name in the title. In the "Introduction" to the original bibliography, he declares, ". . . even when dealing with Basque authors I have included only those works which in some sense are related to Basque subject matter"; perhaps that policy, if continued, explains some of the omissions. But also crucially omitted is David Billick's "Pío Baroja: A Checklist of Graduate Research, 1923-1980," in the Bulletin of Bibliography (1982).

Conversely, of the 49 secondary titles in Bilbao, the MLA gives 15; generally the MLA omits the local and popular titles. However, both of the generalizations about the respective omissions are rather porous. Both bibliographies omit citations from the same sources (authors or journals) that they use for other entries. Bilbao cites both of H. Ramsden's 1982 books on La Busca, while the MLA lists only one, apparently thinking the other, in the Critical Guides to Spanish Texts series, is a duplicate or ghost. The beginning student of Basque literature should obviously start with the MLA, but the exhaustive researcher on a specialized topic should be sure to complement it with Bilbao, which belongs with the original set in any serious Basque collection.


International Books in Print: English-Language Titles Published outside the United States and the United Kingdom. München [et al.]: Saur. 30 cm. Added subtitle as of 1988 ed.: English-language titles published in Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Continental Europe, Latin America, New Zealand, Oceania, and the Republic of Ireland. ISSN 0170=9348

1996, 1-2. ISBN 3-59822-133-9 (Pt. 1,12): DM 598.00. ISBN 3-59822-134-7 (Pt. 2,12): DM 598.00


International Books in Print Plus [Database]. Munich [et al.]: Saur

1996/97 (1996). 1 CD-ROM + User's guide in container. ISBN 3-5984-0347-X: DM 1,800.00

The 15th edition of this 2-part index, which is not substantially different from its predecessors, covers English-language titles from 7,000 publishers in 137 countries. Part 1 provides bibliographical information on individual titles (main entry under title with see references from author, editor) as well as information regarding publishers and distributors. Part 2 is a list of titles arranged by subject using Dewey Decimal classification, together with a preliminary overview of the subject classification scheme. There is also a country index and a personal name index. This index is also available on CD-ROM as a stand-alone product and as a subsection of Global Books in Print Plus. Despite its nine different access points in the basic search mode and enhanced search capabilities in the expert mode, the CD-ROM version offers very little improvement over its print equivalent. One is better advised to purchase only the title volume (Pt. 1) of the print version. Incidentally, buyers should be forewarned about the 1996 IBIP advertising brochure, which is fraught with misinformation. [sah/ldl]


Bibliographie faksimilierter Handschriften: von den Anfängen bis Ende 1992 [Bibliography of Facsimile Manuscripts: From the Beginnings through 1992] [Database]. Hans and Heidi Zotter. 2d ed. Graz: Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt, 1996. 1 diskette 3½" + Manual. ISBN 3-2010-165-5: ÖS 380.00, DM 55.00

This diskette version of a previously published Bibliography of Manuscript Facsimiles (1st ed. 1978) claims to cover the period up to 1992, but one must doubt its completeness: only three facsimile editions are listed for 1992, as opposed to 15 for the previous year. The latest manuscript date for this edition has been advanced from 1550 to 1600, and Hebrew manuscripts are now included. The total number of listed manuscripts is 1,052. The search software permits keyword searching with automatic right truncation. Searches can be limited by the name of the repository, but the browse features are restricted, and searches by categories or geographic names (which were made possible by the indexes in the print edition) are not an option. Entries can be printed out individually but not downloaded. Each entry provides details pertaining to the original manuscript, the facsimile reproduction(s), and the call numbers of the editions in a select group of libraries where these facsimiles can be found. There is also a useful bibliography in the accompanying printed manual pertaining to facsimile production. In spite of the weaknesses noted above, this is a useful product, as it is the only comprehensive listing of manuscript facsimiles available. [sah/ldl]


Katalog 1501-1840, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek = Catalogue 1501-1840, Bavarian State Library [Database]. München [et al.]: Saur, 1996. 1 CD-ROM + Installation diskette in container. ISBN 3-5984-0332-1: DM 2980.00, DM 894.00 (for subscribers to the printed preliminary ed.)

A preliminary edition of the catalog of early holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Alphabetischer Katalog 1501-1840), published in sixty volumes (1987-1990), offered access to its contents only by author and title. This final edition, on CD-ROM, provides all the modes of access typical of this medium. It runs under Windows (version 3.1 or higher) and requires minimally a PC with a 486 processor, 8 MB RAM, 10 MB free hard disk storage, DOS 3.3, a color monitor with VGA graphic card, and a mouse. The language of the user interface may be set for German or English at installation. Publication of detailed documentation is planned, but it will not appear until 1997. In the meantime, contextsensitive online help provides good support. Purchasers of the original print edition receive a 70% discount on the CD-ROM version, although the free and user-friendly online database BVB (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern = Bavarian Library Consortium) provides more search options than the CD. [sah/mjc]


Bibliographie der Flugschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts [Bibliography of 16th Century Pamphlets]. HansJoachim Köhler. Tübingen: Bibliotheca-Academica-Verlag. 25 cm. (Dr. Hans-Joachim Köhler, Am Höhinger Felsen 4, 78736 Epfendorf/Neckar)

Pt. 1. Das frühe 16.Jahrhundert [Early 16th Century]: (1501-1530)

Vol. 3. Druckbeschreibungen M-S [Description of Imprints M-S]. 1996. xvi, 541 p. ISBN 3-9284-7103-1: DM 460.00

Part 1, volume 3 of this work contains only the alphabetical listings M-S for publications from 1501 to 1530. Volume 4 will complete the alphabet, volume 5 will contain the index, and volumes 67 will list title keywords. The publication date for part 2 (pamphlets from 1531-1600) is not yet set, but will come after the completion of the microfiche edition of selected texts from the bibliography. This bibliography is a necessary complement to the Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts, which lists no pamphlets, and represents a noteworthy contribution to the retrospective German national bibliography. [sh/mjc]


Catalogue général, imprimés des origines à 1970, Bibliothèque Nationale de France [General Catalog from the Beginnings to 1970, National Library of France] [Database]. Paris: Editions Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 1996. 6 CD-ROM + User's guide. (Catalogues, Bibliothèque Nationale de France). £2,600.00 (Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., The Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8SW, Fax 44 1223 215514, E-Mail: marketing@chadwyck.co.uk)

With the conversion to CD-ROM of over 3,000,000 entries listing French imprints from the beginnings to 1970 in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the BNF (French National Library) has completed the first phase of an ambitious project. At present, this cumulation from various extant print or microfiche catalogs is far from complete and the coverage is mixed. For example, anonymous works are covered here only for the acquisition years 1960-1969, even though another of the library's electronic projects, not included, could have supplied anonymous titles for the 15th through 18th centuries. With the project under time constraints, the data from the source catalogs were left uncorrected. This resulted in approximately 100,000 duplicates. No name authority work was undertaken. Titles in non-Latin script are often not transliterated and are therefore rendered useless. Only in the minority of cases are multi-volume sets given uniform bibliographic control. Subject access relies on a classification system dating to 1661 that gives mixed results at best, but keyword and thesaurus options can help. With six discs, the catalog calls for the use of a CD-tower; exchanging discs on a single drive is slow and frustrating. Four formats are available in a full entry: UNIMARC, UNIMARC with full field descriptors, ISBD, and public view with field descriptors. Search histories can be stored up to 100 titles. The interface and context-sensitive help screens are very user-friendly, but do not atone for the above-mentioned weaknesses in content. If it were clear that the next version were coming out fairly soon, it would be wise to wait. This is an important bibliographic work, not so much as a cumulation of catalogs, but rather in its function as a retrospective French national bibliography. [sah/rdh]


Bibliographie nationale française depuis 1970 [French National Bibliography since 1970] [Database]. Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris: Chadwyck-Healey France. (Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., The Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8SW, Fax 44 1223 215514, EMail: marketing@chadwyck.co.uk)

1996, août.[1] 2 CD-ROM + installation diskette and manual in container. £1,145.00 (quarterly)

Besides the serial French national bibliography in print, a parallel CD-ROM version has been published since 1989. Beginning with holdings published 1970 or later, it forms a continuation to the Catalogue générale listed above. Entries on the two discs are updated four times a year for the main series Livres (books) from 1970, for official publications since 1987, and for serial publications since 1960. The RTIS DOS interface is the same that has been used for a number of other products (e.g., Deutsche Nationalbibliographie [reviewed in IFB in 1994], Ulrichs Plus, Global BIP, BIP Plus). Full entries can be shown in ISBD, a catalog card format, a user-defined format, and UNIMARC with or without field descriptors. The user interface, as with the Catalogue générale above, can be set to French or English, though the user manual is only available in French. Since the files are distributed over both discs, there is some inconvenience to the constant changing if a single drive is used. Since the data indexed here are extracted from the OPAC of the French national library, BN-opale (login: opale), monographs, periodicals, and even full-text documents can be searched by telnet. On a second OPAC, entries of maps, graphics, audio-visual materials, scores, coins, and medals can be searched. A database for manuscripts is under construction. Information about the national library and easiest access to the catalogs is available via the BN's Website . [sah/rdh]


Brinkman's Cumulative Catalogue on CD-ROM: Dutch National Bibliography = Brinkman's cumulatieve catalogus op CD-ROM [Database]. Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Houten: Bohn, Stafleu, Van Loghum

Backfile 1981-89 [1996]. 1 CD-ROM + 1 Diskette (installation and retrieval software) + manual/handleiding (1995) in binder. ISBN 90-313-1798-5: Hfl. 4,720.00, Hfl. 5601.25 (with current file)

Current file from 1990 onwards 1996,1. 1 CD-ROM + 1 Diskette (installation and retrieval software) + manual/handleiding (1995) in binder. ISBN 90-313-1939-2: Hfl. 3,251.25 (6 issues per year)

The software and user interface for this collection of Dutch national bibliographic data are the same as the ones used for Bibliographie nationale française depuis 1970 [above] and for the German national bibliography (see IFB Review of this interface). Brinkman's contains entries for book trade publications and announcements, grey literature and dissertations, but no maps. The backfile disc (1981-1989) has roughly 255,000 titles, while the current file disc, as of 1996,1 had around 195,000 titles. Each bimonthly update brings approximately 8,000 new titles. Due to variations between dates of publication and announcement, there are nearly 30,000 pre-1981 titles on the backfile and just over 20,000 pre-1990 titles on the current file. Dutch or English can be chosen as the interface language. Entries can appear in catalog card format, in "detailed" format with field descriptors, in user-defined, PicaPlus, or UNIMARC formats. UNESCO and Dutch book trade (NUGI) subject access points are provided. Bookmarks are not possible. Under the "categories" choice in the menu, a delimitation can be made to search only new titles that have appeared since the last update. The user manual in Dutch and English is thorough and contains numerous examples. Since depository titles at the Dutch national library have been digitalized back to publication date 1974 and are searchable in that library's OPAC, access to the older titles is available online. [sah/rdh]

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